Chapter Fifty-Nine

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The trio charged on through the hills and fields as the people and guards drew Zhan Tiri's forces away.
Sweat pouring and hearts beating faster with every minute, Rapunzel led them to the warlock discreetly.
"Come on guys, just a little more.", she told them taking out a stray Saporian with her frying pan.
"I know we need to stick together, but do we hold hands or something while you do the incantation?", Varian asked gripping the horse's neck as it leaped over a boulder.
Rapunzel shook her head, "I don't think that's necessary, I just need you two to stay with me."
"Alright then... if you say so.", he said as the horses came to an abrupt halt.
"Agh!", Varian yelled falling off the horse onto his rear.
Cassandra dismounted and helped him up, "You alright?"
He nodded as Rapunzel walked over to them and peered over the edge of their hiding place.
Zhan Tiri was standing right next to them, completely unaware of their presence.
She looked at him in awe and disgusted determination.
Varian gulped, "He's HUGE and this is when he's nine feet tall."
"Yeah, no kidding.", Cass hissed, "He's even bigger then this usually. So do we do the incantation here or what Rapunzel?"
Rapunzel nodded, "We're practically standing next to him, I think it'll work."
"And what if he needs to see you for it to work, like you got to be right in front of him?", Varian butted in putting a hand over her mouth, "We've only one shot at this."
"Are you just trying to stall?", Cassandra accused whispering angrily.
Varian shook his head and removed his hand, "I just don't want to screw things up, especially since Rapunzel seems like she doesn't even know what she's doing."
"Of course she doesn't know! Adira is the one who gave her that solution which supposedly is the only thing capable of stopping Zhan Tiri!", Cassandra said.
Rapunzel put her arms between the two, "I know this is stressful, but we just need to get this done. I'll admit I have little idea of what I'm doing, but so do you guys.", she said in a hushed tone, "So let's figure it out together."
She watched as the two nodded and looked at her expectingly.
"So how about I start the incantation here and then I'll come out with you guys and we'll be in front of Zhan Tiri, we then can join hands toward the end or something.", she suggested, "Just to make sure."
"Let's do it.", Cass agreed glancing at the warlock.
Rapunzel turned towards Varian, "You in?"
He sighed, "I guess it's the best plan we've got. Let's go for it."
Rapunzel hugged her two comrades and friends tightly for a moment, trying to show her appreciation, love, and guilt for all her past mistakes.
"I could never have gone this far without you guys, so thank you.", she whispered letting go.
"Time is running short Rapunzel.", Cassandra gently reminded pushing her forward.
She nodded and turned, staring at the big beast in front of her.
"Hey wait!", Varian exclaimed grabbing her arm, "Doesn't he have the Ultimate Power now?!"
Rapunzel pulled away, "Yes I believe so, that's why we need to stop him. What are you getting at Varian?"
His eyes widened with panic, "But if he has the Ultimate Power,", he hissed, "How come he hasn't used it to easily wipe out our forces? And if holds the power of the sun drop and moonstone, what does that leave you with?!"
"Varian! We're all running out of time! I know you're scared but you said you would be willing to do this!", Rapunzel said turning away, "I need to this before it's to late and everyone's gone!"
She then walked away from Varian who was protesting as Cassandra held him back.
It was all up to her now.
One incantation and the evil warlock would fall to his knees.
Rapunzel came over the edge of the hill and started to chant, her long blond hair waving behind her like a cape.
"Flower gleam and glow,
"Wither and Decay...,
"Let your Power shine,
"End this destiny..,"
Zhan Tiri turned towards her as he heard her words, anger immediately filling his face.
"I don't think so! Silence!!", he yelled as he started growing twice his size, "I said silence!!"
He tried grabbing her but she dodged as several arrows came flying at the warlock's face and eyes from the guard battalion, distracting him for a moment.
She continued passionately, her voice flying over the battlefield,
"Make the clock Reverse,
"Break these earthly chains..,
"Change the Fate's design,
"And set the Spirits free..,", she chanted like a mantra as Cassandra and Varian stood beside her.
Rapunzel wrapped her fingers around their hands tightly as her soul glowed with hope and determination.
This was the end.
