Bonus Short Story 2K reads!

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Wow! Thank you ya guys!
I can't believe this has over 2 thousand reads, thank you sooo much! Here's a short story I've written for you with the happy friends!😊
You truly are the best!
Bonus Short Story
"C'mon Varian! You're going to be late!", Rapunzel cried pulling Varian's arm.
"Whoa! Okay!", Varian yelled as he was yanked from his seat.
"C'mon lets go!"
Varian laughed, "Okay, okay I'm coming, but you're going to rip my arm off!", he said running after her as she pulled full steam ahead.
Ruddiger followed the two chittering happily as the friends ran through the woods.
"What are we doing Rapunzel? What are we late for exactly?", Varian questioned as she led him through the trees.
Rapunzel moves a curtain of vines revealing a hidden glade as she smiled, "Late for fun!", she cried.
Varian saw the grove had a picnic set up and Eugene and Cassandra were there waiting.
"Hey Varian.", Cass greeted.
"Yeah, how ya doin little buddy?", Eugene asked rubbing his hair.
Varian laughed and pulled away, "I'm great! Well I was great before you ruined my hair.", he smiled.
Rapunzel pulled out several hairbrushes and jumped up and down in excitement, "Looks like we know what activity we're doing first!"
"Nope. I'm not doing my hair Rapunzel.", Cassandra objected.
"Aww Cass it'll be fun!", Rapunzel pouted. "Please?"
Eugene smirked, "Are you afraid of some hairstyling Cassandra?"
Cassandra scoffed, "Of course not."
Varian shrugged, "I don't mind having my hair brushed."
"I don't object either. C'mon Cass the one and only stick in the mud.", Eugene said poking her.
Cassandra looked at the group and lowered her head in defeat, "Fine. I guess I could tolerate it."
The group cheered and Rapunzel immediately started handing out the hairbrushes.
Rapunzel started brushing Eugene's hair and Varian started on Casssandra's.
Varian blushed as he started running the brush through Cass's short raven hair.
"Just try not to rip my hair out, okay?", Cassandra said glancing at him.
Varian nodded as he watched Cass take a brush and start to groom Ruddiger's fur.
After the group was done, Rapunzel had a French braid and Cass had a single small braid on the side of her head, meanwhile Eugene's hair was put in a mantail and Varian had a man bun.
Rapunzel squealed as she looked at the group, "All we need is flowers!"
Cassandra's eyes widened, "Whoa, I thought the hairstyling was over!"
Varian rolled his eyes, "It's just some flowers Cass."
Rapunzel then pulled out flower wreaths and set them on everyone's head like a crown, she even had one for Pascal and Ruddiger.
"Now, we feast!", Rapunzel grinned pulling out the food.
"Now that's something I can agree with!", Cass said as Eugene dug in.
Varian nodded in agreement.
Soon the group were dining and laughing to their heart's content and the glade was filled with hope, friendship and life.
After a variety of games and play, night claimed the last hours of dusk and fireflies suddenly emitted through the trees, filling the air with a soft glow.
"Isn't it beautiful?", Rapunzel breathed twirling gently on the grass.
Cass and Varian nodded slowly taking the magical scene.
Eugene took Rapunzel's hand and looked into her bright green eyes, "Not as beautiful as you Rapunzel. You're amazing."
"Aww Eugene, you're going to make the fireflies jealous.", she joked as she kissed him and rested her head on his shoulder.
Varian smiled as he watched the two and stood near Cass a little closer.
Cassandra noticed and smiled, suddenly pulling him closer in a gentle side hug.
"Let's enjoy the night Varian.", Cassandra said quietly as she stared at the glowing glade.
Varian smiled as he Ruddiger leaped into his arms.
"Yeah, Lets.", he grinned.
And there you are my Tangled Fans! I hoped you enjoyed the story! Again thank you so much!

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