Chapter Sixty

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Varian watched in horror as Rapunzel's hair was cut.
This was not what was supposed to happen.
He immediately backed up and ran, throwing himself behind a boulder trying to figure out what to do.
"Come on Varian! Think!!", he cried out slapping his forehead as he heard the people start to panic and yell.
He pounded the ground with his fist in frustration.
He had a feeling that the incantation would fail, but Rapunzel hadn't listened to him and now it was to late.
There one shot and hope had gone wrong, leaving them at the mercy of Zhan Tiri.
What mercy?, he scornfully thought. He knew with horrible certainty that no one would be spared.
He had just known that it couldn't have been that easy, Zhan Tiri was holding out on his Ultimate Power for some unknown reason, and as soon as Rapunzel tried to stop him with the ultimate incantation he hadn't done much of anything.
Something was off...
Varian peered around the boulder and gasped as he watched the vines drain away the enemy and his allies.
His face went white as he truly realized that Zhan Tiri didn't care if you were on his side or not.
He would take whatever he needed without hesitation, regardless.
"Help me!!!", one of the demons screeched as his face started to deteriorate.
Varian squeezed his eyes shut, trying to block out the chaos, his whole body shaking as he tried to shut it all out.
He was still just a kid.
He wasn't ready for all of this!
Panic seized him as he curled into a ball, trying to stay hidden away from the evil around him.
More unnatural vines creeped and slid along the ground around him, weaving their way onto people.
Varian then heard a familiar chitter and he looked up, seeing Ruddiger running and dodging the vines.
"Ruddiger! Buddy!", he cried out grabbing him as the raccoon leaped into his arms, "I'm here!"
Varian wrapped his arms tightly around Ruddiger, burying his face in his soft fur.
"I'm-I'm terrified Ruddiger.", Varian admitted as tears came into his eyes, "I don't want everyone to die!!"
Ruddiger purred and rubbed his head against Varian like a cat, doing his best to soothe the terrified alchemist.
Suddenly Varian felt a hand cover his mouth.
Varian's eyes widened as he tried to get away from his unknown attacker.
"Calm down for goodness sake! It's just me!", Nigel hissed releasing him, "I just wanted to make sure you didn't scream."
As his heartbeat went back to normal, Varian glared at Nigel, "What are you doing here?!"
Nigel sighed and looked around nervously, "I decided to help, in my own way.", he whispered.
He then brought out a piece of paper which was scrawled with notes and sketches.
"Since the princess failed to use he incantation I have an idea...", he started, "And it might just work."
Varian pushed the paper away and shook his head, "I think I've already figured it out.", he tried hard not to let his voice crack, "I know how to defeat Zhan Tiri."
Ruddiger and Nigel looked up at him with equal surprise.
"You do? That's wonderful! Tell me!", Nigel exclaimed his thin mustache twitching.
Varian stared at the ground uncomfortably in silence as Nigel waited.
"I'm pretty sure I need to do the incantation.", he announced.
"Don't be ridiculous!", Nigel snapped, "The only one who's capable of that powerful spell is the princess and even she failed to make it so! You're just a child, what makes you think that it's up to you to save everyone?"
Varian has no answer.
What had made him think he was special enough to be the savior of all these lives?!
No, not savior. Varian corrected himself. A sacrifice.
"Well, I'll just tell you my plan then!", Nigel said pulling out a book, "It'll be just the two of us, but I'm sure we can pull it off!"
He stared at him, "What makes you think we can defeat him?"
"Are you going to waste our valuable time questioning me?", Nigel retorted, "Or are you going to at hear my plan and put it to use?"
The question was rhetorical of course, Varian knew that, so he stayed silent and looked at Nigel's piece of paper.
"Now I have a banishment crystal from Xavier from the dark times that Lord Demanitus and Zhan Tiri lived in. We can use it to send he demons back and hopefully the Armageddon himself!", Nigel told him quickly, "The thing is, the stone itself is ancient and was never supposed to be used on such a high level class demon such as Zhan Tiri. It could backfire, but it's worth a shot!"
He then looked at Varian, "All it takes is two people for the job, one to hold the crystal, while the other does the ritual, which I have memorized."
Varian sighed, "I don't think your plan will work Nigel..."
"Nonsense!", Nigel interrupted handing Varian the bright green crystal, "Now hold this and be silent for a moment!"
