Chapter Five

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Cassandra followed Andrew as he led them through an old path in the Kira woods.
"So Hubert, what were you really doing hanging around here? Right near Corona? All by yourself?", Cassandra asked coyly.
Andrew scowled as she used his real name, but didn't say anything as they trekked through overgrown bushes and plants gone awry. There were definitely no fluffy bunny rabbits and rainbows in this part of the forest, as the area was shadowy and dark, just how Cass liked it.
Cassandra poked him, "I asked you a question. Answer."
Andrew sighed again, "Fine. I was doing nunna."
"What's nunna?"
Andrew smirked, "Nunna business."
Cassandra grimaced, "Ha, ha, hilarious. I've never heard that one before."
"Yet you fell for it, Cassie.", he turned to look at her.
"Don't call me that! And get real, what were you planning on doing? We are on the same side after all.", Cassandra said crossing her arms.
"I'm not an idiot as to tell you everything and as for not calling you Cassie, don't call me Hubert.", Andrew answered.
"Not an idiot, huh? Then why would you call me Cassie if I specifically said not to or you would be severely injured? Only an idiot would say it again."
He smirked, "Yeah? Well I'm still here in one piece without a scratch. You don't hold your threats very well."
Cassandra's eyes flashed and she sprouted a few rocks casually around Andrew's throat.
"Wanna bet?", she smiled.
"No, I'm good.", he choked out.
Lowering the rocks, Cass stared him down, "Great, now that's established,
just answer my question."
Andrew rubbed his neck self consciously, "What question again?"
She rolled her eyes, "What you were doing out here?", she reminded.
"Oh right. Well, I was on a mission or more appropriately a solo run. I was planning on trying to infiltrate the castle via tunnels.", he said as he whacked a tree branch away.
"You mean Herz der Sonne's tunnels? The ones you can't locate because they're still secret?", Cassandra pointed out.
Andrew looked at her annoyed, "Well yes, but I was planning on asking around, gathering information and listening to rumors. The tunnels are still a legend to most Coronans like the fairytales on Zhan Tiri. I was sure that there were other ways to obtain the knowledge of the tunnels besides the book."
Cassandra smirked, "You mean the book that you failed to steal on the Day of Hearts? The one written by Herz der Sonne himself with an intricate map of the tunnels? That book?", she rubbed in Andrew's face.
Gritting his teeth, Andrew turned away from her.
"I was planning on asking older residents, farmers or something, who would maybe know more about the tunnels than the usual story.", he continued, ignoring Cassandra's jibe. "So my plan on trying to infiltrate the castle isn't that far fetched and totally possible. And anyhow since you're with us now, I'm sure you'll tell us where the tunnels are."
Cassandra frowned, "I wouldn't be counting on it."
"Why not?"
"Because.", she stated.
Andrew looked mad, "Because? Because why?"
"Because I don't feel like sharing state secrets like that when I haven't even had a proper meeting with your little club.", Cassandra said looking at him with her eyes glinting.
"Speaking of your cute little mutinous club, how far are we from them?", she asked as she ducked under a mess of plants.
Andrew sighed, "Not far. We'll be there in a few more minutes."
Cassandra nodded, "Good, because I my time is valuable and I don't want to waste more than necessary."
"Don't worry your time will definitely not be wasted.", he said.
"No traps.", Cassandra warned.
Andrew rolled his eyes, "Yah, no traps, got it. Don't worry, if I wanted to pull something I would've done it, also we're here.", he said.
She followed Andrew to a waterfall and ducked behind it after him into a secret tunnel. As she trekked behind him Cassandra saw paintings depicting the story of the Separatists of Saporia.
Except in this version, Corona were the monsters and the king of that time, Herz der Sonne, was a hideous beast. This king beast had twisted General Shampanier's mind making her betray Saporia to Corona. The Separatists of Saporia were the only people left who understood that Corona was in the wrong and were never to be allied with. So they were the right doers and they would eventually give justice to Corona, fixing the terrible mistake that General Shampanier had made.
Cassandra jabbed a thumb at the paintings, "Nice story, but it's a little different from the one I was told."
"It's the true version and whether you choose to believe it or not, your kingdom is evil and pathetic.", Andrew said continuing to lead the way.
"And your little kingdom isn't?", she shot.
"Every kingdom has a little evil in their society, so no. Saporia is probably just as evil as yours. Maybe even more for accepting Corona as an ally."
"You know that your not in the right here, right? What you do is wrong and you're trying to disrupt decades of peace just to get a war. A war that won't help anyone and certainly not you.", she retorted.
"Also you throw the term 'evil' around to much. No one is truly evil unless they've committed evil acts, such as killing or torturing.", Cass added.
Andrew turned to look at her, "I thought you were on my side or against Corona at least."
"I am on your side, I just want to make sure you understand that we're the bad guys. What you do and your group do is wrong, just saying.", she answered.
"Are you telling me what's wrong and right? 'Cause I know what's wrong and what's right,so I don't need you to tell me, Cassandra.", he whirled around.
Andrew gestured at the paintings, "I don't know if you'll understand, but we are the justice of your and my kingdoms wrongdoing. The Separatists of Saporia are the good guys here and anyone who opposes us are the bad guys. So no matter what you think, we are the right side of this war."
Cassandra frowned, "If you say so, but when you have secret clubs and shady people it doesn't really seem like your the good guys."
"If it bothers you that much,why are you even here?", Andrew asked annoyed.
She crossed her arms, "It doesn't bother me.", Cass stated, "Now, are we almost there?"
Andrew stared her down for a few moments before turning around.
"It's just around the corner.", he answered.
Then without another word Andrew walked off and Cassandra quickly followed in silence.
After a few turns the two stopped in front of a stone door in the dead end wall of the tunnel.
The door was huge and rose twelve feet, adorned with the emblem of the Separatists of Saporia.
Cassandra watched as Andrew's eyes flashed for a millisecond as he pushed the door open.
The door creaked as it opened slowly, admitting them in.
Andrew turned to look at her and he smiled, "Welcome to the base of the Separatists of Saporia Cass."

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