(HF) Chapter Eight: Reunion by Dusk

Start from the beginning

Caeldori: No... This can't be happening.

Midori: Sumiko! I'm so happy you're alright!

Sumiko: You, too, Midori... I was worried sick!

Selkie: What are you doing so far from the palace?

Rhajat: Same case as you all. It was a surprise invasion.

Brand: Great... We're all alone out here with no confirmation on if anybody in Hoshido is safe.

Asugi: We should stick together. There's safety in numbers.

Galatea: I agree. Splitting up is a horrible idea. I wish we had a safer place to go, but... Perhaps we could make for a small noble house. 

Tempest: That would be a good idea... I believe there is an abandoned estate near here. With the right guidance, we would arrive in a few days' time.

Kanaya: Let's do it... I feel so exposed and alone out here... 

???: I believe you should go elsewhere.

(A boy with blue hair appears from the trees alongside a pegasus. He has a lance in one hand. His hair covers one of his eyes.)

Shiro: Who the hell are you?

???: My name is unimportant. However, I can promise you that no matter where you go, you will not be safe.

Selkie: What are you talking about?

Asugi: You seem awfully suspicious, showing up out of nowhere like this. Perhaps I should make you talk if you won't do it of your own free will.

Kiragi: What are you doing here? 

???: I come because my home was also ravaged by these invisible soldiers. It isn't safe for you here, or anywhere else in Hoshido. Nohr isn't secure either. 

Tempest: Why should we believe you? Who's to say you aren't an enemy spy?

???: I would not be helping you if I was with the enemy.

Rhajat: Plus, we can see him. If he was really working with those beasts, he wouldn't be appearing clear as day to us.

Galatea: I still don't know if we can trust him. Not all real people are inherently good. 

Brand: Where do you propose we go?

???: The land of Valla is where these soldiers are coming from. If you want to stop their onslaught, you'll need to cut them off at the source.

Mitama: What makes you so sure we can pull this off? In case you haven't already noticed, we're kids.

???: War cares little for who is young or old... I pray of you to go to Valla. They will never end if you do not fight back soon. They will overwhelm all of Pheuyura soon if action is not taken.

Midori: If we stop these invisible soldiers at the source, they won't be able to attack us anymore... We'll end the fighting, right?

Sumiko: It sounds that way... 

???: Whether you choose to believe me or not is your choice. However, I ask that you travel northeast of here to Valla. I need to gather more fighters, but I am holding a rebellion there to defeat the one causing such damage.

Caeldori: I see... If we can meet up with you and the other fighters you are gathering, we can defeat our collective foe together... 

Hisame: We will consider your offer.

???: That is all I ask... Farewell for now.

(The boy with the blue hair leaves.)

Kanaya: I felt... Weirdly connected to him... 

Mitama: Connected to him? What makes you say that?

Kanaya: I think it was the pendant around his neck... It reminded me of my dragonstone.

Galatea: That's rather strange... I can't think of any other times in which your dragonstone was alike anything else... 

Caeldori: Do we think we can trust him based solely off that?

Asugi: He didn't even give us his name, for Akiri's sake!

Rhajat: And yet, he was made of flesh and blood. What living creature would cooperate with those beasts?

Shiro: I don't know if we can trust him based on that alone though. King Garon of Nohr was made of flesh and blood as well, and he was a monster while he was alive.

Midori: Well, what else are we supposed to do? 

Sumiko: We can't just keep wandering around like this... We're exposed to everything, and if they decided to come after us again... 

Tempest: No matter what we decide to do, we're running low on supplies. We need to restock somewhere.

Selkie: He didn't seem to be lying to us... We should follow him.

Brand: As much as I hate to admit it, I don't really see any other options for us.

Kiragi: I guess we're doing it then... 

Hisame: Valla awaits us... 


Woooooo longest chapter yet since we actually had characters meeting up hell yeah!


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