Chapter Twenty-Eight

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Varian was still in shock from what had just happened.
Just like that, Cass was in charge and that creepy witch was dead.
His body shook as he looked out into the field of corpses and wished sorely for his father.
Had he made a wrong decision joining Cass?
Varian wasn't sure as he stared at this new terrifying Cassandra.
Ever since Cassandra had talked to him in Old Corona and given him the power of the opal, Varian had felt his heart harden.
Which was strange and freeing. He had found himself not caring about other people and revenge was the majority of his thoughts.
Making people suffer for turning him away, taking away loved ones by encasing them in amber and imprisoning the king and queen while he mocked them while sitting on a throne had played in his mind.
But never this.
Never THIS.
Varian stared at the dead bodies and destruction and felt his heart free itself from the opal's clutches.
The opal glowed on his chest and the rocks slowly lowered themselves into the ground as Varian wished for the grim scene to disappear.
Something was wrong with the opal that had given him and Cassandra power, Varian realized.
Varian looked down at the opal and tried freeing it from his chest.
It didn't budge.
He pulled on it roughly and violently for a few minutes, even resorting to pounding his fist on it.
He then stopped.
What am I doing? I can use this power to destroy Rapunzel, he told himself, and if I help Cass free Zhan Tiri my Dad will be freed.
His encased father flashed in his mind and he felt his heart harden.
The people of Corona deserved death for refusing and ignoring his pleas of help for his dad.
He wasn't going to waste this opportunity to bring his dad back.
The opal took hold of his heart again and flushed out the boy who cared and replaced it with a vengeful alchemist with no consciousness.
Varian looked at Cassandra who made her little speech to the crowd and smirked when he saw the Saporians cower.
Didn't they see the power before them and what she was doing for them?
It wasn't time yet and he trusted her when she said that.
Also since when has powerful magic secret keeping societies been complete and utter wimps?
At least they know power when they see it, Varian thought.
Ruddiger chittered nervously and looked at Varian sadly.
Varian glanced at his raccoon and picked him up, "Do your loyalties still lie with me Ruddiger?"
Ruddiger nodded and he rested on Varian's shoulders as Varian walked over to Cassandra.
At least his raccoon didn't abandon him, but then again Ruddiger has always faithfully stood by him no matter what.
"So what is the plan exactly and when do we release Zhan Tiri?", Varian asked as he reached Cass.
Cassandra turned and smiled at Varian in a unsettling way, "You'll know when its time to release Zhan Tiri and as for what the plan is, I don't think I need to divulge it to you quite yet."
"But you gave me some of your power, I believe I have a strong part in this don't I?", he asked touching the opal shard on his chest.
"Yes, you do play a big part in the downfall of Rapunzel and the rise of Zhan Tiri.", Cassandra admittted, "But you don't need to know anything quite yet."
Varian narrowed his eyes, "I don't appreciate being kept in the dark Cassandra and if I'm going to help, I need to know what I need to do."
"And you will know. Your purpose will be clear when the events rise.", she answered staring him down.
Varian glared back at her but then turned away angrily giving up on the conversation.
He knew if he kept pushing Cassandra would only hold back more from him.
He walked off and leaned against a tree thinking as Ruddiger stroked his hair sensing his mood.
What was his purpose exactly?
Why did Cassandra hand over that type of power to him so freely?
It was all so vague and unsure, gaining the power wasn't pleasant, but still.
He had done nothing to earn it and the power just being given to him so freely wasn't normal.
There's always a price, Varian thought staring up at the leaves, I wonder what mine will be.
Am I just some tool to her?, he thought as he watched her walk away with Andrew.
What is her plan and why won't she tell me what it is?
Varian felt himself grow suspicious and he followed the two before he could change his mind.
Maybe he would get a few answers.
Ruddiger chittered in protest but Varian ignore him and ducked in a dark section between the houses where he could listen in on Cassandra's conversation.
Varian heard the last of Cassandra's sentence, "Then I'll open the box."
"But why do we have to wait for Rapunzel Cassandra? I don't really understand.", Andrew asked.
Cassandra sighed, "I need the Sundrops power along with her energy if I want to release Zhan Tiri, Andrew. Opening the box before hand might hold the key to freeing him, but it won't make him powerful like he used to be.
"So I need to wait for Rapunzel before I open the gate and once she is here, I can finally free Zhan Tiri.", she explained.
Andrew was quite for a moment, "Cass, are you feeling alright?"
"Why are you asking that Hubert?", Cassandra fired.
Varian had to stifle a laugh, Andrew's real name was Hubert?!
He smirked but then focused back on the conversation quickly as he heard Andrew's reply.
"Since when has it been your goal to free Zhan Tiri? I know you want the downfall of Corona, but this doesn't seem like you.", Andrew said.
Varian listened intently as silence filled the air for a few awkward moments.
He then heard footsteps and Andrew calling out to Cassandra as he ran after her.
Varian looked at Ruddiger but his partner only shrugged, mystified.
Waiting a few minutes just in case they came back, Varian peeked out of the section and walked back over to the tree he was at last time.
He then climbed up into the tree's branches and sat in the leave covered hideaway, setting Ruddiger down on a branch.
"What just happened?", Varian whispered thinking about part of the conversation he'd overheard.
Okay he knew Cass needed Rapunzel and her power so she could revive Zhan Tiri, Varian knew that much, but what else was there?
Varian knew he had only listened and received very little information and there were still a lot of blanks.
But what was going on with Cassandra?
Was something wrong with her?
Varian brooded as he brought his knees to his chest.
He would have to figure this out.

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