(HF) Chapter Fourteen: Wandering Dragon

Start from the beginning

Lyci: Okay... We got this!

(After the battle, Kanaya, Kana, Shigure, and Lyci stand in front of Lilith)

Kana: I'm glad everyone's safe... 

Shigure: The others are going to scout the area to make sure that we're not at risk of being attacked again. It's better to be safe than sorry. 

Lyci: I think now is the perfect time to introduce you to my mother. 

Kanaya: It's nice to meet you!

Lilith: You have a dragonstone... 

Kanaya: Yeah! I can transform into a dragon just like my parent!

Kana: So can I!

Lilith: I see... Corrin's children... Lyci and Shigure told me that they were going to try and find you. 

Kanaya: That's right. 

Lilith: I fought alongside Corrin during the war... So much has happened since those days... But now isn't the time to reminisce. After all, there's a lot of important business to take care of first. 

Kana: Um... Which timeline are you from? 

Shigure: I told them about the two different endings to the war already, in case you hadn't noticed. 

Lilith: That's for the best... I'm from the timeline where Hoshido won the war. I traveled over here with Lyci some time ago. 

Kanaya: What about the version of you that should be in this timeline...?

Shigure: We aren't sure... There's the possibility that she was transformed into one of the actual invisible soldiers who fights mindlessly against us. 

Lyci: She was lucky to not give into that back in our own timeline... But maybe this version... 

Lilith: We don't need to think about that now. 

Shigure: I agree. Why drag down the mood?

Lilith: Did you tell them that I had a few things for them?

Kanaya: He mentioned it briefly... 

Lyci: She's been holding onto a few things for us. It makes it kind of hard for her to move around a lot with all of them, but... 

Kana: What are they?

Lilith: Follow me.

(The group follows Lilith over to a rock sticking out of the ground. Shigure and Lyci remove the rock, revealing a hole in the ground. Inside of the hole, many weapons can be seen)

Kanaya: Woah...! There are so many of them!

Shigure: Unfortunately... These weapons come with grim news. 

Lyci: Before we met up with you all... We went back to see what happened to your parents using the stones of the Vallite mines. 

Kana: What happened...?

Shigure: ...I am afraid... They lost their battles. 

Kanaya: No...!

Kana: This can't be happening...!

Lyci: I'm sorry... 

Shigure: We collected their legendary weapons for you and your companions. You can use them in the coming war against Thalone to avenge your parents. 

Kana: He has to be stopped...

Kanaya: He hurt so many people...!

Shigure: Here you are... The two versions of the Yato sword. 

Lilith: I know this is a lot to take in all at once, but... You should take up these weapons for the sake of those who can no longer do so. 

Lyci: Besides, this might not be the end... Right, Shigure?

Shigure: Lyci is right. I've been thinking, and there might be a way to reverse what has happened. 

Kana: How...?

Lyci: We'll need to stop Thalone. Afterwards, we'll be able to find a solution. 

Kanaya: We have to fight him then!

Lilith: I was hoping you would say that... Take up the Yato blades. Use the power of your parents to defeat Thalone once and for all. The future is counting on you... And so are the people who have perished in this fight. 

(Kana and Kanaya both take up the Yato swords when Lilith hands them the blades. In the moments that follow, both of them promote to their second tier classes. Kanaya becomes a Hoshido Noble while Kana becomes a Nohr Noble.)

Lilith: You can do this... I promise. 

Kana: We're going to win!

Kanaya: Thalone won't know what hit him!

Lilith: I trust you all to bring this world victory. 

Kana: You aren't coming with us?

Lilith: I'm going to see if there's anything else important for me to learn about involving this war. 

Lyci: Stay safe, Mother. 

Lilith: You too, Lyci... I love you. 

Lyci: Love you too.

Shigure: Until we meet again. 

Lilith: Stay safe out there. 

Shigure: I'll ensure no harm comes to the rest of the group. 

Lilith: I figured you would say something like that... Goodbye. 

(Lilith leaves,)

Kanaya: Should we show the others these weapons...?

Shigure: Yes... Let's grab them all. It won't be easy to carry them, but between the four of us, we should be able to pull it off. 

Lyci: We got this! I'm sure of it!

(The screen fades to black as the four pick up the remaining weapons Lilith had hidden away.)


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