Chapter Ten

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"Alright fellas, mission Cracked Egg is ago!"
"Right! Let's do this!", Lance said pumping his fist. "Um, what's my part again?", Lance asked smiling sheepishly.
Eugene facepalmed and looked at Lance, "Seriously Lance? How many times have we gone over this?"
"Uumm, five times?"
"Six, Lance. Six.", Eugene ran his hand over his face frustrated. "How hard is this plan? Even Shortie's got it down!"
"I'll just sit and be a plant.", Shortie declared, holding a finger in the air.
"Good Shortie! You will be a plant and stay out of mission harms way.", Eugene said clapping his hands.
Maximus snorted and rolled his eyes as Pascal squeaked in doubt.
"And you Maximus, old pal, will make sure Dad doesn't bother us!", Eugene said wrapping an arm around Maximus's neck.
Lance raised his hand in the air, "Uh Eugene, then who will alert us if your Dad, I mean the king comes over here?"
Pascal squeaked and camouflaged into his surroundings and then appeared back into view once he was on Lance's shoulder.
Eugene nodded in approval, "Good frog! You'll be with Max and if Dad decides to come over you'll warn us!"
Pascal's face fell as Eugene called him a frog. He squeaked in protest, but Eugene ignored him and moved on.
"And I'll be with you Lance!", Eugene said pointing to his best friend, "The two of us will try to convince Adira to tell us how to defeat the venomous snake-lady! And once she's told us, Rapunzel will finally be able to live in peace and possibly finally marry me!", he said daydreamy.
"And I can marry Adira!", Lance declared enthusiastically.
Everyone turned to look at Lance, even Shortie looked at Lance in disbelief.
"Uhh Buddy, lets just focus on this plan, then we'll see about trying to set up a date with Adira and getting to that wedding.", Eugene said.
Lance nodded , "Let's do this Eugene!"
Eugene smiled, "Alright does everyone know their part of the plan? No questions?"
No one said anything and Eugene clapped his hands, "Okay, it's time to move gentlemen!"
"I have a question.", Shortie said as everyone headed for the door.
"What is it Shortie?", Eugene asked exasperated.
Shortie held up a rat, "Can this mouse be a plant to? It looks like a potato."
Eugene blinked, "Why not, your rat can be a potato, whatever that's supposed to mean."
Shortie nodded and tucked the rat into his beard and sat down in a corner out of sight.
"Alright moving on, everyone get to your places!", Eugene commanded.
As everyone rushed off, Eugene and Lance walked down the hall towards the room that Adira was in.
Lance opened the door and the two watched as Adira swung her sword around with incredible speeds and sliced obstacles in her path.
Adira attacked the sparring dummys and blacks rocks that sprouted from the floor.
"Hyah!!", Adira yelled, swiftly cutting down five giant black rocks.
The boys watched in awe as the rocks that Adira cut fell down simultaneously  after a few seconds.
"Isn't she amazing?", Lance asked watching her dreamy-eyed.
Eugene elbowed him in the ribs diverting his dream fantasy, "Remember the plan Lance.", he reminded through gritted teeth.
Lance rubbed his side but then nodded, "Uh hey Adira! You training or something?"
Adira looked up realizing that the two were there, "Yes, I am."
"You know, you really are a natural. I don't even think I could move that fast Adira.", Lance complemented.
"I've had years of training, it was not really anything special. I believe even you would be able to do the same if you had the same training as I.", Adira said brushing off Lance's praise.
"But it was special Adira, you're special! I would never be able to do that with a hundred years worth of training! You're talented!", Lance broke in wanting to tell Adira she was incredible.
Eugene elbowed Lance again.
Lance shot a look at him but turned back to Adira.
"Uhh, I was wondering, you know and I was wondering about ummm things so I came to uhh you know ummm...", Lance stumbled over his words, his mind going completely blank.
Eugene facepalmed the second time that day and rushed to Lance's rescue.
"What my friend Lance here means to tell you here is how he would love to get to know you better and he's wondering if you could and would like to possibly spend the day together?", Eugene said putting his hands on Lance's shoulders.
Adira looked at the two as Lance nodded in agreement to Eugene and smiled nervously.
"Fine I guess, but I have one question.", Adira said sheathing her sword.
"Shoot.", Eugene said crossing his arms.
Adira took a deep breath before asking her question, "Is this a date?"
Lance's face blanched and he laughed while rubbing his neck awkwardly as Eugene's face fell a little.
"I mean, that depends. Really, I mean you two can just hang out and get to know each other or if you want a date Adira, my friend here can make it one!", Eugene said pushing the two together.
Adira and Lance were exceptionally close as Eugene shoved them towards each other.
Adira stepped back giving them breathing space before turning to Eugene in annoyance.
"Is this a date or not Fishskin?", she asked using her nickname for Eugene.
Eugene again came up with a answer fast, saving Lance from awkward embarrassment, "Of course not! Lance just wants to hang out with you and get to know you better! Buuuut if you want a date I'm sure Lance wouldn't mind giving it a go."
Lance smiled at Adira and then stared down at his feet.
Adira sighed and looked at Lance, "Sure I guess I would like to hang out and get to know you better Lance."
Lance perked up immediately, "Really?"
"I'm done with training anyway, so what would it hurt?", Adira said shrugging.
Lance smiled, "Great! Umm can I talk to Eugene real quick before we hang?"
Adira waved her hand to go ahead.
Lance flashed another smile then grabbed Eugene and pulled him out of the room.
"I thought we were doing this together!", Lance exclaimed looking confused.
Eugene smiled, "Change of plans, I decided you and Adira should be together without me intruding. You've always liked her and also I should probably make sure Blondie doesn't get suspicious of our plan. You get to be with Adira and have that date you've always wanted and I'll get the information on how to defeat Cass from Adira while you're together. It's a win-win!"
Lance frowned, "It sounds like I'm playing with her."
Eugene shook his head, "Lance, buddy, trust me, you're not. You're just hanging out and casually asking her about legends and things; and if you happen to stumble on the fairytale on how to defeat Cassandra so be it."
"Okay, see you later.", Lance nodded turning back to Adira.
Eugene watched him go and sighed. They had to find out this old legend and defeat Cass. Not just for the world's sake but also for Rapunzal's. He loved Rapunzal with every inch of his heart and didn't want to see her hurt.
Eugene was determined to find out the key to defeating the moondrop and nothing would stop him, even if it meant trickery and deception.

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