Beside him, Kagome stirred awake and yawned, flashing her tiny human teeth at him. He found himself studying her blunt incisors for a moment and felt his own tongue touching his sharper fangs. Blue eyes flashed open and met gold. Kagome smiled, "Good morning, Sesshoumaru,"

Turning around to find a secluded corner, she started her daily ablution. Returning, she saw a humble breakfast waiting for her in the form of seared meat. Thanking Sesshoumaru, she had her breakfast while staring at the newcomer staring into space ahead while muttering something. Curious, she asked Sesshoumaru, "What's with him?"


She stiffened before looking at him. He frowned back and she shrugged, "Might make some rupees?"

Knowing how important money is when one is on a journey, he reluctantly agreed to her pleading eyes. Kagome grinned back at him and gathered her things before approaching the Hylian, the first she has ever seen beyond the walls of Gerudo Town. She had spied Hylian merchants wandering outside the walls and most were refused entry due to their gender so she had never spoken to them.

A bit nervous speaking to a foreigner, her blasted timid Japanese blood kicking in, she greeted the man, "What's wrong?"

He turned worried eyes to her, jumping a little away to stare at the smallest Gerudo warrior he has ever set eyes on. Then he noticed her fair skin, much like a tanned Hylian spent too much time under the sun, and finally her lacking ears-! No wait, she has the smallest ears he have ever seen on anyone that's not of the other three races who actually seemed to really lack any signs of having ears he had wondered how they even hear anything.

Kagome cleared her throat, used to people staring at her 'exotic' look. This brought the man back to his senses and he shifted, "Well, I was travelling with my friends and we were attacked by monsters on the way here. I managed to get away, I can't..."

"I can help you find them,"

He studied her very small frame and shook his head, "I can't possibly let a woman be in danger,"

Kagome narrowed her eyes at him, "You know...most Gerudo would smack you all the way to kingdom come for that insult,"

He paled, "Sorry, I didn't mean to insult...I just..."

Kagome then grinned, "Besides, my friend's with me," Hopefully said 'friend' won't bite her to death for calling him that. The Hylian turned behind him and squeaked when he saw the tall Gerudo male behind him, glaring down at him so coldly he wondered if he really was near Gerudo Desert because it certainly felt like he's in the Hebra region.

He shivered, "Oookay....?"

He then told her about his four friends and their names. Kagome took a deep breath as they walked toward the direction Sesami came from, "Alright Kagome. This is it! You can do this!" She shivered, "Doesn't matter that the Head Captain and Ilya isn't around to cover you this're on your own...heading toward a possible suicide mission to save people you don't even know..."

She slowed down along with her words, her eyes wide with dawning fear as the realization that she's really on her own this time...


Kagome blinked as Sesshoumaru's voice broke through her self-reflect. She smiled at him as she swallowed her fear, "Yes?"

He pointed one sharp claw above them where the monsters somehow managed to build crude walkways that no height phobic individual would ever want to step on, "Is that one of them?"

She looked at where he pointed and saw one girl screaming as she tried defending herself from Bokoblins. Kagome shrugged, "I guess so. Won't hurt to save her anyway. Let's go!"

Near dawn break, she finally managed to find all of them. She has also sworn off of crudely made walkway without proper railing. The feeling of the poorly cared weather beaten woods creaking as though about to give way under her foot still traumatize her long after she returned to the stable.

Although to be honest, she wasn't alone. She cast her eyes toward a grumpy Sesshoumaru who had taken the brunt of most of the attacks that she had clumsily missed with a boko shield he grabbed along the way from one of the dead monsters. The way he completely trashed the Moblins with their dropped weapons have completely traumatized the then deceased remnants as he bared his fangs back at them.

She also has a feeling, as they walked back toward the stable, that he was scheming something that won't be pleasant for her at all.

His ember hued eyes glimmered red from the flickering light of the fireplace and she shivered.

Sesshoumaru looked positively evil...

SessKag; Breath of the WildWhere stories live. Discover now