Chapter Fifteen

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Picture request from ass-trophysics drawn by yours truly. 😉 You reader can ask for a drawing to! Also please vote and comment!

Cassandra glared at the back of his head wondering how she had ended up on a mission with him, and of course, only him.
Of course Chella had to pair her up with Hubert and the two were on this mission alone, meaning Hubert thought he could flirt with her.
Well he thought he was flirting, it was more like cringy comments to make her seriously consider slapping him.
"So Cassie, what's the plan?", Andrew asked flashing a smile.
Cassandra groaned and rolled her eyes, ever since she had done that stupid death oath with him, Andrew had started to hit on her and it was getting extremely annoying.
She sighed, "I already told you about fifty times what to do. Now if you don't stop trying to make small talk and you don't wipe that idiotic smile off your face, you won't have anything to smile with when I'm done with you.", Cass threatened as she glared at him.
Andrew didn't even look fazed and he had the nerve to smirk at her.
"Yeah, I know the program. I annoy you and you threaten me. It's your thing.", Andrew said.
Can I even threaten him properly anymore without him thinking it's cute?!?, Cass thought exasperated and annoyed.
"Can we just focus on the mission here?", Cassandra huffed.
"If that's all you want to do, sure.", he said as he looked at her after gazing out at their surroundings.
"Thank you.", she said turning away from him, directing her eyes back on the road from their hiding spot. "Okay get ready, it's coming.", Cass alerted as they watched a carriage rattle down the path at full speed.
Just as it passed their hiding place, Andrew suddenly sprung into view leaping at the horses.
Pulling out a dagger from his vest and swinging, the dagger transformed into a sword as he chopped the horses away from the harness with perfect timing.
The horses ran off leaving the carriage behind and a driver who looked absolutely terrified.
"Try to run and your dead.", Andrew warned showing his sharp friend to the driver's throat.
The driver made a whimpering sound, but stayed still except for his uncontrollable jittery shaking.
The sound of a chain rung in the air as a metal spiked ball attached to it swung through the air straight at Andrew's face.
Suddenly a sword, a rock sword, blocked the metal ball just as Andrew squeaked out a prayer.
"Not the nose please, not the nose!", Andrew winced before realizing Cass stopped the weapon.
Cassandra scoffed, "Some warrior you are, worrying about your nose. Really?"
She then swung her sword, slicing the ball in half, and grabbed the chain yanking it roughly.
The person on the other end crashed to the ground in front of Cassandra and grimaced at her.
"You don't know what kinda've trouble your getting yourself into. Leave now.", he warned getting up as he drew a sword from his belt.
Cassandra smiled, "Apparently, neither do you."
Suddenly the guy launched himself at her while swinging his sword expertly. Cassandra easily dodged his attempts and swung her sword towards his head several times, throwing him off balance.
"You know, this is almost to easy. Give up before you get hurt.", Cass smiled.
He growled in frustration and tried a different tactic.
He pulled out a dagger and with his sword blocked Cassandra's strike and with the dagger he cut her hand.
Cassandra yelped in pain, dropping her sword and looking at her bloody hand and wrist.
"Looks like you're the one getting hurt to me.", the guy commented.
Cassandra glared at him and walked towards him menacingly.
"You're asking for it now.", Cass said narrowing her eyes.
The guy's eyes widened as she started growing rocks towards him and he backed away completely stunned.
Cassandra smirked, "We're not scared here, are we?"
He gulped and readied his sword and dagger as she walked closer.
"Stay away.", he commanded.
"Just let us take the package and you can go.", Cassandra said taking another step closer.
"Never!", he spat, "Someone like the likes of you and your partner definitely don't need it in your hands!"
Cassandra then grew a volley of rocks at him but the guy was able to roll, dodge and run out of the way with inhuman speed and agility.
"What the...", Cassandra said shocked as she continued to try to impale him.
"Stand STILL!!", Cass yelled out in frustration.
Suddenly the guy leaped towards her unexpectedly, slashing his dagger across her face.
She wasn't ready for this as sparks, red, and the guy's face shone in her vision before it landed.
Cassandra fell to the ground as her face bled in a red river of pain and agony.
Groaning she closed her eyes tight as the pain went from bearable to almost unbearable.
Her forehead throbbed and ached and little spots danced behind her closed eyelids.
The rocks stopped growing as she collapsed as she held her face, which covered her hand in blood to.
She closed her eyes tighter, willing the pain to die down and when it didn't, she dropped her forehead to the ground, pressing it to the rough dirt.
She heard Andrew yelling in the background and heard the pounding of feet as someone made a getaway.
After a few minutes she managed to open her eyes, but her vision was blurred.
She watched as Andrew huffed and knelt down beside her.
"Are you okay?", he asked helping her sit up, leaning her against the carriage.
Cassandra snorted, "I'm bleeding my brains out and my hand is not far behind, what do you think?", she retorted but winced in pain.
"What happened? Where did that guy go?", she asked him as he took off his vest.
"He escaped. After he cut you down he snatched the package from the carriage and made a run for it. I decided, of course, to try to catch him, but I lost him in the woods.", Andrew explained.
Cass raised an eyebrow, "What about the coach driver?"
Andrew nodded his head towards the direction of the paralyzed driver who sat scared and afraid to move.
"Warned him if he moved an inch he wasn't going anywhere except the afterlife, looks like he believed me.", he said ripping up his vest.
"Wait, what are you doing?", Cassandra asked holding her good hand up in defense as he got in her personal space.
"Do you want to bleed to death?", Andrew asked as wrapped her bleeding hand in the strips of cloth.
"No.", she said annoyed.
Andrew smirked, "That's what I thought."
After he finished wrapping it up he pressed the last piece of cloth to her forehead and right side of her face.
"We're going to have to get some medical treatment for this. Meanwhile we're just going to have to you this to staunch the blood flow.", Andrew told her.
Cassandra watched him as he treated her and felt a grudging scream of delight in her.
I will not enjoy this!, she told herself sternly turning to look at their prisoner as her cheeks dusted with pink.
Her eye widened as she saw the driver was making a run for it!
Cassandra pushed Andrew away as she bolted after him, not caring that her head wanted her to stop.
"Stop!", she yelled after him.
The coach driver looked behind him and continued to run.
Cassandra suddenly tackled him into a tree, pinning him against it.
"Please! Have mercy!", the driver screamed struggling against her vice grip.
Cassandra felt something in her snap, she had had enough and she didn't need another witness especially since the first guy got away.
"You want mercy? I'll give you mercy.", she said in a dark tone.
Then without warning a rock suddenly impelled him.
The drivers eyes widened as it happened and as fast as it happened it was gone.
The rock lowered itself as Cass stood there bleeding and angry.
"There's your mercy.", she huffed before dropping to the ground unconscious.

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