Chapter Two

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Chalk scratched the wall as Varian drew another tally mark to mark his stay.
Six months. Six months of being in prison.
Six months of failed escape attempts, bad tasting gruel, rude prison mates, and rats. Rats!
He had spent his birthday in prison too, not that it mattered.
Varian sighed and looked out into the hallway as Pete the guard passed by his cell. He then stood up and walked over to the door.
"Pete, how's it going?", Varian asked.
Pete looked around for a minute and then turned to Varian.
"You know I'm not supposed to talk to you Varian.", he said warningly.
Sighing Varian rested his head against the bars, "I know, I know, I was just trying to make some small talk."
"Why?", Pete asked a little confused.
Varian shrugged, "I was bored and I thought a little conversation wouldn't hurt. I mean it's not like I have anything better to do with my life."
Pete stared at Varian in surprise. Where were the tricks, the manipulation, the hatred?
This boy was a hollowed out husk of what he used to be and obviously the prison had broken him down. Pete was concerned and decided to report this to the king, maybe Varian had changed after all this time.
"Um, well, goodbye.", Pete said awkwardly stepping away from Varian's cell.
Varian just looked at him and nodded, depression in his eyes. "Goodbye.", he said slumping down into a sitting position.
Pete cast Varian one more look before leaving and hurried over to the Captain of the guard.
"Sir! I have a report on prisoner seven.", Pete said saluting the Captain as he entered his office.
Cap looked up and waved his hand dismissively, "Don't tell me. He tried to break out or bribe you into freeing him."
"No sir, in fact he didn't try anything.", Pete reported.
Pete looked guilty, "I think his spirit is broken."
Cap pounded his desk, "About time! The boy has finally learned we hold the cards and he is at our mercy. If his spirit is broken then he won't try anything, like kidnapping royalty or threatening princesses!"
The Captain put his hands together thinking in prayer position as Pete watched him.
"I need to see this for myself. Let's go.", Cap announced standing up suddenly.
Pete followed Cap as he entered the prison and walked over to Varian's cell.
"Varian!", the Captain barked, startling Varian almost into a heart attack.
Varian looked at him, "Yes, Captain?"
Narrowing his eyes Cap spoke slowly and deliberately, "What is your mission?"
Averting his eyes Varian spoke quietly.
Cap had to strain his ears as Varian spoke.
"I don't have a mission anymore, my dad is never getting free and I'm tired. I don't really have anything left to live for honestly.
"All I can say is that I am sorry for my past actions and I wish I could start over and make things right.
"I know you'll probably never believe me and I've done too much damage to ever be forgiven. I don't expect to ever have freedom again but I hope you can find it in your heart to pass my message to the king.",Varian said his words heavy and slow.
The Captain of the guard blinked for a moment, stunned. Maybe, just maybe, Varian was sorry for what he did.
Then the Captain laughed in his head, that thought was ridiculous! The boy was probably playing them, thinking by acting like he'd given up they would let him go!
Well, Cap thought, he has another thing coming!
"You're right, I don't believe you and you're not having the sun shine upon your face anytime soon.", Captain barked heartlessly testing Varian to see if he blew up. "In fact your chances of getting out are as good as your father's! Which in other words, impossible.", he continued.
Pete stared at Cap in shock. Cap had taken this too far!
To the Captain's shock Varian didn't even shoot him a hateful look or insulting comeback. Instead he just turned away looking at the wall.
"I know it's hopeless for my dad."
Cap looked up realizing Varian had just spoken and listened interested.
This is where I catch you in your false game boy, the Captain thought waiting for Varian to start swearing revenge.
"I also know your harsh words are to hurt me, which is understandable. But don't bring my dad into this please, he's never done anything to you.", Varian said his eyes closed and his head bending over his knees.
Well okay then, Cap thought, so much for that.
Pete looked like he was about to cry as Cap turned and motioned for him to follow. As soon as they were back in the Captain's office Pete blew up.
"You were to hard on him Cap! His heart and mind are broken and all you can do is make thoughtless jabs at his encased father!!! Even I didn't think you could be so cold!"
Cap flapped his mouth like a fish, unable to say anything. He was shocked at Pete's outburst.
"Yes what he did was wrong and he deserves punishment, but you don't need to go rubbing salt into the wound!", Pete continued. "A wound that might just be fatal for his mental health! For Pete's sake, he is still just a boy and you're a full grown man! Find some humanity!!!", Pete scolded.
Then done with his outburst Pete glared at the Captain of the guard waiting for a response.
The Captain just sat there for the next for minutes in utter shock as he processed what had just happened.
No one, besides the king of course, had dared yelled at him like that. Especially guards named Pete who weren't exactly the standing up type.
"Pete.", Cap said firmly making sure he had his attention.
"Sir?", Pete said his voice ringed with cold.
Sighing, Cap placed his hands on the desk folding them together before continuing. "What you just did back there was disrespectful."
Pete shifted a little uncomfortably but then shook his head, "It might have been disrespectful, but it doesn't change the fact that I am right."
"You're right and I was being too hard on the boy. I shouldn't have said what I did and I will make amends with Varian.", Cap said standing up. "Also I'm proud of you for finally growing some backbone. You stood up to me and that took courage, but don't ever do that again."
Pete saluted, "Yes, Sir."
After Pete put down his hand he turned to Cap. "Um, Cap? Do you think we should tell the king about this?"
"I'll tell the king about Varian.", The Captain promised.
"Do you think we can let him go? Prison is crushing him and I think he's learned his lesson."
The Captain looked at Pete, "You know that his release is the king's decision. And as for if he has learned his lesson, I don't quite buy it."
"What? But, Sir you don't really think he's faking it? He's a mess!"
"I learned long ago not to underestimate him.", Cap said gravely. "And remember he did act like he was still the princess's friend in order to get what he wanted. He might be faking this."
Pete looked angry, "And what if he's not? Any much longer and his mind might be broken beyond repair!"
"Better broken then wrecking havoc for Corona, Pete.", and with that he turned and left the room, leaving Pete angry and determined.

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