~DRAGON'S HEART~ (Part 2, The End)

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😁😁😁 It's for you, Chipmunklover16 !


Branch spent the day changing her mind.

When he awoke, he told himself that he would not go to this party, the noise could attract the bergens and put everyone in danger ... Then at noon he changed his mind again and he decided he would go, he really wanted to know what that little heart meant in the map.

The day passed and Branch finally decided to go to the party. He would not mess around, he just wanted to make sure everything went smoothly.

He scratched his ear with his foot like a dog, (his dragon genes remind you XD) his bad habits came back to him so he was nervous. At the thought of what he was going to ask the pink troll tonight, he even began to grow not normal grunts at all! He needed to relieve the stress, so he turned into a Hairless to run in the forest. He ran for about 15 minutes and then resumed his appearance of troll before heading to the village.

The music was so loud that he thought he was going to be deaf. Branch looked around for Poppy, the trolls around him stared at him and made him uncomfortable.

Then he saw her,

The princess stood on a mushroom and watched the crowd dance with an indescribable expression. She wore a green dress covered with silvery spangle like stars. His pale pink skin shone under the moonlight. Branch let out another weird grunt, looking at her dreamily. A troll turned towards him with an intrigued face.

-Well ... are you all right? He asked you

-Uh? Um yes! Yes, I'm fine!

But at the same time, he started to hit the ground with his foot like a rabbit (he had the awful urge to scratch his ear) The troll stared at him and went to the dance floor murmuring something that had to talk about him ... in a negative way.

He hid behind a tree, scratched his ear like a dog one last time, and left to join Poppy on the mushroom.

-Hey Pops.

Poppy jumped and turned, when she saw him, she gave a shout of joy and threw herself on him to give him a hug.

-Branch! You came!

The gray troll blushed and felt the beating of his heart accelerate.

-I ... I heard the music from my bunker ... you do not think she's a bit strong?

He hesitated and added:

- You know, animals have very sensitive ears and it could end up making them deaf.

He was obviously referring to Hairless. Poppy was instructed by DJ Suki to turn down the music. At first, the DJ seemed surprised but listened to the princess's orders. The pink troll really liked the Night Fury.

-Thanks ... Uh I mean, the animals thank you ... This party looks nice finally.

Poppy did not believe her ears, Branch complimenting a party? It was never seen. She smiled at him and asked:

-If you find it nice, come and have fun!

She began to dance, Branch crossed her arms smiling, he had to do all the efforts of the world not to start purring like a dragon. Poppy grabbed her hand and pulled him toward her.

-Go big grumpy! Dance!

-If I do it, it's on one condition.

-Which? Poppy asked, who would do everything to have fun like the others.

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