"And give back what was once was mine!!", she finished.
Her last word echoed over the silent field, everyone quiet with anticipation.
Demons and humans alike waited to see what would become of Zhan Tiri.
Rapunzel could hear her beat louder then it should have as she started to shake.
Why was nothing happening?!?
Suddenly Zhan Tiri burst out laughing, pulling the arrows out of his face and horns.
"It... it didn't work.", she whispered shakily her face going white.
"What are we going to do Rapunzel?", Cass asked her drawing her sword, "Do I need to buy you some time?"
Rapunzel felt she was underwater, all her senses betraying her as she stared at the giant beast in front of her.
It isn't make sense.
The incantation should have worked!!
She just stood there frozen in a dazed trance as Varian and Cassandra hollered.
Zhan Tiri plucked her off the ground in one easy sweep, his menacing smile bigger then a house.
"Rapunzel!!!", she heard people shout, but it was muted and sounded very far away.
She failed. She had failed and now Corona would die along with everyone else.
Pascal squeaked urgently in her ear trying to snap her out of it as her eyes started to dull and lost any spark of hope.
"I will admit, I was scared there for a second!", Zhan Tiri chuckled, "But then I remembered...", he trailed off brandishing his free hand.
Showing her one clawed finger, he brought it close to her face, "That you are nothing.", he laughed swiping it across her hair.
Her hair cut away.
Rapunzel's eyes widened with shock, her eyes losing all their luster.
Her long golden 'unbreakable' hair fell away, instantly turning a tawny brown.
"It was wonderful of you to try, but the truth is little princess... the truth is that you aren't that special.", Zhan Tiri said, "And this destiny was never yours to begin with."
He then threw her to the ground carelessly like discarded paper, falling right into Cassandra's outstretched waiting arms.
Cassandra nearly fell over catching her as Rapunzel slammed into her hands.
Pascal squeaked rapidly, his eyes wide with fear as he pointed to Rapunzel as Cass cradled her.
"Raps! Come on!! It isn't over yet!!", Cassandra cried shaking her, "Snap out if it!"
"Ahh yes, Cassandra...", Zhan Tiri smiled looking down at her, "How you have always striven for a purpose beyond the dull one that you were given. When your truth was just like hers, unspecial and equal to those around you.
"And when you found out your parentage, you were even more determined to still try to be superior. When all the signs indicated it wasn't yours for the taking.
"You were nothing more then a tool for me and nothing more then the side character who waits on others.", he said bending down, "You are no different from the rest."
Cassandra gritted her teeth, glaring back at him with fire and fury as she tightened her grip on Rapunzel.
"I know I'm not special, but not being special doesn't mean I still can't try to be!", she retorted.
He blinked at her for a moment before breaking out laughing.
"You really are no different from any other human being are you?!", he grinned, "Every one of you strive to find a purpose, a life, a reason. You try to be better then everyone else and you want to be 'special' or 'chosen' for some grand plan!
"Well let me tell you right now, there is no grand plan! You all live just to breed and die, living a pointless life right up to the end.", he then snapped his fingers as green magic cascaded over everyone, "So you can thank me for later for ending and getting rid of you humans."
Suddenly black and bright lime green vines wove around everyone, weaving and holding their prey down.
The people in the battlefield gasped and the silence was broken as demon and human both were ensnared in Zhan Tiri's magic.
"Master!", one of the demons yelled, "We're getting trapped in your spell!"
The Saporian rebels and demons yelled in agreement as the people tried to hack their way through.
Zhan Tiri glanced at them, "I need your strength and life force. And you did say you'd give your life to me.", he said carelessly.
"But! Lord, I have served you for over a millennia!", the demon cried as the vines drained him.
"It makes no difference. Unless you are a god, no one will be spared.", he smiled as the demon turned to ash.
Rapunzel felt the vines drain her away as she felt Cassandra try to cut them off her.
"Cass, there's no point...", she said her voice monotone.
Cassandra looked at her in fear, "Raps we need to keep tryi-,"
"It's to late. I've failed.", Rapunzel cut in, "We're all going to die."

Please comment! Fanfiction is my heart and soul so I need some payment!

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