Campfire (English)

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idea I had ... I hope you like it!


After throwing the guitar into the flames, Branch lay down again.

Basically he liked to hear Poppy sing, she really had a nice voice ... the problem is that the gray troll was scared when making such noise, the forest monsters hear them. If they hurt his Poppy, he would never forgive himself. Branch listened to the forest for a moment, the crickets sang in the darkness ... the stars shone in the night sky ... the wind blew between the branches of the trees ... the scent of the plants and the campfire did not put him to sleep. but a last thing prevented him from falling into the water.

He thought that after that, Poppy would go to sleep in silence and he could sleep in peace, but ....

Poppy started to cry!

He turned at once, what was going on? Was she hurt on one of the many traps he had installed?

-Poppy? Are you ok?

The princess wiped a tear on her cheek and snorted.

-In your opinion? From 1) All my friends were captured by a shepherd. From 2) The only teammate I found just threw my guitar in a campfire! So no, im not good!

Poppy sobbed again, Branch could not stand to see her as her.

-Fine... I'm sorry ... But why are you crying? It's only a guitar, I'll make another one!

Poppy did not answer and moaned, tears streaming down her pink cheeks. Branch stood up and sat in front of Poppy, the princess looked up at her teammate. Why was he so grumpy? Why did he hate music so much? Why, why, why? So much question about that gray troll that was right in front of her.

-What should I do to get rid of this sorrow? Branch asked, eyes filled with concern.

It was an aspect of Branch she adored, that protective side she rarely saw at home. Those blue eyes, she loved them so much ... The pink troll just wanted to answer kiss me, poor fool! But she knew very well that it was impossible for Branch to be feelings for her, completely impossible.

As Poppy did not answer, Branch got up and went to search his bag. An old plush came out; a blue rabbit with a pink patch on the head. Why did he have that in his business ?!

-Well ... I do not know how to console you, but I think he'll know how ... whispered Branch embarrassed

He gave her the stuffed toy and Poppy took it, the tears had stopped flowing.

-Why did you have a stuffed rabbit in his bag? Poppy asked

-Well ... I got it when I was a child, it was my soft favorite ... pink stain is raspberry, it's called Braspberry.

The pink troll laughed slightly, Branch felt better. If she was happy, he was happy.

-Good, I must admit it's not great as a name ... said Branch sitting down.

A long moment of awkward silence settled between the two trolls. The sounds of the forest came back to the clearing while neither of the two teammates spoke. It's Branch that breaks the silence. The gray troll looked up at the sky

-You know, your friends are like those stars. You do not see them during the day, but they are still there.

-Oh, Branch!

She gave him a hug, Branch blushed, words could not get out of his mouth. Poppy finally released him and murmured:

-Sorry ... I know you do not like hugs ...

He shrugged and went back to his sleeping bag. He closed his eyes, preparing to let his mind travel to the dream world but he felt that Poppy was shaking his shoulder

-What do you want?

Poppy lay down next to him, Branch groaned but did not push her away. His heart quickened in his chest. Their noses almost touched so much Poppy was close to him.

-Good night Branch.

-Good night Pops.

What they did not know was that it would not be the last night they slept together ...


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