Chapter Twenty

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The man ran through the forest quietly and quickly while cradling the box in his arms.
The woman with the rocks wanted the box he held in his arms.
She had powers beyond anything he had ever seen, she could control the black rocks.
She was dangerous and so was the man who had attacked the carriage.
He had barely escaped with the box and his life.
He couldn't let the woman or her boyfriend get it at any cost, Xavier trusted him to hide the item away safely where no one would find it.
I can't let him down, he thought desperately as he charged through the trees.
He only prayed he would be able to hide it somewhere good in time because he knew evil would rise if he didn't.
The talk he had with Xavier rushed through his mind.
"I need you to hide this.", Xavier had told him at the blacksmith workshop.
Xavier had called him unexpectedly and he was surprised his friend was worried about the object.
He had always held onto it and had never expressed fear of it besides it being dangerous.
Xavier had called him all the way from Zabanial, a kingdom several months away from Corona.
So he knew whatever it was, it was important.
"But sir, I'm not sure that's a good idea.", he had voiced.
Xavier shook his head, "This needs to be hidden far away where even I would never find it Cursun. It's too dangerous."
Cursun, the mans name, flinched, "But it's been forgotten and hidden well here for so many years. Why now and why me?"
"I feel a great danger rising, it will start with this object and once the wrong hands have it...", Xavier trailed off looking into the distance.
"Zhan Tiri will rise.", Cursun finished.
The box held great power and it held the only thing that could release Zhan Tiri besides a couple of other rare instances such as the Zhan Tiri tree or Sundrops power being drained to Zhan Tiri by a demon.
Xavier nodded gravely, "It needs to be kept out of all hands, including mine. I've tried destroying it but it's unbreakable. This is the only and best option I've got and I'm counting on you to get it done."
Cursun felt the danger of the situation and nodded, "You can count on me."
Xavier nodded, "Good, you leave at once tonight and remember once you hide you must never go back to it.", he warned handing him the box.
"Of course.", Cursun bowed before taking it.
"Also never open the box, is that clear?"
Cursun looked into Xavier's eyes, "I understand. I won't let you down old friend."
Xavier's brown eye twinkled, "I know you won't Cursun, best of luck and safe travels my friend."
He smiled and felt the urge to hug Xavier before he left for a second, but he shook the urge off.
"Goodbye.", Cursun bade rushing off into the cool night air.
That was the last he had seen of him for quite a while and he missed Xavier already.
He would have to be smart and hide the box before the woman and the man attacked again.
The whole world literally depended on him hiding this small box and its secrets.
Cursun pushes on a couple more miles as the moon shone over the horizon.
He was exhausted, but staying off the grid and finding an impossible place to put the box was more important then his sleep.
He could sleep as much as he liked once the box was hidden away safely.
Cursun ducked under some low hanging vines and tree branches a split second before he would have crashed into them.
Suddenly he ran straight into a blade and just avoided impelling his own throat.
Cursun backed away with inhuman speed and tried to rush away but was caught in a unknown substance.
"Nice try.", the stranger laughed, his face in shadow.
So, it isn't the rock lady's boyfriend, thought Cursun relieved and unrelieved.
Pulling out of his shoes, Cursun pulled out his chain from his belt and swung the bladed ends at the offender.
"Stay back! You don't know who you're dealing with!", Cursun warned yanking the sword out of the stranger's grasp with the chain.
The stranger laughed, "Apparently, neither do you."
Crap, Cursun thought.
Not another one.
A giant flash of light exploded and the air immedietly went foggy.
He felt himself being stalked as the fog clouded his vision and he tensed.
Cursun swung his chain in a protective arc looking around for any signs of movement.
Suddenly a vial was thrown into the air aimed at him, but he was able to cut it away.
A volley of vials and balls were then thrown at him in rapid succession and each one sent off a blast of light or some kindave glue.
What is this?, Cursun thought as he deflected the objects.
"Enough of this!", Cursun yelled at his attacker.
He was only answered by more vials as his attacker ignored him.
How many people could know about the box and it's contents?, Cursun thought irritably.
Suddenly instead of being struck by a vial, he was hit by a dagger in the arm.
Cursun dropped the chain he was swinging as he pulled the dagger out of his injured bleeding arm.
A vial then hit him square in the face making him drop to his knees as the vials contents exploded over him.
The shadowy attacker laughed as the fog cleared and picked up his dagger.
"Well, well, well what do we got here?", he said smugly standing over him.
Cursun blinked looking at his enemy's face and saw it was just a dark haired freckled teenager boy with bright blue eyes and a blue strip of hair.
"You're just a child!", he spat out surprised as his tongue felt numb along with the rest of him.
The boy smiled as he looked at the dagger's blood and shrugged, "Yeah, so?"
"So why are you attacking me?", Cursun asked trying to move.
"Because I want to.", the boy said simply.
"Because you want to?!?", he repeated shocked.
The boy looked at him annoyed, "Yes, are you a complete idiot?", he asked rolling his eyes.
He then noticed the box and picked it up, "What's this?"
Cursun couldn't stop himself, "Put that down now! Whatever you do, don't open it!!", he warned desperately.
"Important to you isn't it?", the boy smirked unlatching the locks.
"Don't!", he cried out trying to break free from the spell that the boy had cast on him.
The boy smirked, stopping for a second, "Then tell me what's in here and why I shouldn't open it."
Cursun felt conflicted.
The boy didn't know what it contained but if he told him, he might want the power. But if he didn't tell him, he would certainly open it then.
He was beaten.
There was no choice but to tell him and hope he wouldn't open it after he told the box's contents.
He had failed and to rub salt into the wound a teenager had beaten him.
It wasn't the strange rock woman or the dangerous man this time he had to worry about this time, it was a teenager.
The boy smiled at him, "By the way, the name's Varian."
Then the world went black as Cursun watched helplessly as green dust was thrown into his face.

*note- Cursun is pronounced like this (curse-son)

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