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A month had passed after Varian had sacrificed himself to defeat the warlock, Zhan Tiri, and in his honor, a memorial was in service.
The sweet and horrible sound of bells rung through the air as fall leaves flittered around the park.
Things had gotten back to normal ever since Varian had passed and the black rocks had disappeared.
Hector sat behind Cassandra, free from his rocky prison and Andrew and Curson sat next to him.
Cassandra felt her chest tighten as she listened to Rapunzel's words of memory and respect.
"Varian gave his life for us, so we could continue to live ours in peace. Without his sacrifice... n-none of us would be here.
"We owe it to him to make the most of our lives, keeping him in our memories and hearts.
"In the end, I know he'd want us to accept each other and reach out for one another.", Rapunzel weeped as she sat down shakily, "Quirin has a few words to say now..."
Quirin stood up and walked over to the marble podium, where Varian's intricate and beautiful stone remembrance lay.
His feet seemed heavy, as did his shoulders as he looked up, his face distraught.
"My-my son Varian was a wonderful kid.", he started tears already welling in his eyes, "He was kind, smart, compassionate, loving, brave, stubborn, and persistent,.. he did something no child should have had to gone through.
"He gave us, he gave us a second chance. Especially when I didn't deserve it.
"Varian just wanted what was best for the kingdom, always inventing with the purpose to help others. And even when he failed, h-he would NEVER give up.", he cried tears streaming down his cheeks, "I just wish, I just wish I could tell him that I'm proud of him. Have always been proud..."
Ruddiger jumped into Quirin's arms and rubbed his head against him as hearts filled with grief.
He held him close, his voice shaky and unstable as he continued, "My son was shunned because of his love of alchemy... because he was misunderstood, he w-wasn't as happy as he could have been.
"I don't want that fate to fall upon another person, young or old. And neither, and neither would Varian."
Everyone then stood up from their chairs as Quirin stood beside the grave and laid down a bouquet of the flower that Varian had nurtured and grown.
The bright violet and blue petals brought warmth to the cold stone, giving more beauty to Varian's grave.
Quirin then glanced up at the sky as people filed over, offering their respects and decorating the stone in flowers and beautiful trinkets.
Cassandra watched him as she sat in her seat still, her chest aching with indescribable sadness.
"Hey, Cassandra.", Andrew said leaning over, "You alright?"
She glanced at him, "No."
Heavy silence filled the air between them for a few moments.
Cass then felt a hand on her shoulder and looked forward again to see Rapunzel, her face ridden with guilt.
"It's all my fault! I'm so sorry, Cass.", Rapunzel cried hugging her tightly, "It should have been me..."
"T-That isn't true Raps... you did the best to your ability.", she said hugging her back as tears came out of her eyes, "Besides, you can't do everything..."
Cassandra then broke away from the hug, "How's Fitzherbert and Lance doing?"
Rapunzel wiped away some tears, "They're devastated, but, but I'll think they'll both be okay..."
She nodded and patted her on the back gently, not wanting to accidentally make her feel worse by saying the wrong thing.
"I'm going to talk to Quirin now.", Rapunzel told her standing up as she smiled, "I'm sure we can both share some good memories."
Cassandra watched her walk off as she sighed heavily and stared at the brown-green grass.
"Do you think you could tell me everything? I'm still not quite sure on the whole story.", Andrew asked coming over and sitting beside her.
She remained silent and ignored him, continuing to stare at the ground in pain.
Andrew looked at her quietly, "You don't have talk if you don't want to. I'm fine with just this.", he said softly.
"Fine with what?", she asked finally looking at him.
"Sitting here.", he then slightly turned pink, "With you."
Cassandra glanced at the memorial and crowd of people as she squeezed her necklace sadly.
"When Varian used the incantation, he saved your life.", she whispered as a gentle fall breeze blew, "When the glow went over everything, it reversed and healed the evil that was done. He saved Lance and Hector. He saved a lot of people..,"
"He couldn't save everybody though, and we lost Adira and of course, Varian himself.", Cassandra cried, "And now I know why the incantation took him..."
