A giant hand with painted nails squeeze itself out and grabbed the rupees so desperately that she almost clawed her saviors, [Thank you. You are too kind...]

A moment later she started moaning, causing both Kagome and Link to awkwardly look at each other, [Aah...the power...it's OVERFLOWING!!!!] The moaning that came after caused the two friends to back away from the pod that's started splitting at the seams with oddly sparkling gas and soon a giant flower that may or may not look like a rafflesia bloomed in front of them, a giant figure bursting out from the glowing and sparkling water of the fountain with a satisfied moaned, "Ah-HAAAAAAAAA!!!"

Cotera opened her eyes and saw a beautiful couple staring up at her with a blank look, "HAHHHHH....! What a feeling! That first breath of fresh air after an eternity of decay...it's just so intoxicating," She studied the two, "Why, would you look at you two...my saviors..." She gave the two a blow of kiss and winked at the blushing boy and the weird out girl. But something seemed odd to Cotera, the girl has energy inside her that she has only ever seen from the sages of old while the boy carried a familiarity to him. Filing the peculiarity away, she thanked them, "Thanks to the two of you, I have returned to my former glory. And as they say – one good turn deserves another. I can help you two,"

She pointed at Link, "Boy, let me help enhance your clothing. It's the least I can do, but I will still need necessary materials..." She turned her manicured finger to a bewildered Kagome, "Girl, you have inside you a powerful gift but it has been blocked. Let me unleash it for you," With that she dipped her hand into her beautiful water and sprinkled it all over Kagome who feel as though the weight that she never noticed in her limbs being lifted out. She looked at her hands in wonder, "What was that?"

Link noticed that the water that trickled to ground look oddly dirty. He looked at Cotera who frowned, "Hmm... with just my power alone this will take more than one purification ..."

Link asked, "What can I do to help her?"

Cotera smiled, "I can sense my sisters spread across the land. If you can do for them what you have done for me then it will help her access her gift easier. Also, with our powers combined we can enhance your clothing even more than any mortal touch can do," She tapped her chin, "As for now...you do not have the necessary materials for even the clothes on your back," She then give Link a list of items that she needed to help enchant his clothes to be sturdier.

Kagome asked, "What about stealth sets?"

After much discussion, Kagome promised to bring the set to her fountain and Cotera bid them goodbye as she returned to her realm under the water. Link finally remembered to take a picture and they returned to a waiting Pikango. He had commented that he had expected for the Great Fairy Fountain to be less...gaudy...

Pikango shrugged, "Well, I'm impressed you found it. As promised, I will show you my appreciation by accepting to give you my services in exchange for helping me with the Great Fairy Fountain!"

Link had then asked about a picture in his album and Pikango brightened, "A large gate with a snowy mountain beyond it...oh! I know that place! There's a big mountain east of this village called Mount Lanayru!" He pointed in the direction beyond the forest they just came out of, "At the base of Mount Lanayru, on the west side of Naydra Snowfield, lies that gate. I'm almost certain! I'm glad I knew about that location," He grinned, "Supposed my help was useful then?"

Kagome nodded, "Thanks, Pikango!"

Pikango waved his hand happily at her thanks, "If there's any other place you're seeking, don't be shy! Just come over and ask me if you see me outside Kakariko! As long as I have been and seen it, I'll help you locate it!" With that, he split away from them and the two returned to Kakariko to find Sesshoumaru helping Koko with her cooking. Kagome waved at him, "Hey, Sesshoumaru! How're you feeling?"


"I take it as you feeling better," She nodded in return before asking, "Uh...Sesshoumaru...do you...feel anything different with me?"

His lantern eyes turn to her and he nodded, "Something holy has returned to this land a moment ago. The pressure from the Calamity has lessen,"

Kagome gawked before looking at an equally delighted Link, "Alright! No matter how much rupees it cost us, we will rescue those Great Fairies!" Link gave her an energetic nod of agreement; it seemed that the Great Fairies returning to Hyrule will help not only him and Kagome, but also Sesshoumaru with his sickness. Kagome had sat down and explained to Sesshoumaru what had occurred with the Great Fairy Cotera, "And I am wondering if bathing myself with her fountain's water will help me access my power easier?"

Sesshoumaru studied her, which made Kagome squirm from the heavy gaze, before nodding, "Your spiritual power's fighting back the Calamity's effect. Even now, my head feels lighter by just being around you,"

Kagome breathed in relieve, "That's good to know," But she then added, "But I am not going to stop you with your 'treatment'," By 'treatment' she meant feeding him small doses of her blood. Sesshoumaru nodded in agreement, "We cannot take that chance,"

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