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Snapple651 I hope you like it! (Branch is gray)


She was in a big room in the darkness. the village trolls surrounded him. The trolls all held torches or illuminated their hair. They looked at her like a horror movie. A troll with a purple skin and blue-hair approached her with a dagger in her hand.

-... Creek? But what are you doing?

His friend laughed like crazy without even giving him an answer. he looked at the floor in front of him. Poppy stepped back, crying in fear. The trolls were still watching them, then she noticed ...

All the Trolls had a hole in their chest, where their heart was before someone tore them off.

Poppy looked at her hands, she was stained with blood ...

- They are like this by your fault, Poppy! your fault! cried Creek.

He pointed in one direction with his knife. She gasped in horror at seeing Branch lying in a pool of scarlet blood.

- It's only him that I killed heself! Creek laughed, still looking down.

Poppy screamed in fear as Creek looked up at her and threw her dagger ...

(AN: It's not the best nightmare in the world .. sorry I had no idea ..)  

The princess woke up with fear. Sweat beaded on her forehead and she was shaking uncontrollably. The rain drumming against his window caused an incredibly loud din. She could not do anything about it, she burst into tears.

She got up and went out, she did not know why she was going there but ...


Branch looked at the ceiling of his room, completely unable to fall asleep. It was one o'clock in the morning and he was still thinking:


This girl,


He did not like to admit it but he was crazy in love with her ... the flame in him was so great that he could make the volcanoes jealous ... but how could she like a gray and miserable troll like him? ? It gave him the idea of ​​a poem ... he thought he would write it tomorrow, he had to sleep now, TO SLEEP.

He lay on his side with a sigh when:



He recognized Poppy's voice, what was she doing here so late at night ?!

He got up and went to open the door:

-Poppy? What are you doing here?

The pink troll shivered in the rain.

-Branch ... I had a nightmare ...

-Are you serious?

He opened his trapdoor and let it in. Poppy sat down on the living room sofa while Branch went to get her a towel to dry herself. He put it on his shoulders and Poppy murmured:

-Branch, I had a nightmare ...

-You came to see me for a simple nightmare? he growled.

-It's not a simple nightmare ... it's the first one I do ...

Branch sighed, he knew it was impossible to win with Poppy. No matter what he said, she always found what to say.

-What was this nightmare? He asked in a much softer voice.

She looked at him. tears began to run down her cheeks and she shuddered.

-If you do not want to talk to me about that, it does not matter. Said Branch.

-It was ... I was in a room and the whole village surrounded me ... they had a hole in the chest and my hands were full of blood ... C-Creek was holding a dagger and laughing like a sick person mental saying that he ...

At the same time, the flower of her cuddly bracelet lights up. She burst into tears and threw herself into his arms. Branch was surprised at first, but finally wrapped her arms to comfort her, he could not bear to see her crying.

-Shh ... it's over ...

She cried for about 10 minutes ... Branch rocked her and muttered comforting words. Poppy almost never saw Branch's protective side, which she liked most about the gray troll. When she finally stopped crying, she stayed in his arms for a while.

-Branch? ...


-Can I sleep here?

His eyelids were heavy. Branch moans:

-I sleep in a sleeping bag and you take my bed.

Anyway, he certainly was not going to send her home with the rain outside.

He took her to his room and Poppy went to bed immediately. the gray troll pulled out a sleeping bag and settled next to the bed. By the time he was going to sleep, he felt Poppy next to him. their nose was almost touching.

-Poppy ... he whispered hoarsely.

But the pink troll ignored him and stuffed his little pink nose into his jacket of leaves.

-Evil Poppy, he murmured, drawing her closer to him in a soft hug.

Even though Branch did not know, Poppy could easily love a gray troll like him.


I wanted a cute Branch gray, okay? XD

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