As she lost her consciousness, Kagome thought that if that was what it take to keep each other alive until they find the way back she will let him take her blood, unknowing that at that moment, Kagome have created a bond with him; a powerful bond that was changing him.


Kagome blinked open her closed eyes and sat up, yawning as she rubbed her eyes. She felt deadly claws touching her neck and for a moment she wondered if he was going to strangle her for sleeping in the same bed as him. But instead he moved her neck and revealed the bite mark on her left shoulder where it was easiest to access one of the jugulars that pumped precious blood. Kagome stared at him as Sesshoumaru speak again, his voice smooth as though he did not just spoken from weeks of disuse, "Explain,"

Kagome sighed as she pulled back her head, a little light headed from her diminished blood, "It has been somewhere around two to three months since you're awake,"

He blinked, "What?"

Kagome took in a deep breath as she leaned back against the wall, watching as he watched her like a wary predator, "I don't know what really happened. Only that you went into a coma. A lady of the desert found us and somehow or rather I managed to secure a roof over our head and just enough money to get daily provision," She pointed at the bag full of gems, "That's their currency. In the earlier weeks, it's hard to get by since they don't speak Japanese, only Gerudo or Hylian. That's their race. They also don't have youkai or human. I found out from working that they have different races; there is the all women Gerudo who lives here in the desert ruled by a Chief, the fish-like Zora who lives in a collection of water bodies with chains of rivers connecting them to the rest of the land and ruled by a King, then there are the Rito who are bird people that are also lead by a Chief and finally the Goron, rock people with very ambiguous gender since I met a Goron named Aesha but acknowledge himself as male..." Kagome trailed, thinking back on the strange Goron who somehow been let in by the Gerudo guards.

She heard Sesshoumaru clearing his throat and continued, "But the most common race is the Hylian. They are the most widespread of the races and looked almost akin to a human but have long ears like the Gerudo and like every race here, lived longer lifespan than the common human,"

When Sesshoumaru didn't say anything but instead closed his eyes and remained so for the next two minutes, Kagome realized that he sat in a position similar to that of her Grandpa when he meditate.

So knowing better than to interrupt a meditating person Kagome quietly stood up from the bed and stretched her sore body.

Silently starting her day, she seclude herself in the corner of the room with the water filled vase she started her ablution. That done, she went to cook. Preparing a meal for two with the only meat she have left, she reentered the small square room that she shared with Sesshoumaru. Placing a plate near him, she took in her food. She watched Sesshoumaru as she eat, wondering if he can eat the food without her chewing it. Then again, somehow or rather she found out that the fire purifies impurities in whatever it was that was in contact with it.

When asked, Ilya explained that fire is a blessing from the Goddess of Power, Din. She has also seen Farosh, the Golden Spirit. It could be seen as the representative of the Goddess Farore Herself. The other types of elements that can purify taints are lightning and water or ice. Apparently these elements were given to the world by the three Goddesses that created Hyrule and thus able to purify. But the purifying power of water has weakened in the last century. Perhaps whatever it was that plague Hyrule has also slowly but surely poisoned the water and thus affected Sesshoumaru badly.

Having come to a decision, she called out, "Don't worry, the fire purify the taint. I found that out. Oh! But water that hasn't come into direct contact with me is no good!" She wagged her finger at him.

Sesshoumaru finally opened his eyes and accepted the meal. Normally he would claim that he does not eat human food, but this is a different world with different law. As a stranger he must not be picky. Taking a tentative bite, he tested the energy inside the food. He recalled having tasted water but his body recoiled from the slight taint that he could taste coming from it thus he spew it out. Usually prepared meal that human cooked have little to no life energy in it thus he said that he does not partake in human meals. But this food has a familiar energy to it. It seemed the girl prepared it and thus came into direct contact with it. Taking her advice into account, he accepted his cooked meal.

The familiar buzz came back, taking him by surprise. But before he could plan that perhaps he could abstain from taking her blood by eating the meal she prepared, the tingling sensation in his body only seemed to make him crave more. Sesshoumaru instead make use of his instilled iron clad discipline and quietly eat his food to the last piece.

Kagome accepted his empty plate as she stood up to clean them while Sesshoumaru returned to his meditation, " must be hungrier that I thought. I mean you did sleep for a long time," Soon after she returned to change into her Gerudo training attire. Although she was embarrassed since it was different from when he was unconscious, Kagome continue as usual behind the cloth partition that she hung.

But just as she was to leave, Kagome remembered and return to sit in front of Sesshoumaru, "I almost forgot. Sesshoumaru, here in Gerudo Town men aren't allowed so you are here illegally. I don't think they will let us stay here much longer now that you are awake," Sesshoumaru stared at her as she continues, "So stay here quietly until I am done with the preparation to leave, okay?"

SessKag; Breath of the WildWhere stories live. Discover now