Chapter Sixteen

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Lance and Adira sat across from each other on the floor and stared at each other in silence.
"So when did you join the brotherhood Adira?", Lance asked awkwardly breaking the quiet.
Adira looked at him, "That's classified."
Lance looked down at the ground, "Oh, okay.", he then perked up, "What was your childhood like? I hope it was better then mine, you know with me being an orphan and having to fend for myself along with Eugene, things got rough for the both of us.
"So how about you?", Lance asked.
"Classified.", Adira stated.
Lance nodded, "Okay I get it, not everyone wants to talk about their childhood so what about your job huh?
Do you enjoy your job as an awesome protector and expert fighter? I mean there's always adventure around the corner and excitement! New enemies, old foes, unexpected friends, the world is a dangerous place filled with things for you to explore!", he said while pretending to jab an imaginary thug with a sword.
"That's classified.", Adira said watching Lance as he pretended to fight his imaginary enemy.
Lance stopped his imaginary swordsplay and looked at the woman in front of him, trying to think of something to talk about.
"Well umm how about your hair? It looks really nice. How do you do it?", he asked sitting beside her.
Lance was started to feel a little beaten down, but he continued with a bright smile, "Beauty secrets huh? Okay then what's your favorite flower? My favorite are Tiger Lily's, they're so pretty and smell so nice too. How about you?"
Adira drew her rock blade from its sheath and started sharpening it with a whetstone, "It's classified."
"Why?", Lance asked before he could stop himself.
Adira stopped sharpening her sword and looked at him.
Lance kneaded his brow, "I know, I know, asking you to tell me why it's classified will probably defeat the whole purpose of it being classified, but it's a flower, not anything really personal! Why does everything need to be classified?"
"Because it could reveal weaknesses.", Adira said.
Adira nodded, "If I told you I enjoy this or that or dislike this or that it could be easily turned against me. Whether you decide to use it against me yourself or someone forces it out of you, knowing anything more of me is dangerous."
Lance looked at her carefully, "Dangerous.", he repeated, "You didn't say for who. So for me or for you."
Adira's eyes widened but then went back to normal as she cleared her throat, "It's dangerous for me. I mean who could you think of that would attack you, if you knew stuff on me, to gain information about me?", she waited a few moments, "Exactly, no one. But it's still to risky for me to share personal info, especially when your so-trusted so-called friend betrayed you and stabbed you in the back.", she said angrily.
Lance was so lost. Adira was talking to him, but it felt like she was talking about something else, reliving something else. Something he had never taken part of.
When she talked about danger, she seemed to be thinking about the danger, not for her, but anyone who knew her personally and when she talked about Cass's betrayal, it sounded more like she was reliving her own friends', whoever they were, backstabbing betrayals or betrayal.
Lance felt something grow in him, a intense feeling he'd never had before.
Intense love.
Fiery, bright, strong and most importantly, real.
He loved Eugene sure, but of course like a brother.
This love, this feeling was different.
It was not only romantic love, but also a protective family love. He wanted her safe, never to hurt and knowing someone had hurt her, like Cass had done to everyone else, hurt him like it was his own pain.
It wasn't only sympathy, but also loving empathy and Lance wanted to help Adira through whatever she went through that made her put up these walls.
He looked back at Adira who was sitting still and quiet, most probably reliving some bad times and memories.
Lance took her hand gently, "Hey, I'm here Adira and if something's upsetting you, you can tell me. You can tell all of us, Rapunzel, Eugene, Max, Pascal and even Shortie!
"You know why? 'Cause we're all your friends and true friends have each other's backs.", he said smiling.
Adira pulled her hand away, "There's nothing going on besides the fact that the king wants to be a stubborn mule and won't let me tell Rapunzel, the Sundrop, the tale which might save us all!"
Lance shook his head, "No, Adira that's not what I mean and I think you know that."
"Nothings wrong!", she yelled standing up.
"What's upsetting you?", he tried.
Adira cringed, "Nothing!"
He stood up with her, "Then why are you yelling? Everyone yells that nothings wrong when something is wrong, also they don't get overly upset with nothing. You can't get upset at nothing Adira."
"I think we're done here.", Adira said firmly starting to walk away.
Lance grabbed her arm, "Please Adira, all I want to do is help you."
She tried pulling away, "Well maybe I don't want your help or has this dawned on you, even need help! I'm fine and if you truly want to help me you'd let go of me!"
"No, I won't let go Adira because I know if I did it wouldn't help you at all. You need support in your life, you need friends and you can't keep secrets forever.
"I'm here for you, I, I, I care about you. I,", he gulped, "I lo- love, you. I love you and my heart and I beg you, please Adira, to just tell me what's upsetting you.", Lance said.
"I want you to be happy. Always.", Lance finished looking straight into her brown eyes.
Adira's eyes filled with tears, but she held them back from overflowing.
Before anyone who could do or say anything Adira's heart talked for her.
Lance was shocked as Adira's lips met his and the two kissed with love and sorrow.
Both melted into the brief contact and both kissed back gently.
Adira suddenly broke away from the kiss, "I shouldn't have done that."
Lance looked at her, "It's okay."
"No it's not.", Adira said wrenching her arm out of his grip, "There's nothing between us and there will never be."
"No! Goodbye Lance.", Adira cut him off and ran out of the room, disappearing from sight.
Lance stood there stunned and felt his heart crack for Adira. She was struggling and was scared and when people feel that way they make bad choices sometimes.
But if Lance was honest, he was sad and Adira's words had cut him in the heart.
'There's nothing between us and there will never be.'

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