Chapter 29 - All Eight

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It feels like everyone's already low moods dropped lower.

"If we want to continue this, we'll have to be more careful and consider..." My lips remained parted even though no sound came out.

Consider who's expendable.

"Consider what?" Jin asks.

Not one of these people is expendable. I can't think like that any more. It's not BTS without the seven standing in front of me.

"Our next plan," I hum. "How we can execute it while keeping everyone safe."

"It won't be easy," Namjoon pipes in, lifting a finger. "No one can be lost. That's nonnegotiable. All eight of us must survive this, or we're not BTS."

I could feel myself smile a little. I kept forgetting. Eight of us. All eight of us made up BTS. No more, no less.

"No more double teaming." Jimin seems a little too happy to say that. "Only in groups of four or more."

Namjoon nods. "And we need everyone to learn how to fight and shoot. This isn't optional any longer."

Out of the three who don't have that experience, only Hoseok seems hesitant. His mouth is pulled in a tight line.

"You'll be okay, hyung," Jimin says, resting a hand on the redhead's shoulder. "It's only for safety. You won't have to do anything."

Hoseok nods, but his bright demeanor is still hidden. He's clearly unhappy about this, for greater reasons than not wanting to hurt anyone. I don't want to pry, though.

"I'll draw up a plan for training," I say, "but I can recommend one general rule that no one is going to like."

Everyone looks at once.

"Aim between the legs."

The collective grimace raised the atmosphere of the room, which brought a tiny smile to my face.


When everyone gathered together to have dinner, we all seemed to feel a little better. Yoongi's eyes had more light than before. Hoseok was conversing quietly with Jungkook about the type of fighting he'd have to do. Namjoon still looked visibly stressed, but the smell of good food relaxed his shoulders.

I pick at my food. "I've been meaning to ask you guys something." I gesture to the three ex-mafia members. "You guys were acting funny when Chae's tattoo showed up on the TV. Why?"

Yoongi's tattoo peeked out from his sleeve as he reached for something on the table. He noticed and immediately pulled his hand back. Jungkook and Taehyung look at each other.

"What do you mean?" Taehyung asks.

"I mostly noted Yoongi, but you guys too." I point to Taehyung. "You were rubbing over your tattoo."

He rubs the back of his neck. He opened his mouth to say something, but no sound came out.

Yoongi sighs. "I've already committed every mafia taboo, what's another?" He lifts his hand up, the black snakes appearing once more. "The stereotype that every mafia has a certain tattoo is true. TV shows like to use that and show mafia members displaying them proudly." He lets his hand drop back down. "The thing is, the mafia doesn't function like that out in the open. No family would willingly show their tattoo to others."

Taehyung lifts his loose t-shirt sleeve, albeit hesitantly. The leopard appears full force, the colors even richer than I'd thought. It had incredible detail and shading, meaning it had to have taken a long time.

Hitman vs Mafia ~Mafia!Jimin X Hitman!Reader~Tempat cerita menjadi hidup. Temukan sekarang