Andrew remained silent, waiting for her to collect herself before touching her hand gently.
She flinched but didn't pull away, "When Varian used it, he destroyed all things magical.
"He banished magic. And only a person with magic is capable of doing the incantation.., which is w-why I couldn't help him and why he had to take the sole burden of himself...", Cassandra punched her seat, her fist driving into the wood as she cried, really cried, for the first time.
She didn't hold it back as she wept freely, her face wet with rivers of salty tears.
Warm arms then pulled her in, Andrew trying to comfort her the best he could.
She swallowed, "Thank you.", she said hugging him back trying to let go of the guilt, anger and sadness.
"No problem.", he whispered as she tightened her grip on him before sitting up again.
"Do you want to know how Cursun is alive?", Andrew asked smiling.
Cassandra looked at him curiously, "You're not saying..."
"I healed him.", he said proudly holding out his palms, "I knew you weren't yourself so I fixed him, plus I knew you, the REAL you, might want to beat him up for scarring your eye."
A tiny smile crept up at the corners of her mouth, "You're something else Hubert."
"Well, that's true. I no longer have my magic anymore.", Andrew said, "So I suppose I am something else from what I once was.", he glanced at her, "And magic isn't the only reason."
Cassandra stared at him for a moment before looking away, "I think Varian's still alive.", she said in a rush.
"What?! Why do you think that?"
"No body.", she answered looking back at him, the danger past, "Varian's body disappeared."
He looked at her skeptically, "Because it got destroyed...", he reminded.
"That's what everyone thinks.", Cassandra interjected her mind being set.
"Obviously you're not everyone, but you can't just assume that!"
She looked him right in the eye, "I know he's out there somewhere Hubert. I feel it..."
Grabbing her necklace, she looked at it, "This is the Cassandrium that Varian made for me. He created this for me.
"I can't explain it, but I knows he's out there somewhere.", she swallowed, "And, and I'm going to find him and bring him back."
Andrew sighed, "And.. and what if you don't ever find him? What then?"
"I'll keep searching.", Cassandra answered standing up.
She looked at Quirin and as he talked with the people she kept close to her heart that had somehow become her friends.
Rapunzel, the princess who had come so far from the naive girl she used to be.
Eugene, the annoying former thief who drove her crazy but still treated her with kindness.
Lance, the man who fell for a demon and would lift mountains for his friends.
All these people who would do anything to protect and care for one another.
Cassandra smiled bitterly as she slipped away from the service, knowing she needed to do this mission without dragging them in.
She knew that Rapunzel would understand why she had gone, or maybe she wouldn't, but would still wait for her return without suspicion.
"Cassandra!! Hey, where are you going?", Andrew called running over to her, "You're not thinking of already leaving, are you?"
"Yeah, I am.", she answered, "The sooner I leave the better."
He stared at her, "But aren't you at least going to say goodbye to your friends? Your family?"
Cassandra shook her head, "It's for the best I don't."
She then turned and continued walking down the path out of Corona.
"Would you just stop doing that?!", Andrew yelled grabbing her arm.
"Doing what?"
"That thing."
She sighed exasperated, "What thing?!"
"The thing where you act like you have to do everything alone!", he yelled, "You don't have to! Let me come with you!"
Cassandra was speechless.
"Please, let me help you!", Andrew asked.
She pulled away and looked at him carefully, "You really want to come?"
He nodded as Cassandra sighed, "I suppose you can tag along, but only to make sure you won't blab to Raps and the guys about what I'm doing!"
Andrew smiled, "Thank you."
"Alright, let's go.", Cassandra sighed, "Time doesn't wait on any man."
Soon, Corona was behind them as she glanced at its tiny shape one last time.
Her heart swelled with several emotions as the setting sun accented the kingdom.
"I promise when I come back, I'll have Varian with me.", she whispered, "Until then, goodbye..."

~Plus est en vous~
~There is more in you~

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