Chapter Thirty-Six

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Varian felt his whole body start to shake uncontrollably as he watched Cassandra disappear through the tunnel with Rapunzel.
What had he gotten himself into?
Varian buried his head between his knees and wept quietly and freely.
All he wanted was his dad back, that's all he ever wanted.
Varian realized how childish and foolish revenge was.
He knew if his father was free right now, he would be horrified by his actions and disgusted.
Is this how he should respect and honor his father's memory?
But at the same time, his heart felt to broken and full of hate to not try to get revenge.
His dad was his top priority and he was willing to do anything to free him, but would his father understand that?
Probably not.
Tears streamed down his cheeks non-stop as he sat huddled behind the bushes and rocks his emotions going on overload.
"Come on Lance, you're fine.", Varian heard Eugene comfort. He then lifted his head and peered through the leaves, watching the group.
Varian watched as Lance nodded stiffly and and walked over to Adira like a zombie, his face void of all emotions except despair.
Eugene glanced at Lance as he cut everyone else free with the rock dagger Rapunzel had used to partly free him.
"Finally.", the tall man who claimed to be Cassandra's father said while stretching his arms, "I have to admit it was starting to get a little uncomfortable."
"What are we going to do now?", a woman who looked a lot like queen Arianna asked.
Eugene finished cutting Shortie free and put the dagger in his belt, "I honestly don't know. We're not strong enough to defeat Cass and Rapunzel is the only one who can do it. The best thing we can probably do is stay safe so we don't bring her down.", he said carefully looking angry and ashamed.
"We can't just abandon Rapunzel! She's your girlfriend and she's my niece!", the aunt of Rapunzel protested.
Eugene curled his hand into a fist and slammed it into the ground, "Don't you see Willow?!? We can't help Rapunzel, because if we do, we'll end up like Adira! And if we die, Rapunzel won't be able to fight Cass because of grief and guilt!! We have to get somewhere safe and put our faith in her!", he cried through gritted teeth.
Varian watched as Eugene cried angry bitter tears, his emotions warring against what he wanted and what was best.
"The princess's boyfriend over here is right. We need to get somewhere safe and hope the Sundrop knows what she's doing.", Hector said.
Eugene shook his head, "I just realize now, Rapunzel doesn't know how to defeat Cass. How will she stop her if Adira never had the chance to tell her?", he ran a hand through his hair frustrated.
"Guys!! Adira is still alive!!!", Lance yelled as Varian almost screamed from shock.
Everyone rushed around Adira and all Varian could hear was incoherent mumbling and see the backs of Rapunzel's friends.
He then watched as the group took off with Lance holding Adira gingerly out of the glade.
Varian was deciding whether he should try to follow them or not, when he was taken by surprise.
Suddenly, Varian was then grabbed by Hector by the scruff of his neck like a kitten and held up accusingly.
Varian yelped and struggled as he was yanked from his hiding spot as his feet was above the ground several inches.
"I knew there was someone else spying.", Hector said eyeing him.
"Let me go!", Varian yelled angrily as he tried to kick Hector's face.
Varian watched annoyed and angry as Hector raised an eyebrow, "That's cute. What are you doing out here spying on me pipsqueak."
Varian finally stopped kicking, realizing it was no use and stared down the tall man that held him.
"It's none of your business.", Varian shot at him.
Hector looked at him and smirked, "Why are you so small? If you are Quirin's son, I'd think you'd be a little taller."
"I just haven't hit my growth spurt yet!", he yelled feeling defensive, "I'm also a perfectly fine height for my age until I do hit my spurt!"
"Right.", the man humored him, "So who sent you to spy on the princess? Was it Cassandra?", Hector asked looking straight into his bright blue eyes.
Varian fidgeted and sighed, "I sent myself, I work alone.", he lied.
Hector gave him a long look and threw him to the ground harshly, making Varian tumble and roll into the dirt.
"Liar.", Hector breathed angrily, "Tell me the truth kid or things will real ugly, real fast."
Varian stood up painfully and backed away from the advancing man on shaky feet.
What should he do? He didn't want to give this man all the cards, especially when he already had so many.
He had to try to hide some things to his and Cassandra's advantage.
"I did send myself to spy on Rapunzel, I hate her. Furthermore isn't Cass her best friend and lady-in-waiting?", Varian played while backing away slowly, "So why would Cassandra tell me to spy on Rapunzel?"
"You're a lousy liar kid and it's best to stop when you're already so far ahead. Tell me the truth.", Hector demanded unsheathing his sword.
Varian was starting to see he was running out of options and knew he had to think of something fast.
"Were you crying kid?", Hector asked looking at his tearstained face.
Varian looked away, "My name's Varian, not kid first off and second, no I wasn't crying.", he said fiercely while wiping away any leftover tears off his face.
"Is the only thing that come out of your mouth lies Varian, if that even is actually your real name? I wouldn't know 'cause lies seems to be the only thing that is coming out, so I wouldn't know.", Hector said grabbing him again annoyed.
"What do you want with me!?!", Varian screamed at Hector tired of being held like a kitten.
"To answer my question, that's what I want.", Hector shot, "Now what were you doing spying on the princess and how much did you hear?"
"Why the hell does it matter to you!!", he screamed back angrily while he tried to kick him in the face again.
Hector threw him to the ground again, this time slamming him into the broken rubble of the old tower.
"Because I know you possess the moon stone and you were never supposed to have it in the first place! I know you're working with Cassandra, so just admit it!", Hector yelled, "You can hand the opal over now or you can die!"
Varian cried out as he got a bad cuts and scrapes from slamming into the broken bricks and debris.
He then sat up gingerly and stared down Hector as his arm started to bleed.
"You're not getting the moonstone, not while I'm alive.", Varian breathed in a low and determined voice.
Hector cracked his knuckles and grimaced, "Why didn't you say so sooner?"
Varian then watched as Hector charged at him, both blades drawn before the world went black.

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