Chapter Twelve

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Cassandra slammed the door behind her frustrated.
Thanks to Andrew and Chella, her plan was going to be set back for who-knows-how-long.
Now she had to go and find Andrew so she could beat the crud out of him and once she found him, he was so going to be dead.
"Whoa, what did that door do to you?", Andrew asked.
Cassandra whirled around to find herself face to face with none other then her rival.
Cass was aware of how their bodies were practically pressed together by the sudden movement.
They were close. To close. Cass had a personal close-up view of Andrew's signature smirk as their faces were only a few hairbreadths away.
Cass felt her face start to heat up, but she willed the burning sensation down, she needed her personal space back.
"It wasn't what the door did, it was what you did.", Cassandra fired pushing Andrew away from her as her temper flared.
Finally, some air!
Andrew raised an eyebrow, "What I did? What did I do, pray tell?"
Cassandra looked at him frustrated, trying hard to resist the urge to strangle him.
"Apparently you were supposed to make me do an oath or something before you took me here, according to Chella. And now we're having 'trust issues' because unless I take this oath I'm not 'trustworthy'.", She said irratated while doing the air quotes.
"Wait, she doesn't trust a stranger and outsider on the first day they met? Shocker!", Andrew gasped his voice dripping with sarcasm.
"Hey! Don't talk to me like that!", Cassandra snapped.
"Then don't whine to me like an idiot about how you couldn't make any friends.", he fired back leaning against the tree.
"You little..,"
"Little, what?", Andrew interrupted smirking.
Argh!!! Again with the smirking!!! Cass couldn't stand it anymore as she went over and slapped him square in the face.
Cassandra cursed furiously as her face heated up with anger.
Andrew blinked in shock as he rubbed his cheek with the red hand mark. After a few moments, he just turned and looked at her.
"Quite the temper.", Andrew stated as he felt his cheek sting.
Cassandra narrowed her eyes eyes at him, "You were asking for it, so I gave it to you."
She then took a deep breath trying to calm herself down. Beating up and threatening the Saporians wasn't exactly going to win her their trust.
"So, how do I do this oath or whatever you want to call it?", Cassandra asked crossing her arms.
Andrew looked at her and sighed, "You don't, we do it together or some other member of the group does it with you. It requires magic and once you make it, there is no going back.", he warned.
"So do I hold a magic book and solemnly swear to keep this place a secret or something? 'Cause if that's all there is to it, it's dumb.", Cassandra said bluntly.
"No, that's not what it is.", Andrew said but got interrupted by Cass.
"Oh let me guess, I have to do some stupid chant or maybe just sign a magical paper contract. Or maybe, I'm not surprised if this is the answer at all, you can't tell me because it's a secret!", she said annoyed.
Andrew stared at her, "First of all, no, no, and no. All it is, is I will take your hands like this,", he explained slightly annoyed as he slid his hands into hers before smirking again slightly, "And I will use my magic like this,", he said while smoky grey magic wreathed around their hands.
"Then all you do is repeat after me and answer my questions. Simple.", Andrew said looking into Cassandra's eyes.
Cass looked at him back and narrowed her eyes. She had half the mind to yank her hands away from Hubert's grasp, but for some reason she didn't pull away. She just let him continue to hold her hands, never mind how he decided to do the magic no-going-back oath suddenly without asking for her permission.
Might as well get this over with since we're finally doing it, Cass thought to herself as she stuffed down a swelling thump in her chest.
"Fine.", she huffed, "Let's just get this over with so you and your murder club can start trusting me.", Cassandra said.
Andrew raised an eyebrow, "No questions at all? You're not even suspicious of what I'm about to do? Aren't you concerned about me turning you into a toad or a toadstool?"
"No, on the turning me into a toad or toadstool question, because you would be dead if you tried anything of the sort on me and you know it. As for the questions, I already know what I need to know, don't I? Magic oath, no going back, probably curse me if I try to break it. Sum it up?", she answered.
"About.", Andrew mumbled, annoyed how she read the situation like a book.
"Also I forgot, the oath prevents me from telling anyone where the base is and if I try, I get cursed. Correct?", Cassandra confirmed.
Andrew sighed, "Yes, now stop guessing everything so I can tell you about magic and you're like 'amazing, horrifying, I'm actually for once in my life impressed and shocked'.", he mimicked Cass in a squeaky, girly voice.
Cass's face heated up again and Cassandra wasn't sure if was out of anger or, dare she say it, out of thinking what he was doing was cute.
No, her mind did not just go there! She didn't like Andrew, much less think he was cute!
Or was he?
Wait, no! He was definitely NOT cute!!!
"Stop being an idiot and wasting my time Hubert! Furthermore I don't sound like that in any way, so stop being a numbskull and start the dang spell!", Cassandra scolded.
Why were men such idiots! Not that women were any better, Cass thought to herself annoyed by it all.
"Fine, fine, but I will give you one last warning. There is no going back, once you make the oath, you'll die if you don't keep your word. That is the way this works.", Andrew warned getting serious.
"Got it, I lie, I die. Simple.", Cassandra said bored, "Yadda, yadda, blah, blah, blah. Storybook plot. Seen it, heard it, know it. Now are you going to start the spell already or do I need to find one of your friends to do it for me?"
"I'm getting to it, yeesh.", Andrew said a little disappointed at Cass's rushing.
"Stop stalling.", she demanded as Andrew obviously tried to think of some way to stall as his hands gripped hers gently but firmly.
Andrew scoffed, "Wouldn't dream of it."
Cassandra snorted and focused on the magic swirling around their hands.
"Repeat after me.", Andrew instructed, "I solemnly swear,"
"I solemnly swear,", Cassandra repeated.
"To keep and uphold the secrets of the Separatists of Saporia,"
"To keep and uphold the secrets of the Separatists of Saporia,"
"To never use its secrets against it and to always do what's best for the Separatists of Saporia,", he said while narrowing his eyes slightly.
"To never use its secrets against it and to always do what's best for the Separatists of Saporia,", Cassandra repeated unfazed.
"And to only share the secrets with the person in question after the leader allows me so."
"And to only share the secrets with the person in question after the leader allows me so.", she finished.
Andrew nodded, "Now answer my questions with a yes or no.
"Will you protect and defend when we call upon you?"
"Will you destroy our enemies and crush Corona when the time comes with us?"
"Will you stay loyal to the group?"
Cassandra remained silent, wondering how to answer. If she said yes, when she planned on getting rid of them, she would die. There were loose enough loopholes in the oath and other questions, but loyalty was tricky. There were no loopholes in true loyalty and Andrew knew that.
"Will you stay loyal to the group Cassandra?", Andrew repeated looking straight into her eyes.
"No.", she finally answered, "I'm only loyal to myself and that's the only thing I'm promising Andrew."
To her surprise Andrew actually smiled, "You know, I said the exact same thing when I joined. Don't hold it against ya'."
He then got serious again, "Okay last question. Will you be my girlfriend?"
Cassandra nearly choked on air, "NO WAY HUBERT!!!", she yelled pulling her hands away from his as her cheeks tinted pink.
Andrew winked, "Just goofing, but if you want to set up a date I have no objection Cassie."
"Ugh, you're soooo not worth it!", Cassandra said balling up her fists and marching away after she had seriously considered punching him in the throat.
Why did Andrew insist on being a flirt? She hated it!
Though she might not truly admit it to herself, a tiny part of her hated herself for loving to hate his flirts.

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