chapter 48

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*Sangwoo's pov*

I take one last glance at Yuki, who didn't dare look me in the eye.
I turn my heel, and walk away back to my car.
My eyes never leaving the ground as I walked.
As Yang's words flooded into my head, it made me want to punch the nearest wall.
The nearest person.
I would've kicked Yang's ass but the last place I want to end up is behind bars.
'At least I make her feel more loved, and pleasured.'
Ugh. That cocky bastard.

I make it to my car, and get in, slamming the door behind me.
I tightly grip the steering wheel to try and calm my trembling nerves.
But I knew that it was far from late to try and calm my nerves at this point.
I had the familiar itch I knew all to well.
The itch to kill.
I didn't care who it was at this point, I had my heart broken by my once best friend, who went off and is now with the gloomy prick.
Fucking slut.
I shouldn't have let her get away, we were so set on getting married that I fucked up.
Even though she started the damn fight by bad mouthing Yoonbum.
I snapped yes, and I really do regret it.
But why waste my time on her....s....she wasn't worth my time....

I snap out of my thoughts, turning the key in the ignition and started to drive.
I couldn't take the overbearing pain in my chest.
Yuki Kurosawa, the girl who I thought was just for me.
We were just right for each other.
We both murdered our families and got away with it, even tho she killed her father, and siblings when she was in middle school, and I killed my family when I was in high school.
We were both sick and twisted in the head.
But of course we were the only two to keep our secrets, while everyone around us thought we were the perfect normal couple.
Heh....if only they truly knew.

I stop the car in front of the same bar I crossed paths with Yuki.
A painful memory that's gonna be repeating in my head until I fucking die.
Ugh damnit..why Yang Seungbae of all fucking people?!
That's the last person I ever want to fucking see again and he ruined my life a second time.
He just won't quit until he wins!
Well I'm not going to back down so easily.
If it's a fight he wants, it's a fight he'll get.
No one will dare mess with me and live to tell about it.
Enjoy what you can Yuki, you fucking bitch.
Suffer the way you are making me suffer.

Her Last Words (A Killing Stalking Story)Dove le storie prendono vita. Scoprilo ora