Chapter Nine

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Cassandra's eyes widened as the word echoed in her mind.
"Wait, what? Did you just say magic?", she asked as her head cleared.
Chella nodded patiently, "That is what I said child, did I not?"
"Okay first off, it's Cassandra, not child and second, how can you do magic? I thought magic was lost to all except Zhan Tiri and his creepy demons.", Cassandra said impatiently.
Chella smiled, "That's where you are wrong Cassandra. This art has been upheld for generations and every member of the Separatists knows a little magic."
Then to demonstrate, Chella's eyes flashed white and she raised her hands which wreathed with smoke and magic.
"Show me the one with sun in her hair and light in her spirit!", Chella commanded as her voice became whispery and slithery.
Cassandra took a step back, getting out of the chair she was seated in.
What the ..., Cass thought stunned.
Smoke filled the room and dark hands arose from nowhere, swiping the flame of the torches out and filling the room with darkness.
Cassandra's heart beat faster as she watched Chella and her magic fill the small room.
"Show me!", Chella yelled as a sudden gale swept through the room.
Suddenly a golden image materialized in the middle of the room as the smoke bounced and swirled around their ankles.
The image was a person, the person that Cassandra knew by heart and by hate. Rapunzel.
Rapunzel's glowing image filled the room with light and shone through the smoky darkness of the magic.
The golden Rapunzel was life size and her face was frozen with a kind smile and shining eyes.
Cassandra stared at the golden Rapunzel and tried touching her. She was surprised as her hand went through her shoulder and her image glitched for a moment.
"Rapunzel.", Cassandra breathed heavily.
Chella looked at her and smiled, "Do you know her? Personally?"
Cassandra's heart beat with hatred, but also a little confusion, "Yes, I knew her quite personally. We were friends, until she decided to trust some stupid weirdo lady named Adira instead of me."
"You were friends with the Sundrop?", Chella asked her eyes widening.
Looking at Rapunzel, Cassandra felt her heart harden as she stared into the kind eyes and smile of the princess.
"Enemies.", she answered, "We're enemies now."
Turning around, Cassandra faced Chella, her heart blazing with fire, "I came here to ask you to help me fulfill my destiny. I'm destroying the Sundrop, a.k.a princess goody two shoes Rapunzel, and once I do, I'll rule."
"You want revenge.", Chella noted.
Cassandra smirked, "I don't just want revenge, I want vengeance. And I want you and the Saporians to help me.", she said placing a hand on the table.
Chella shook her head, "I don't agree with revenge, justice should always be the main priority."
"I'm sorry, forgive me.", Cass bowed her head, "Justice is the main priority and I want to do the right thing. So will you help me do justice?", she said trying to win Chella over.
Cassandra watched Chella's face carefully as she stared into the Rapunzel's glowing face, thinking.
As Chella thought about her preposition, Cass's thoughts went wild devising a plan.
If she had the Separatists of Saporia on her side and they all knew magic, they would be powerful allies.
Sure, they were crazed people thinking they were on the brink of immortality and were on the right side of this war, but that would make it all the easier for Cassandra to manipulate them to her will. Once she had blind-sighted them to her true purpose she would use them to takeover and once she got what she wanted, she'd get rid of them. She had no room for possible threats or mutinies. Disposing of the unnecessary was essential.
Disposing by a horrible accident of course, Cass's evil thoughts said laughing. After all, she knew she was the bad guy and she was willing to play the part.
"How about this,", Cassandra spoke up, "If you help me, I'll let you have your revenge on Corona. Sound fair?"
Chella's head went up, "First off, it's justice we want, not revenge. Second, isn't Corona your kingdom? Why would you offer its destruction?"
Cassandra frowned for a moment, why did these people insist they were the good guys here when they were in league with the bad guys?!? These people were exasperating!
Cass quickly smiled, "I know what it's like to have a Coronan to turn their back on you and go to the next person. You deserve to fulfill your reven... I mean justice, you deserve to give them justice for their crimes and I want to help.", she corrected herself quickly, playing to the Saporian leader's motives.
"For to long they have been left alone unpunished and I think it's high time they get what's coming to them. Justice will blow her horn and her hammer shall come down on those who've wronged her.", Cass preached.
"I want this world to be clean of any evil and I believe that my power isn't enough. I need you and your team and I believe that you need me as well.
"I'll give justice to the princess of Corona and you and the Separatists of Saporia shall deliver your justice to Corona. It's a win-win and as the good guys, we should team up and strike down the evil that's been going on for to long.", Cass finished.
As Cassandra looked into Chella's face, she scolded herself silently for overdoing it.
Cassandra couldn't help but think how cheesy and fake her speech was. She probably oversold the whole thing and it'd be so obvious she was kissing up and trying to find Chella's sweet spot.
She was pleasantly surprised as Chella nodded.
"You are right. We should work together and together we can defeat the enemy.", Chella said.
"But...", Cassandra put in sensing one herself.
Chella nodded, "But, I can't team up with an outsider like this. I could jeopardize our hideout and my members."
Cassandra's eye twitched as she slammed her hand down on the table.
"Why not?! Why can't you join with me when I'm already here? I already know where your secret hang is and I've already seen some of your most dangerous secrets!
"Hubert made me promise to keep whatever I see here a secret, so just get with the program and start trusting me already!", Cass yelled.
"But did he make you do the oath?", Chella asked calmly, "And who is Hubert?", she asked confused.
Cassandra sighed and crossed her arms, "Hubert is Andrew and as for an oath, no he did not. At least I don't think he did."
"I see.", Chella said swiping her hand through the glowing Rapunzel, making it disappear. "I'll think about what you said, but for now I think you need to stay here until you take the oath. I want to know what I'm dealing with here and as for my trust, you'll have to earn it Moon child."
Chella then left the room, leaving Cassandra alone and frustrated.
Things were going to take a little longer then expected.

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