Chapter 4: She Fits In A Castle

Start from the beginning

Roscoe walked with our tray to an empty table and I watched Jessa walk over with a burger and fries.

Arabella came to the table with a big pizza and Aunt Mel had a small takeout box of Chinese food. The fact Arabella is still craving pizza is a bit odd to me.

"We eat then we go." Aunt Mel reminded us.


Viktor managed to get us first class seats, I was excited but tried my best to hide it because I felt weird with Roscoe who seemed to act like it was just a normal seat.

Arabella eyed her seat beside Roscoe and scowled looking at me, "Switch." She said and I nodded happy to keep her from ruining Roscoes flight.

She sat next to some hot older woman who smiled sweetly at Arabella.

I sat in the window seat that was Arabella's but when Roscoe went to sit and seemed a bit squished in the wall space, I noticed him get hit twice with purses before I laughed low. "Switch with me." I said to him.

He shook his head and I nodded, "Come on. You're going to get a horrid bruise from the next fake Louis Vuitton that hits you." I joked watching him smirk and go to step out.

A large woman stepped in front and he sat back down.

I stood and gestured for him to scoot.

He pushed up off the seat and brushed past me sitting in my seat while I sat down in his seat.

Roscoe sighed and I smirked at him, "Feel less claustrophobic?" I asked him.

He nodded and laid his head back.

Everyone got seated and I eyed the TVs in front of us going to the sudoku and solving one of the puzzles while Roscoe watched me intently.

I suck at a lot in life, in fact I don't know any history, I can't tell you when the Boston tea party happened or what countries were involved in any of the world wars, actually I don't even know how many world wars there are. I also am not a science girl, I only recently learned that if you put vinegar and baking soda together they create a heavy reaction. That was an accident by the way. Oh and don't get started on literature. The only thing I know about the damn old writers is that they're all dead.

I know Romeo and Juliet, that they loved each other or something and killed themselves. I only know that because I watched the remake with Leonardo DiCaprio.

If there's one subject I do know, it's math.

I kick ass at math.

Ending on the sixth level, I sat back and stared over at Roscoe, "You're good." He said smirking.

I shrugged, "One of the only things I'm actually good at." I said laughing at my own stupidity.

An hour into the flight, I was already dozing off, flying is so tiring.

Laying my head back, I shut my eyes and let the sleep take me over.

A good nap never hurt anyone.

The sound of the pilot talking about arriving to our destination woke me and I opened my eyes lifting my head off Roscoes shoulder, "Sorry." I said softly watching him stare at my waist, "Buckle up we're landing." He said softly as he folded up a paper and shoved it into his pocket.

I buckled my belt and nodded as we began landing.

Staring out the window, I sighed in relief, "I missed California so much." I said feeling relieved.

Roscoe smirked, "You and I both." He said sighing and sitting back.

When the plane came to its stop and the light for the buckle went off, I took my belt off and stood out of my seat stretching my legs and arms.

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