~ First Step ~

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Thats shitty but enjoy EH-


Branch and Poppy had never seen Shine act this way.

For a while, Shine was pounting in her corner, refusing all the fun things that were offered to her... she even refused a hug from her big brother, Snow ! Branch had even tried to sing for his baby girl, knowing that Shine had always loved his voice, but she had just started to cry loud for hours.... 

Her parents were worried... Shine did have a meanful name; she was literally one of the most joyful trolls in the village... Some would have even said THE happiest, but to see her cry and pount all the time made it clear that something was wrong... Poppy had decided to find out what it was.... So she had spent the day with her daughter, and in the evening came... well she still had nothing. 

She was sitting in the living room, trying to put her baby to sleep, you could see that she was exhausted herself.... But Shine had her arms crossed and cheeks puffed out as she watched her father as he tried to move around the room with Snow hanging on to his right leg, laughing.

And then suddenly Branch exclaimed, quite clear;

- Snow go you're old enough to walk by yourself ! Branch laughed

... And Shine bursted into tears.

Immediately, Poppy began to cradle the little troll against her chest to calm her down, followed by Branch who rushed to her side, panicked, to help her console the blue girl. Snow went to their room to pick up Croco for Shine. Why did  suddenly make her cry??

(yeah, i changed Braspberry for Croco-)

- Hey hey, everything's fine, Poppy whispered as Branch lifted Snow up so he could give Croco to his little sister, go ahead, tell mom and dad what's wrong, will you ?

The baby took her stuffed animal in her arms and hugged it; she was so tiny that Croco hid her almost entirely. Then, because she knew how to speak a little, she sniffed while wiping her tears on her cheek;

- I want to walk like eweryone !... she eventually confessed, whispering in her trembling little voice, can you help me ?...

Branch raised his eyebrows and crossed Poppy's gaze; It was true that Shine had never taken her first steps on her own. Branch smiled and gently stroked his daughter's pink hair;

- Of course we will help you, and soon you will be able to walk, what do you think? Branch asked, as Poppy smiled sweetly.

In response, Shine nodded, chasing her tears while Snow gave her a big hug to cheer her up.

• ♡ •

The next day, everyone was helping  Shine to learn how to walk.

Everyone had come see them when they heard the news that the king and queen were trying to teach their daughter to take her first steps, hoping to give them good advice... Branch was a little uncomfortable and had repeated a hundred times that they should be going back into their pod at Poppy... but he still grateful that everyone wanted to help their daughter.


- You have to try to turn down the volume on the world... and turn up the volume on you! Trollex happily explained when he had come to see them.

- Hoo ? Shine made a confused sound, sitting on the soft floor made of felt.

- Like this!

Trollex stopped floating and landed on the ground, standing on his fish colorful fins. Shine looked at her little chubby legs for a few seconds and tried to get upright... but stumbled, fortunately Poppy caught up in time;

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