Gathering his courage that he was apparently famous for, Link pushed the doors open and saw a small elder waiting on stacked pillow on a dais at the end of the hall...

As the door closed, Kagome can hear her greeting Link before noting the lack of recognition on his face. She then looked at Paya while Sesshoumaru decided to lounge on the floor with his back against the wall,
"Well! That went well..."

Paya apparently overheard her grandmother's words and looked at Kagome nervously, "Di...did he...?" Unable to finish her words, she looked at Kagome with imploring eyes and Kagome smiled kindly, "He lost his memories...but he's recalling bits and pieces,"

Paya looked sad at the answer and nodded, "Grandmother did mention that it was a possibility that he will forget in his long slumber..." She then wondered, "But how...did he know that he...need to see grandmother?"

Kagome blinked before chuckling and rubbing her neck nervously, "Well, you...believe in ghost?"


Kagome blushed, "Well, do you?"

Paya blinked at the odd question before nodding, "We as the Sheikah clan do believe that sometimes the soul of the deceased will come and give us aid in time of our need..."

Kagome let out the breath she didn't know she was holding, "Phew, alright! At least I won't sound crazy!" She sat down and gestured at Paya, "But you should still sit for this story I'm about to tell you..." Paya complied with her request and Kagome started a story about meeting an Old Man on the Great Plateau on her journey and seeing Link coming out of the Shrine of Resurrection with the Old Man who was apparently been waiting for Link. She proceeded to tell Paya about the trials that Link had to go through, the story that Kagome's sure Paya knew about Hyrule's history a hundred years ago and finally the Old Man's true identity being that of the late King Rhoam Bosphoramus Hyrule giving them their quest to seek Impa before passing on.

Being Sheikah, Paya can tell that Kagome hid something from her but the rest of the story regarding Link and the ghost of the last King of Hyrule were true, "I see..."

At that moment, Link stepped out and called, "Kagome, Lord Sesshoumaru, Lady Impa would like to see you both,"

Paya blinked for a moment before gasping as she stared at the strange looking Hylian, "L-L-Lord?!!!"

Kagome giggled as she stood up, "Don't mind us too much, Paya. Sesshoumaru don't really care," About her, that is. She looked as Sesshoumaru waited for her to come inside. Once she stepped through the doors, she looked at the small but carrying an intimidating air elder sitting on her pillows. Bowing politely, she greeted her, "Good evening, Lady Impa. I am Kagome Higurashi and here with me is Lord Sesshoumaru of the Western Land," She had discussed with Sesshoumaru while Link disappeared into the shrine over the Squabble River about what to say when meeting Impa.

Sesshoumaru had informed her that Sheikah Clan are a very suspicious clan of outsider, considering that they were the equivalent of spies for the Royal Family of Hyrule it made sense. So honesty will be her friend when talking to Impa since Kagome will have to do most of the talking considering she's more fluent in the Hylian language. As it was, the fact that she gave away Sesshoumaru's title with his permission caught Impa's attention, "I have never heard of the title Lord of the Western Land,"

Reminding herself that she have faced certain death at the end of Sesshoumaru's ire back in his father's tomb, Kagome ignored the sharp eyes turned on her as she gulped back her nervousness and kept her voice level, "That will be because we are not of Hyrule or of any lands surrounding Hyrule," With a glance to Sesshoumaru who nodded, Kagome explained to Impa of her and Sesshoumaru's unique situation and why they offered to aid Link in his journey.

Kagome also told Impa that the late King Rhoam Bosphoramus Hyrule knew of this and had advised them to seek her out for help. She asked, "That being said, milady, I would like to humbly ask for your help to gather information that may explain to us what exactly is going on with our presence here in Hyrule. Or perhaps even a clue that can help send us home,"

Impa hummed, noting that the tall Lord said nothing but this Kagome girl did say that he lacked fluency in their language, discussion with him will have to be done through the girl who had been adopted by the Gerudo tribe. Impa then asked, "Should you gain information before the completion of Link's journey, what then? Will you abandon him to his cause while you merrily return home?"

Link frowned minutely but Impa ignored the peculiar expression when the Lord spoke for the first time since entering her abode, "No. We will not abandon him,"

A look was sent to the girl Kagome who understood as she translated him, "This Sesshoumaru is not so dishonorable as to abandon a worthy ally to face an adversary that had laid a whole nation to ruin. We will stay until his quest and duty meet its end proper. After all, who's to say that this Calamity Ganon will not follow us home? Abandoning a quest of this magnitude on the shoulder of a single warrior is foolish, in the first place, regardless that he is the only who can undo Calamity Ganon,"

Kagome smiled as she and Sesshoumaru declared their iron clad will that they have unanimously agreed on, "We will never abandon Link!"

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