Chapter 32 - Changes

Start from the beginning

"My knuckles healed well because of how you treated them."

I look at him. "Oh? Is that a 'thank you' I hear?"

He opens the room door and turns on the living room lights. "Yeah, maybe, whatever. Consider that me saving your life makes us even."

I smirk. "As if. I was all ready to die, and you took away my thunder."

He glares daggers. "Don't joke about that. You're still one of us." He jabs where my tattoo is. "We're not whole without you."

I look away, cheeks warming. He sets me at the table before going to the fridge to get the leftovers from dinner. He starts heating it.

"Don't get me wrong. I'm only helping you because the hyungs asked me to and you look pathetic."


It fell quiet, and it was as weird as it always was. If anything, it was more so. There was something left unspoken that hung in the air. It had never been so strange with just the two of us, even when we used to spar. I had to say something, anything, to break this silence.

"Did you look at the list of fight moves I want to teach the others?"

He looks away from the microwave. "I did, yeah. There's a lot of ground work in there."

"Without ground work, I wouldn't have beaten you that first time."

Or survived yesterday.

"You did not beat me. You hit me with a frying pan. That's different."

"Uh huh."

Our glares meet. Tension seems to build, build, buildㅡ

Then the microwave beeps.

Jimin scrambles to shut it off to keep from waking anyone up. He slaps at the buttons until it finally turns off. I can't help but snicker at him.

He sets the food in front of me before sitting across from me. He looked grumpy at the very least and mad at the most. His eyes were bloodshot too. He still looked devilishly handsome, and I hate him for it. Especially those eyes. Those eyes took me in and dismantled every bit of my trauma. It was like the experiences held no pain, they were just pieces of who I am. It felt like he could solve my puzzle, see the complete picture.

And that unsettled me.

I start eating the noodles to focus on something other than him. "What happened to you and Taehyung after we got separated?"

He rests his chin on his hand. "We got attacked by a hoard of guys. It was easier to deal with because they were just shooting, so Tae disabled them." He looks at the wall. "They weren't trying very hard to kill us, which I still don't understand."

A thought popped back into my head. "They're under orders to capture us. Not kill us. That's why they…" My fist clenches. "… why they toyed with Jungkook like that."

"I'm going to kill Chae with my own hands. Not some gunshot or stab, I'm going to watch the light leave his eyes."

My hand settles on the table. I look at him, at his eyes that never fail to draw me in. There's boundless rage held within them, hatred that stretches to his very soul. I've never seen it before, not even in my own eyes. None of the other members had that look, had that darkness. It was like they'd come to terms with it and merely wanted revenge. Jimin's eyes, though… He wasn't satisfied with just preventing further damage. He wanted to hurt Chae with his own hands. He craved the satisfaction of torturing someone as he'd been tortured. It fueled him in each violent thing he did, became that sharpness in his eyes. It came out to play on every mission, in every fight, in every meeting that involved Chae's name.

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