Chapter 37: Little Panther

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God if I look at one more god damn dinner plate I might vomit.

Staring down at the paper, I circled the seafood meal and sat back taking a breath and a drink of the white wine.

My phone buzzed and I looked down at Tyler's text, 'Im coming out to my mom tonight.' I smiled down at the photo of him smiling and holding a thumbs up.

I opened the camera and smiled down at the phone holding a thumbs up and taking the photo. Sending it, I looked to Jessa who looked a bit sad.

She misses Arabella.

I know Jess, me too.

The seafood platter won and I was at an all time high of wanting to vomit my god damn guts out.

Getting in the car with Bastian, Dimitri, Lucien and Valdus, I eyed my phone pondering messaging Arabella.

The sound of a loud crash and then Valdus shouting "No!" Loudly pulled my attention.

I pushed the seat in front and our truck went speeding before tilting and collapsing to the side.


Kicking the door open, I pulled myself up and looked down at Lucien who was coming up behind me.

I watched the guys get out cursing and Valdus went running toward a truck.


I ran to the truck noticing the car dented into the side and the front crushed up.

The back door opened and I watched a girl jump out the back with her hands tied up behind her, "Fucking Pippi! You can't trust gingers!" She spat furiously as she cut the ropes with the cut metal of the car.

Valdus pulled Nick out first and I went around the other side.

Viktor and Aunt Mel came running over, "Jessa!" Aunt Mel shouted terrified.

The girl stared at the guys being pulled from the car and then I watched Jessa step out and stare at Judah, "He saved me." She said softly.

Judah stepped out of the front seat and his arm was drenched in blood, "I'll be okay. You're alive kid." He said sighing.

His eyes moved to the girl, she was beautiful.

Long dark hair and big green eyes. She had the body of a girl who clearly fought, her breathing was quickened but she was trying to get the trunk to open.

Her hand went to the glove compartment and she pulled it open grabbing a gun and cocking it before pointing the gun to the key lock and pulling the trigger.

She opened the trunk and stared at someone before pointing the gun, "Fuck you." She said low before pulling the trigger.

Holy shit!

I stepped back and felt Lucien's hand wound over me protectively.

Her green eyes moved to us, she watched each of us carefully. She's studying us, what the hell is going on?

Valdus's POV:

The dark hair, the green eyes, the pain in her eyes and the carelessness of taking a life.

So the rumors are true, all of them.

"Little Panther." I said low.

Her eyes moved to me and I watched her point the gun to my head, I wasn't afraid though. She's so fierce, so breath taking that honestly, dying by her hand, by the legend of her, it's not that bad.

She looked to my face carefully and I watched four guns point to her.

The amusement crossed her face before she looked to The Boss before staring back at me, "I don't go by that name anymore. It's Lana, just Lana." She said lowering the gun.

Something told me if she wanted to, she absolutely could've killed us all.

I've read about her, heard about her, shit every assassin in this god damn country wants her. They want this small and emotionless badass.

She looked to Jessa for a while, then gave her a soft smile, "Sorry for almost getting you killed." She said giving her a long check out.

I spoke up first, "You're supposed to be dead." I  said watching her nod, "I am." She replied before shoving the gun in the back of her jeans and running to a building.

She jumped and grabbed the ledge of a window, pulling herself up and jumping, grabbing the next and continuing until she was on the roof of the building.

Her eyes caught mine and she smirked softly before she ran and leaped over the alley onto the next building running off.

We all just stood, letting her go, a bit amazed by the girl in all honesty.

Vydia stepped forward and stared at the buildings, "She's the coolest girl I've ever met." She said quietly.

I looked to Vydia and smirked staring back at the building.

She definitely was.

Viktors POV:

There's she goes.

Lana Panthayr.

With Lucien's facts, his research on Ryker that filled in pieces of Lana, I did my own search on the girl.

The things I found would send a person to a heavy depression had they occurred to them. That girl, she was a girl I would be honored to call a daughter.

She was exactly what I plan on turning Vydia into.

Only Vydia will be greater, she will be trained, she will be able to defeat Lana and surpass any assassin to live.

That girl, will be my proudest accomplishment.

Vydia Vixen Viper.

I watched the way Lucien stared at her, the way he wanted her, one day that kid will realize they're never going to be more than family bonded.

My sons will not tamper Vydia's growth, they will not ruin the greatest weapon known to man.

A woman willing to kill to protect.

A one woman army.

"Valdus." I beckoned him over and as he walked over, he gave me a nod to ask, "When the books are written, the stories are told, the rumors blow it'll be Vydia Vixen who took down the infamous panther. It'll be Vydia Vixen who took the world by surprise. She-not anyone else, will go down in history as the deadliest woman this country has met. Are you understanding where I'm getting with this?" I asked low.

His eyes fell to my mouth, as if he was confused by my words, or shocked, and then he gave a nod.

Good, then her training starts tomorrow.

Welcome Miss Vixen, to a life of endless killings, money and deception.

Let's begin.

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