Chapter Fifty-Eight

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Unpopular opinion. My favorite Rapunzel!

"They just keep coming!", Eugene yelled out in frustration, "How many demons does this guy got?!"
He then threw his sword at a particular strange demon, trying to spear him.
"Huh? What's this?", the buck-toothed demon asked catching it easily, "Why you trying to poke me with pointy sword?"
"Hey! Give it back buddy or we're gonna have problems!", Eugene cried facing him off.
"Why you so mean?", the demon moaned scratching his rear, "Why humans such a nuisance?"
Eugene stared at the unintelligent green demon annoyed, "Alright, first things first. Give me the sword, it's mine, not yours. And second thing, your grammar is absolutely terrible! Didn't they teach you how to speak properly in demon school? Or are you just to stupid to talk properly?"
The demon howled, "Human mean! Human pay!!"
He then flew towards Eugene full speed, brandishing the sword expertly, slashing and whipping it at him.
Eugene simply laughed as he rolled and dodged the blows easily, infuriating the demon even more.
"It was fun playing with you buddy, but unluckily for you your play time is up.", Eugene quipped as Lance stabbed the demon in the back.
The demon screamed and vanished into smoke, the sword dropping to the ground.
Eugene blinked and stared at the sword for a moment before looking up at Lance.
"Lance?! What are you doing here?", Eugene cried out staring at him picking up his sword while running over to him, "Shouldn't you be with Adira right now?"
Lance's face went abnormally pale as he turned and looked away, sadness and grief radiating from him.
"Oh buddy...", Eugene said his eyes widening.
He looked at his best friend in shock and regret, "Lance, I'm sorry. Especially since you had to do it alone."
Eugene watched as Lance turned back towards him, "Where's Rapunzel and the other two?"
"They're off in the field like the rest of us.", he told Lance, "Except I don't know they're exact location, I just know we're charging that overgrown ram octopus's forces so we can give them at least half a chance."
"You don't know where they are?! Are you sure??", Lance asked grabbing Eugene.
Eugene felt more worry pile into him.
"Yes, I don't know where they are Lance! Why is it so important? What's wrong?!"
Lance let go of him, searching the field rapidly, his eyes darting around nervously, "You don't understand, Eugene..."
"Don't understand what?! Speak Lance!", Eugene yelled thoroughly freaked out now.
Suddenly Lance was blasted in the gut with a ray of dark grey magic, the magic instantly turning his veins dark.
Eugene watched helplessly as Lance knelt to the ground immediately, his face an ashen color as his eyes also turned grey.
"Lance! Lance, buddy, are you alright?", Eugene cried out rushing over to him.
"You Coronians really are pathetic!", a male voice commented, "I would have felt that coming from a mile away."
Eugene gasped and turned to see two Saporian rebels, both hands wreathed in smoke.
"What did you do to him?!", he yelled immediately readying his sword for an attack, "What did you do to Lance?!!"
One of the Separatists of Saporia grinned evilly, "I blasted him with some magic of course. Your friend's digestive tract and blood system won't be to happy with the infection.", he laughed, "He'll die soon enough just like you and your fallen comrades."
Eugene felt his heart quicken, "You did what?!?"
"I infected his blood stream and digestive tract.", he repeated smirking.
"You will join him in a moment, but since I'm feeling generous and am in a good mood, I could give you an instant death instead if you'd like.", the second Saporian offered.
Eugene felt his face get hot with rage as he gritted his jaw, "You're going to pay for that!!!", he screamed throwing his sword at them.
Anger boiled inside him like never before as he attacked.
He was tired of his family and friends getting hurt and cursed, and almost always could never stop it from happening.
Eugene was determined to win this battle and was no longer holding back.
The Saporian's simply moved out of the way of his blade's reach, smiling smugly as they conjured up glowing black balls of curses.
They then threw them at him in unison as Eugene ran straight toward them.
Eugene ducked and rolled easily, finally leaping over them and landing behind the two.
"I did say I'd make you pay!", Eugene said softly slicing them both in the back with his sword in one clean sweep.
The two men silently fell to their knees before falling down dead as blood stained their robes.
Eugene watched them fall, his face void of any emotion except anger.
He was done playing nice.
This was war and he was going to make sure his side won.
"Forward men!! Full charge!!", Eugene heard the king command as a legion of guards pressed through the demon forces.
The people fought on, slowly but surely making their way toward Zhan Tiri's side of the battlefield.
Eugene glanced at them before rushing back over to Lance, who was trying to stand but failing as his knees gave out at every attempt.
"Lance, hey, take it easy!", Eugene said grabbing his friend's arm, "You just got blasted with some dark magic!"
Lance looked at him weakly, "I'm fine, this is nothing compared to what we've dealt with in the past.", he insisted.
He glared at him, "You know and I know you are not fine! So stop acting like you are!"
"Eugene..., the incantation...", Lance trailed, his body already starting to give out at an alarming rate.
"Yeah, what about it?!", Eugene asked gripping Lance's shoulders.
Lance coughed, "The incantation... it won't... it won't work..."
Eugene felt his heart stop for a moment, "What do you mean...?!?"
"Out of my way! I'm trying to see the action!", Old Lady Crowley yelled shoving past Eugene and the guards.
The townspeople then started cheering and calling out, the air filling with newfound hope and victory.
Eugene looked up and around as Lance's pale went white, "We're... to... late..."
Eugene stood up and looked into the distance, seeing the small form of Rapunzel, her long blond hair blowing behind her as she stood in front of Zhan Tiri.
"Rapunzel...", Eugene breathed as the air seemed to turn electric.
Lance grabbed his arm, "All we can do now is wa-wait...", he coughed out in one breath as a strand of hair floated down next to Eugene.

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