Chapter Thirty-Two

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"Someone's here.", Adira said tensing.
Two pairs of glowing yellow eyes peered from the shadows as a familiar voice confirmed Adira's suspicion.
"Guess that all by yourself, didn't you sister?", Hector smiled stepping out of some shadows with his two wolverines trailing him.
Adira immediately pointed her blade at his throat as Rapunzel and her friends drew their weapons.
Hector pushed her blade down and tutted, "Is that any way to treat family, sister?"
"Hector.", Adira said grimacing, "What are you doing here?"
Hector walked towards Rapunzel slowly, casually extending his wrist blade.
"The better question for you is what are you doing here?", he asked while glancing at Adira and Rapunzel.
Rapunzel pointed her frying pan at Hector as he drew near her.
"What do you want Hector?", Rapunzel asked fiercely.
He looked at her calmly, "The supposed Sundrop.", he sneered, "The one that's supposed to save us all.", he mocked circling her.
"Hey buddy, get away from Rapunzel!", Eugene demanded stepping towards Hector.
"Do you really believe you can stop the darkness? Especially since Adira wanted it along?", Hector asked ignoring Eugene.
Rapunzel readied her frying pan, "What are you even talking about? Adira has only helped us!"
Hector smiled and laughed a little, "You still believe that princess?", he then rose his blade under her chin in a swift motion, "Adira has done nothing but lie to you.", he whispered.
Rapunzel was speechless and shocked at Hector's sudden action and didn't know what to say or do.
"Alright buddy, that's it!!", Eugene yelled.
Maximus snorted in agreement and the two charged at Hector.
Eugene then pulled Hector away from Rapunzel and tried to punch him, but Hector caught his fist without even looking and stared him down.
"Really? This is what your kids defenses have come to these days? It's a wonder you've survived this far.", Hector commented as he threw Eugene back into the dirt.
Maximus reared and tried to crush Hector but he slid out of the way easily and delivered a strong gut kick to Maximus's exposed stomach.
"Eugene!", Rapunzel cried as he hit the ground hard as Maximus followed.
Lance and all the others glared at Hector in extreme dislike.
"What do you want Hector?", Adira demanded stepping close to him while narrowing her eyes.
"To let the others know the truth Adira, the truth that you obviously have been hiding from them the whole time.", Hector said staring straight back at her, "It sickens me that you've stooped so low as to lie to this bunch of naive morons and pretend to help them with their best interests at heart.
"My butt.", he spat.
"You don't have any of their best interests at all Adira and you might as well stop acting like you do. 'Cause they might be idiots but they're not stupid enough to buy your trashy act forever.
"So man up and just why don't you tell them point blank.", Hector said glaring down at her.
The two stared each other down as everyone watched in confused and awkward silence.
Maximus snorted angrily as he rose but didn't attack as he watched the wolverines with an eagle eye.
"Adira?", Rapunzel asked slowly, "What is he talking about? Are you hiding something from us?"
"I may not have known you long, but I can tell you that you're a woman of secrets.", Aunt Willow commented to Adira.
Eugene rubbed his head as he stood up and glared at Adira, "Yeah, Adira. You've been hiding several secrets from us since day one. I took it as your private life and didn't worry about it, but not at the expense of my family."
"Tell us you're not hiding anything from us Adira.", Rapunzel said staring straight into her eyes.
Hector shook his head and looked at Rapunzel, "You're going to take her word for it? She's only going to lie to you or say she doesn't have to tell you anything. It's pointless to ask princess.", he said retracting his blade and crossing his arms.
Adira glared at Hector then looked at Rapunzel and the others.
"We can talk about this later.", Adira responded, "We're running out of time and I feel Cassandra is coming.", she warned.
"I am keeping secrets, but I have my reasons and I need you to trust me or we are all going to lose.", Adira said staring straight into Rapunzel's eyes, "I need you to trust me."
Rapunzel stared back and saw Adira really did want to help them, really did want to stop Cass from destroying everything.
But could she trust her?
As she read her face, Rapunzel decided.
She would continue to put her faith in Adira.
Adira has gotten them this far and had never let them down.
"I trust you.", Rapunzel said her eyes glittering.
Adira smiled as Hector frowned.
"Really kid? I'd thought you were wiser then that. She's going to be your undoing.", Hector warned.
"She really is the Sundrop Hector and she really will save us all.", Adira retorted.
"Really? Because you know what I see out in Corona? I'll tell you. Demons. And not only demons, but also that worthless lady-in-waiting has the moon drop. The moon drop that she would have never gotten if you've would done your duty and made sure that no one ever got anywhere near it! I've been busting my butt out there trying to keep it concealed and then you come along and throw it all away!", Hector fired angrily.
"It's not Adira's fault Hector!", Rapunzel cut in, "It's mine for letting Cass get it! And I will make it right, just wait and see for yourself, I'll fix everything, I promise!"
Hector shook his head, "Don't make promises you can't keep princess, you're only making things worse for yourself."
He then looked at her with almost pity on his eyes, "Remember the last time you promised something? That kid trusted you and you broke your word.", he reminded.
Rapunzel gasped, "Wai- how do you know about that?"
"I know a lot of things princess, believe me. Including several things about Adira you obviously don't know or you would have stopped following her long ago.", Hector said.
"Why are you here? I'm pretty sure you didn't know we were going to be here.", Rapunzel asked, "So what are you doing here? Were you trying to hide from the demons as well?"
"You were trying to hide from demons huh?", Hector asked.
"The irony.", he muttered before continuing out loud.
"No I wasn't hiding from the demons, I was trying to figure out how to defeat the moonstone possessed girl. I know she's in Corona and I was hoping to find clues or weaknesses or something.", Hector explained.
He then looked at the broken rubble of the tower, "So you were trapped here am I right?", he asked Rapunzel pointing at it.
Eugene looked at her as her eyes teared up a little.
"Yeah, it was my childhood home.", Rapunzel said thinking back at the bad and good memories.
"And Gothel is the one who stole you, correct?", Hector asked.
Rapunzel nodded and looked at him in curiosity, "Why does that matter?"
Hector looked at her, "Are you telling me you really don't know?"
"Don't know what?", she asked concerned.
"It matters, cause if I'm right, Gothel is Cassandra's mother.", Hector said staring at them all as everyone gasped, "And I know this because I'm Cassandra's father."

Boom!!! Bet you didn't see that coming!😏

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