Chapter Woo-Hoo!

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Thank you guys sooo much! I can't even believe it! How did this even happen? Thank you so much for you support, comments and votes!
Another short story for you my readers!
Hope you enjoy it!
It's a Varian x Reader!💖
Bonus Varian x Reader story!
(Y/N) stared at the table in frustration trying to think of something.
Anything would be nice, even if it were something like a automatic raker.
Would that be any good?, you thought sketching it out then throwing it away.
Nah, that would never do, you thought irritated.
Why couldn't you think of anything?
Varian was counting on you to brainstorm some ideas, but nothing came to your mind.
"Hey (Y/N), how's it coming?", Varian asked entering the room.
You sighed, "Not very well."
Varian came up behind you and looked over your shoulder at the empty sketch pad.
"Hmmm, maybe you need a break that's all.", Varian suggested.
"I'm good, I know I can think of something soon.", you insisted.
Varian frowned, "Come on (Y/N), just give your mind a break."
You turned to the pad and started sketching who-knows-what, "I can't, you're waiting for my ideas and I need to go through with it."
"Fine, but's what's happening next is on you.", Varian said slyly.
He then dumped you out of the chair and scooped you up in one quick easy motion.
"Varian! Put me down!", you yelled.
Varian then grabbed your ankles and hung you upside down against his back, holding you with surprising strength.
"Any ideas yet (Y/N)?, Varian asked laughing as he bounced you up and down.
"Yeah, you putting me down for starters!", you screeched as he faked dropped you.
"Varian, That was mean!", you yelled as he laughed making you sit on his shoulders upright.
"Aww, I just having some fun (Y/N), loosen up!", Varian said holding your legs.
You smiled and ruffled his hair as he walked around the room and took off his goggles.
"Hey! Put those back on me!", Varian cried out craning his head looking up at your twinkling (e/c) eyes.
You laughed, "Then you have to put me down Varian!"
He smiled and dropped you to the ground, catching you at the last second before you would have hit your head.
"There you go.", Varian smirked, as you closed your eyes and yelped in surprise.
You opened your eyes and realized you were on your feet and you punched him on the shoulder.
"How many times are you going to do that?", you asked.
Varian shrugged, "I don't know, as many times as I want. Now give me back my goggles.", he said holding out his gloved hand.
"No way!", you laughed.
Varian lunged for the goggles and you ducked out of the way, "Can't catch me!", you teased sticking out your tongue.
"Oh yeah? It's on (Y/N)!", he cried out chasing after you.
The two of you ran around the room for a while until Varian tackles you to the ground.
"Gotcha,", he said triumphantly, "Now gimme the goggles.", he tried wrestling them from your grip.
You held onto them in a vice grip, "Never!", you laughed.
You and Varian wrestled a bit until you both crashed into the trash can.
The trash spilled over you and him and you both laughed as you looked at each other.
"Nice look.", you laughed as pieces of paper were stuck in his hair.
He pulled out a piece of paper and smiled, "Thanks, but yours is even more stylish."
You brushed out the pieces of paper and pencil shavings out of your (h/c) hair.
"You stink!", you laughed throwing a piece of wadded paper at him.
"I'm pretty sure we both stink, we're both covered in trash.", Varian pointed out.
He then looked at the piece of paper in his hand, "What's this?", he asked raising an eyebrow opening it.
Uh, oh, you thought.
Varian looked at it, "Automatic raker."
"I know it's dumb,", you cut in, "but I'll think of something better."
He looked into your eyes and you stared back at his gorgeous blue eyes, "Its amazing (Y/N)! I don't know why you think this is dumb, because it's ingenious! Great work.", he praised.
You looked up at him with shining eyes, "Really?!"
"Yeah, so let's get to work!", Varian said standing up holding out his hand to you.
You smiled and took it.
Varian looked at you, "See (Y/N), sometimes the simplest things in the world can be the best things."
You shrugged, "I guess I was just overthinking it."
He smiled, "Probably.", he then reached for his goggles, "I still need those back though (Y/N)."
You moved your hand out of the way just in time, "You'll have to earn these back."
Varian laughed again, "I caught you last time! Just save us both of the time."
"Because I let you catch me! This time you're not getting me easily Varian!", you said running out of the room.
He chased after you and the two of you laughed and teased each other for quite a while.
And that's it folks! I hope you enjoyed it! Also this is my first x reader story so tell me what you thought! Should I write a x reader book for y'all?🥰

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