Chapter Thirty

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Cassandra blinked.
Andrew awoke a part of her, a strange part of her she hadn't felt for a while.
What was she doing?
She didn't want Zhan Tiri to rise, did she? He would destroy everything.
She then scoffed in her mind, of course he would, but not if she had the crystal which held the power to subdue him and force him to her will.
That's right, so stop doubting yourself.
Nooo!, her mind screamed suddenly. It's all a trap! You're going to die if you do this!
Cassandra clutched her head and for a moment and shook it, trying to clear the darkness in her warring mind.
She needed to get away from Andrew and everyone else and figure out what was going on with her.
Cassandra quickly ran off through the base and weaved through the little town.
She heard Andrew call out to her, but she ignored him.
"Cassandra! Where are you going?", Andrew yelled rushing after her, "Cassandra!!"
Cassandra made the mistake of looking back to see how close Andrew was tailing her and tripped on a limp body.
She gasped when she saw who it was and stared at the man's face.
Andrew caught up with her and stood behind her, looking at her concerned as she felt his pulse quickly.
"Cursun.", she whispered as she stared at his beat up condition.
His pulse was barely there, he was dying and he stubbornly held onto any life he had left.
Cassandra dropped his wrist and covered her mouth with her hand trying to stop the sobs that escaped.
"What have I done to you? Did I do this?", she asked horrified as she touched the blood-stained shirt.
Tears ran down her cheeks quite without her permission as she stared down at the young man who she'd impelled.
Thoughts swirled through her mind in explosions, all of them counter-acting the other and nearly driving her insane.
"I can't do this!", Cassandra cried holding her throbbing head, slamming her fist into the ground as Andrew grabbed her.
"Cass! What is going on?!?", he asked his face knitted in concern, "You're scaring me."
"I thought you hated this guy. Why are so upset?", Andrew tried getting her attention as she tried to break away.
Cassandra looked at him with shining eyes, "That's just the thing, I do hate him but I don't. I've known him for a long time.", she glanced at Cursun, "I think. I really don't know anymore."
Sharp strong pain flowed through Cassandra as she kneeled hugging herself trying to steel herself against the pain.
She didn't even realize she was screaming until her throat ached from her hoarse throat.
Reluctantly opening her eyes she saw Andrew's face right up in hers, his brown orbs full of concern.
"Cassandra, are you alright?", he asked gently putting a hand on her own.
She felt her heart beat a little harder and her cheeks tint but then broke down those walls of emotion.
Cassandra whipped her hand away sending off cold waves, "I'm fine!", she snapped.
"No!!! Stay away from me!", she yelled standing up shakily and running out of the base.
She had enough to worry about without her heart jumping around and crushing on Andrew without her consent.
Cassandra then ran through the tunnel and into the trees and woods that matched her mood.
Dark trees towered above her and only a couple of patches of light shone through in hopeful rays of hope. Shadows lingered everywhere though and thorny vines curled around some of the trees and bushes in strangling hold, choking the life from the plants.
Life and death.
Yin and yang.
Light and darkness.
They pulled and ripped into Cassandra's soul, slowly tearing her apart as she battled herself.
Why are you holding back from me, from us?", Cassandra's whispery voice asked coyly.
"Shut up.", she muttered out loud as she threw herself into a cave and collapsed to the ground holding her knees to her head.
Stalactites hung from the cave roof and water ran down them in puddles on the floor, causing a steady dripping sound to fill the place.
You can't run from me Cassandra, especially if I'm you., it laughed as Cass held her head.
Just give in to your darkness, give in and you'll never have to worry about anything ever again.
That's why I haven't!, Cassandra thought defiantly as her eyes contracted suddenly.
She screamed as she held her heart as her eyes went crazy in unnatural patterns.
Her body was under attack and she couldn't stop it no matter how hard she tried to fight it.
I like you're spirit, our spirit., it laughed, but I'm you and as we both know we both possess stubborn and fierce attitudes that have kept us going throughout the years.
It really is a shame though how you feel all this guilt finishing off worthless people. It's holding you back from your power, our power.
Why do you insist on fighting yourself when you know which side of yourself will win? When you've always known?
"You made me murder my friend and several innocent people!!!", Cassandra screamed angrily. "You made me a murderer!! I wanted to deliver justice and I'm doing the exact opposite because of you!!!"
Oh, don't be like that...
"You're a monster!!!", she screamed over the voices in her head at the top of her voice.
She looked at her reflection in a puddle and gasped as she looked at her scar and eyes.
She looked like a monster, her and her glowing demonic eyes with that scar giving her an unearthly appearance.
Her body racked with pain that ripped into her very being as the voices continued.
Those Separatists of Saporia were never innocent and you know it. Also it was necessary to kill those members in order to establish our rule and besides they were the ones that attacked us when Andrew brought us to the base. Don't feel to sorry for them.
Cassandra screamed as green lightning erupted from her body and her eyes, "Yeah? Well how about that coach driver!? He didn't need to die!!! Also those members might not have been as innocent, but they were just trying to do their job and protect their home!!", she fired.
Her voices tsked, why do you make us do this Cassandra? You're only making things worse for yourself.
Suddenly Cassandra's whole body exploded with pain that made her wish she was dead and could end it all.
Her screams were inhuman as she dropped to the ground on all fours as blood leaked out of her mouth.
It's such a shame when you have to punish yourself, isn't it? But you'll be fine.
As for the coach driver he was a witness, he was disposed of properly and you did the right thing., it assured.
Her body shook as she tried to speak but blood flew out of her mouth in red specks, covering the rocky ground.
"Not me,", she panted angrily, "you. You did this, not me and you know it!"
I heard of people casting their blame on someone else before, but I've never heard of someone blaming themselves just to say it wasn't them., it laughed amused.
We never cease to amaze Cassandra and you have so much more to yourself then you want to admit. More then you want to show and believe.
You can be great, you can finally come forever out your father's shadow, your king and anyone else who stands.
Make your mark.
Cast you shadow.
Unlock the power you have inside of yourself and become great.
Cassandra shook her head as she collapsed to the ground as her legs and arms gave out.
Losing your fight I see.
"I won't sto...op.", Cass breathed heavily right as she passed out.
The world went black as Cassandra gave in as she succumbed to pain and the voices in her mind.
As she did, evil laughter rang through her mind and the steady dripping of water filled the dark cavern.

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