- I Know That -

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It's a little "edited" Trolls World Tour scene, so spoilers, hehe 

I writed that and someone asked for read it... so yeah here it is i guessssssssssss-


Above the troll rock stage, Poppy's hands tried to break the bars, feeling the tears come in her pink eyes.

- BRANCH! She screamed

It was all going so fast, for a moment, Barb was aiming at her, ready to use the power of the six strings guitar on her... then Branch had arrived with a rescue team before throwing himself in front of the queen of pop to take the hit for her.

He had saved her ...

Now, The Gray Troll had found himself in some sort of shell of stone and magma. Not knowing what this guitar was doing, her heart was in a panic. What had she done to him? The silence was complete, everyone stared at the stone prison as Poppy screamed to be let out of the cage.

Barb smiles, waiting for the shell to shatter ...

With a horrible crackle, the stone egg shattered. Branch was standing, but he had changed ... He was only wearing black pants and earrings. He was shirtless and his skin was covered in tattoos. His hair was stretched out, forming a mane down his strong back ... but what was scariest were his eyes.

That was one of the reasons why Poppy loving his gaze so much, beautiful blue eyes. Like two doors that allowed her to come in and see what magnificent heart he had ... but that door was gone, replaced by an empty and frightening red gaze.

- ROCK ON! Branch yelled, raising his hands to make the rock troll tribe sign.

Everyone screamed with joy, Branch smiled and walked to the crowd. In her cage, Poppy stared at him helplessly.

- Branch ... she whispered, stretching her hand out of the cage.


The Rock Trolls screamed louder. Poppy understood what Barb had done to the blue-gray troll:

- You turning everyone into rock zombies? She guessed

The queen of rock looked at her, smiling:

- You got it, can't wait to party with you Poppy!

A rock troll came to hang a rope behind her back. Soon Barb was flying above the crowd, using the guitar on all the chiefs of each tribe. They all met in a stone shell before coming out in a rock version of themselves.

Poppy had tried to open the lock of her cage. She had an idea, remembering how Branch had used her scrapbooking scissors to open a cadena on their first adventure in BergenTown. The queen pulled the tool out of her hair and gave a slight squeak of joy as the cadena fell to the ground.

When Barb came back to the ground, she noticed that Poppy had opened her cage, ready to escape. The dull lilac troll turned her gaze to her new ally.

- Hey boy toy! Its mullet time! Barb smiles at Branch.

The fake rock troll turned his gaze to his princess, growling. With surprising effort, he managed to use his hair and fling it towards the pink troll. Which was pretty impressive, as rock trolls didn't use their hair much compared to the other tribe.

Black hair were wrapped around Poppy's waist. But she knew how to get him to let go. The pink troll managed to get her right arm out of the tight grip, starting to stroke Branch's hair. Even at this distance, she managed to hear the joyful sigh of the male troll. His hair loosened its grip and Poppy managed to escape, balancing on the spotlight above the stage.

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