Link gaped at the sight. It was all so...peaceful. If it wasn't because they have seen the ruins and marks of a forgotten battle on the way to Kakariko, one could think that all was right in the world. Somewhere in his brain flashed with pain and he stopped, barely smothering the whimper of pain climbing his throat. But Sesshoumaru's ears can still hear him and Kagome picked up on her companion's sudden interest in Link so she looked at the Hylian of their group. Gasping, she rushed to Link's side as his temple sweated from the pain pounding in his head, "Link, are you okay?"

Link felt nauseous, "I think...I remembering this place,"

Realization dawned on Kagome, "You've been here..."

He smiled at her slightly, "More than been here...I think I have trained here..."

Kagome smiled and pushed him to take a seat, ordering him to rest until whatever nausea passed him by when she heard someone falling on the side. Looking up she saw an elder on the ground and gasped, "Are you okay!?"

The elder smiled at her concern, "Traveler! I'm sorry, but I seemed to have twisted my ankle..." She then struggled to stand up and Kagome being herself quickly bent down to help her. She then knelt down, "Can I see your ankle?" Noticing the confusion on the elder's face, she smiled with reassurance, "Just to be sure that you didn't break anything,"

Link came close and watched over Kagome's shoulder as she tenderly pressed the elder's ankle before humming and nodding with relief and satisfaction, "Hmm...let's see seemed you just tripped on a rock or something, your ankle's fine!"

The elder smiled, "Why thank you, young one! I'm sorry you have to see me like that,"

Kagome waved her hand as she laughed, "That's okay. I know that your brain and limbs sometimes miscommunicate when you get older. My gramps sometime tripped over nothing too!" Kagome then introduce herself and her company, "My name's Kagome Higurashi, this here is Link and that over there is Sesshoumaru,"

The lady smiled, "Call me Nanna..." Her eyes then landed on Link's hip, "Say traveler...where did you get that...object hanging from your waist?"

Kagome and Link looked at the Sheikah Slate hanging on his belt; Sesshoumaru quickly came closer to stare down on Nanna with silent warning. The elder ignored him as she stared at Link, eyes sharp and calculating, despite the sweat trickling down her neck from the heavy stare coming for the tall silver one. Link then decided to answer, "Well, you see...I woke up with it,"

Nanna nodded, understanding came over her as she saw how guarded his companion became over him, "I see...that Sheikah Slate is a symbol. It means that you're the Hero of Legend. Though there are few who know of such legends anymore..." She then smiled kindly at them, "But we Sheikah have been waiting for you for a very long time. Please...before all else, I must insist that you meet with our leader, Lady Impa,"

Link brightened and asked, "Where is she?"

Nanna turned and pointed at the grandest building at the end of the valley surrounding Kakariko Village, surrounded by waterfalls, "Lady Impa's House is below Lantern Falls – just over there," She turn back to the company, "In any was real honor meeting you. Heh, I supposed you're used to that, living as long as you have,"

Link looked down as he gave her a sad smile, "No...not really..."

He and Kagome then thanked the kind Sheikah lady while Sesshoumaru walked past her imperiously as they group continued on their journey. Unheard by them but Sesshoumaru, he can hear the elder thanking her Goddess and can scent the relieve flowing from her pores.

This one sided war had gone on long enough...

As they group passed through the village, curious gaze landed on them. A beautiful greeter called out to them just outside and clothing store named Enchanted, "Hey! Come in! New clothes! Cute outfit!" She then saw Kagome, "Oh my! I have never seen Gerudo fashion up close before! You're so beautiful!"

Kagome blushed. She knew she should be used to compliment from working at Starlight Memory and Fashion Passion, but she still can't get used to being noticed for her look rather than her temper. Then the girl saw Link, "...oh my, what's this? Look at that FACE! You're TOTALLY my type! Hi~!" She waved at Link impishly, making the Hylian blush and Kagome snorting in amusement beside him.

Her eyes then widened when she saw what was hanging on Link's belt, "Wait...huh? A Sheikah Slate?!" Her shocked shout caused Link to jump back from shock before Kagome's giggling uncontrollably on the side calmed him down as the girl continued, "Isn't that incredible thing that only incredible people can have? I'm not sure what all this means, mister...but it seemed that you are great deal more important than you appear,"

Sesshoumaru grabbed the two; one confused and the other amused, and lead them to the clearing before a guarded house belonging to Impa. One thing circulated in his mind; Link's Sheikah Slate giving away his identity....

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