Chapter Twenty-Three

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Eugene stormed down the hall and slammed right into Lance as he left Rapunzel behind.
"Whoa, hey what's wrong?", Lance asked steadying Eugene.
He pulled away roughly and tried walking away, but Lance held him firmly.
"Eugene, what's going on?", Lance asked again concerned.
Eugene looked at Lance frustrated, "Listen Lance, I really don't want to talk about it."
"Okay, but know that I'm here if you need to talk.", Lance said his shoulders slumped and tears in his eyes.
Eugene then realized his friend was hurting, now that he wasn't so angry and blinded by rage he patted Lance trying to seem friendly and comforting.
"You know what Lance, lets talk.", Eugene said leaning against the wall, "What's going on with you?"
Lance stiffened a little, "Well Adira and I had a moment."
Eugene looked at him interested, "Really, like what kind of moment?"
Lance looked uncomfortable, "We ummm, we kinda've kissed.", he then looked at Eugene, "How about you? What happened with you?"
"Rapunzel and I had an argument, a bad one.", Eugene answered.
Lance looked sad, "But you guys almost never fight! Was it that bad?"
Eugene crossed his arms and sighed, "Yup, it was that bad.", he then turned the conversation back to Lance.
"Why do you look so down for someone who finally got a kiss from his dream crush? You should be over the moon.", he asked his friend.
Lance gazed at the floor for a moment before answering, "We might have shared a kiss, but Adira doesn't want to have anything with me. After the kiss she just pulled away and said we could never be together like that, then she left.", he said mournfully.
"Adira just likes making everyone else's life's difficult, doesn't she.", Eugene said bitterly feeling more resentment toward her.
I can see now why Cassandra didn't like her, thought Eugene annoyed, even though she made our lives just as difficult if not more.
Lance sat down on the floor and Eugene joined him silently.
"Adira is just afraid Eugene, that's all. I'm sure she's not trying to be a pain in the neck or a thorn in our side.", Lance said quietly.
Eugene looked at him, "I didn't say any of those things."
"Same difference.", Lance answered shrugging.
The two men sat there in silence for a few moments, both thinking about their life problems.
"You'll talk to her once you both cool off, right Eugene?", Lance asked breaking the quiet.
Eugene felt conflicted, "I don't know.", he said turning towards Lance.
Lance shook his head, "You gotta talk to her and work this out before it's to late. You'd be surprised how one argument can destroy a relationship and how never making up can result in life-changing consequences. Eugene, you need to make it up with her and talk to each other. I don't want to see you two fall apart."
Eugene sighed and rubbed his forehead frustrated, "I don't think that's going to happen right now Lance. Both Rapunzel and I need some time to think about things and I'm not sure if Rapunzel even loves me the way I do about her. It's all very complicated right now and it's not going to be easily fixed by a single talk."
Lance stared at him horrified, "What do you mean Rapunzel doesn't love you?! What exactly happened?! She's not in love with some other guy is she?", he asked.
"No, she isn't in love with some other guy.", Eugene said his voice stressed, "Rapunzel doesn't know how she feels about me anymore, I guess, and wants to be stubborn about the fact everyone is betraying her.
"I mean Varian and Cassandra betrayed her and not only that, but used her as well and she still wants to try to reach out to them! I don't want to lose her like that, trying to mend and fix a problem that can never be fixed.", Eugene said his head in his hands.
"And if that isn't enough,", Eugene said pulling down on the ends of his hair, "Adira remains mute in the situation to the legend and refuses to help us! The world is literally at stake here and she won't help! What will it take for her to tell us a childbook story!", he finished.
Lance stared at Eugene and felt something in him crack.
The team was falling apart and everyone of them were succumbing to sadness and depression.
Eugene was at a low Lance hadn't seen since they were kids. A low he hoped he wouldn't have to see again or Eugene had to suffer.
Times were getting hard again and no one could deny the situation was starting to look a little hopeless.
"Eugene,", Lance said putting a warm hand on his shoulder, "I'm here for you always, alright? Also never give up on the people you love, even if they make choices you don't understand.", he advised.
Eugene looked up at him and did a tiny smile, "Thanks Lance."
He held out his hand and the two did a fist bump.
Suddenly Pascal dropped down on Eugene and squeaked in warning, waving his arms to the right.
Eugene yelped in surprise and stood up, holding Pascal in his hands.
"What's wrong with you frog? Are you trying to give me heart failure?", he scolded.
Pascal shook his head and pointed to the right while flashing red.
Lance stood next to Eugene as the two tried to figure out what he was saying.
"I know! You want ketchup!", Lance said snapping his fingers.
"There's an accident somewhere!", Eugene guessed.
Pascal shook his head and pointed down the hall urgently.
"We need to follow you?", Eugene asked but Pascal just groaned and face palmed.
"There's ketchup in the hall!", Lance guessed clapped his hands, "No, there's a ketchup fight in the kitchen and someone needs to break it up!"
Eugene looked at Lance, "What is your deal with ketchup?"
Lance shrugged, "I'm hungry."
Pascal flashed red more violently then gave up as King Edmund entered the room from the right hall.
"Hello son, I hope you're enjoying your stay alright.", Edmund greeted.
Eugene blinked looking at Pascal then at his father, "Uh yeah, it's been great.", he answered unenthusiastically.
His father must still have trouble hearing tones as King Edmund nodded and left the room after grabbing a scroll.
Eugene watched him go then looked at Lance laughing a little, "I forgot I sent the frog and horse to spy on dad while we tried to find out the legend.", he then looked at Pascal, "Sorry I completely forgot.", he laughed setting Pascal up on his shoulder.
Pascal squeaked annoyed for a moment but sat on Eugene's shoulder comfortably.
"How about a game of horseshoes?", Eugene suggested looking at Lance.
"Why not.", Lance agreed, "But we should probably tell Max that we're done with operation Cracked Egg."
"Right, we probably should.", Eugene said walking down the hall with Lance.

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