Sesshoumaru looked away, "Hn...this one is fine,"

Link studied him, watching his movement for any signs of hidden pain before nodding, satisfaction rolling off of his person before running toward Kagome who had cheerfully called him, "Link!" She pointed at a peculiar sight, "What kind of race is that? I never heard the Gerudo mentioned them in any of my lesson. Unless...he's actually a monster..."

Sesshoumaru looked forward and noticed what she meant. It was vegetative in appearance, almost radish-like in shape and reminded him of wasabi with its coloring. Link tilted his head, noticing how it seemed to tremble as it looked at a rock formation that looked a lot like a gated entrance made of rocks, the familiar sounds of Bokoblins reaching his tapered ears. He looked at his friends who stared at the strange being but neither looked particularly alarmed, only curious but wary. Then again, this being acted more like an actual person worried about monsters nearby than a monster themselves.

Link takes a gamble and approached the tall vegetable-like person, "Hello?"

"Shalaka?!" His voiced suggested the gender being male as he jumped from being addressed, "You...You can see me?!"

Link nodded, "I can see you," He wondered why this being asked him that question before pointing at his companions, "And so can they," Kagome sheepishly waved beside a complete passive Sesshoumaru who only stared at the wasabi-like creature. It also reminded him of a radish deity he once came across during a vacation with his mother as a child in the spirit realm at a famous bath house that was famous for its medicated bath that can cleanse any and all taint from dealing with humans and their hubris.

"Shala-zah! Shala-kah! It has been a hundred years since anyone can see me!" He cried happily, "My name is Hestu and I need your help!" The now named Hestu pointed to the sound of merry making Bokoblins behind the rocks, "Those monsters over there stole my beloved maracas. I think they are still there on the other side of those rocks. I can't use my powers without them., please...PLEASE get my maracas back from them!"

Before either Link or Kagome, the two bleeding hearts, could agree to Hestu's request Sesshoumaru asked, "Why help?"

Hestu stared at the tall, silver one dumbly, "Shoko?"

Sesshoumaru asked again after looking at Kagome to translate him, Kagome obediently translates his words into Hylian tongue, "This one do not believe in meaningless kindness. The world does not work that way. Empty kindness paves way for those who will take advantage of it. So, tell this Sesshoumaru, what can you offer in return for our help?"

Link took his words as a lesson. He knew Kagome was willing to help out of the kindness of her heart just like she does with him, but in turn he had to help with carrying Sesshoumaru to Rhoam's hut. But that was just him and her, but Link does not remember this world beyond the Great Plateau. And if Kagome's silence was any indication, Sesshoumaru have a good reason for doing what he did. He's being careful of others simply because they do not know Hestu enough to know if he's someone with an honest intention or with an ulterior motive of his own.

Kagome on the other hand, a little miffed that Sesshoumaru would demand something whenever someone asked them for help. But she understood that he has his reason thus she follow his lead. Like him, she does not know Hyrule and its people well. Even when with the Gerudo, she had to help around to keep his presence in the Gerudo Town a secret for the sake of both hers and his safety. No help can come free or cheap. They can only afford to do that with each other and no one else but even that in turn for getting home. So she's not going to be a hypocrite and call him out on his actions. Besides, Sesshoumaru have more experience in travelling than she did and Link have not enough memory.

Hestu jumped merrily on his stubby feet, "With my power I can expand your inventory!"

Kagome's eyes blazed, "You mean you can turn my packs into what Link's travel pack? So I can only need to carry one of his sizes and not worry about weight?"

Sesshoumaru heard her and the excitement coming from her was like spice, so he decided that was no stopping her if this was the truth. Even more when this Hestu fellow nodded, "Shalaka! Yes! Yes! That is true! But I need my maracas to perform the spell,"

Kagome turn her blazing eyes on a way Sesshoumaru, growling; "We are DOING this!"

He then told Kagome to help his ask Hestu what can and cannot be placed in the magical travel pack. Turn out they can carry a whole lot of food, ingredients or cooked, up to a certain amount. Even weapons and materials can be carried inside the travel pack with no weight added. Sesshoumaru stared at the lone magical travel pack from Link's waist before weighing the pros and cons, the former weighing more and more.

He finally nodded, "Let's do this,"


Kagome roar of excitement can scare even the mightiest Hinox of Hyrule...

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