Ruddeger chittered in disapproval, staring down Nigel aggressively.
"It's alright Ruddiger.", Varian told him, "Just let him do his way, it wouldn't hurt to try."
Varian felt like a coward as these words left his mouth.
He knew deep down the only solution, yet he wasn't taking action.
"How come you didn't use this before?", he questioned holding up the stone, "You know, like when the battle started?"
Nigel shushed him as he laid out leaves and herbs in a quick circle on the ground around them, "Because Xavier proposed this plan a little while back, there wasn't much time look into it, so it was going to be used as a last resort since it is highly dangerous.,", he explained, "Though I'm afraid it won't solve everything..."
"You might want to hurry, before the vines get to us.", Varian told him quietly watching as the vines surrounded them in a menacing circle.
Ruddiger chittered worriedly and cuddled Varian, giving him some warmth with his furry body.
"It doesn't seem like they're coming to get us.", Nigel commented lighting a match, "If you haven't noticed they seem to be leaving you alone."
Varian looked up, "What?!"
Nigel gave him a warning look and then started chanting as he lit the spice circle.
As he did the crystal started glowing and vibrated roughly, making a funny humming sound.
Bright purple fire leaped as a portal then opened overhead, the same portal that brought Zhan Tiri through to their world.
Varian watched in suprise as demons were sucked right out of the vines into the portal up above, screeching in surprise as they waved their arms uncontrollably.
"What?!", a voice roared angrily, the voice of the giant behind them, "Who's doing this?!?"
"Hurry!, Varian urged holding the stone tightly as it pulses and vibrated, wanting to jump out of his hands, "I can't hold onto this thing much longer!"
Nigel glanced at him and then at Zhan Tiri as sweat went down his forehead, "Just a few more moments! Hold on.", he told him, his voice losing its accent.
Varian then yelped as the crystal shattered in his hands, pieces flying everywhere like glass.
The portal closed with a loud bang, an air wave knocking Nigel into the vines.
"Nigel!", Varian cried as the vines curled around him in less then a second.
Nigel glanced at him and then fearfully at Zhan Tiri, "Don't worry about me boy, just get yourself out of here! While you still can!"
Varian started to shake again, "I'm sorry! I misjudged you Nigel!", he stared at the man, "You really are capable of thinking of others and not just yourself."
"Never mind that!! Run!!", he scolded struggling.
Suddenly Zhan Tiri loomed over Varian, his shadow covering Varian like a pair of dark wings.
"There you are.", he boomed, "Took long enough."
He then scooped up Varian before he could react, his slightly pointy teeth gleaming as he smiled, "The evasive moondrop."
Varian struggled, "Let me go! And leave my friends alone!!!", he shouted his voice hitching, "You already have won the battle! What more do you want?"
"You know the answer moondrop child.", Zhan Tiri answered.
He gulped, "Those vines you grew, you didn't just make them to drain away people did you? They were also supposed to find me weren't they? That's why I didn't get caught..."
"Smart boy.", he complemented, "I can see why Corona feared you. Nothing slips past you."
He gritted his teeth, "Just let them go! You've got me now!"
Varian trembled as the warlock's smile went even wider with amusement.
"Oh, I'll let you go, when I have your power.", he laughed as Varian's body started to glow, "Then you'll join your friends on the other side."
Varian felt his power draining away as Zhan Tiri's magic sapped away his strength.
"And you to boy, like your friend, don't have the strength to stop me! You'll never be enough and you can't stop a living god."
That's when something clicked in Varian, his fear being pushed aside as he found courage.
This enemy wasn't that different from him when he had fought Rapunzel after he kidnapped the Queen, pride had blinded him.
Varian smirked, "That's where you're wrong. You're pride has made you think you're unstoppable, but you're wrong. I know your weakness, you need me for the Ultimate Power and until you have it, you won't be able to do more then you've already done."
Varian's heart sped up as Zhan Tiri's eyes widened then narrowed as his magic flowed faster and brighter, "Talk doesn't scare me boy!!", he roared, "And if I were you I would be saving my breath!"
Varian gasped in pain and shock.
Ruddiger looked at him from down below with big worried eyes and Varian felt a pang of guilt.
He had to stop this.
Cold fear wrapped its way over him again, making his tongue feel numb.
He was scared, he didn't want to die alone...
Varian screamed out in pain, almost blacking out.
Tears ran down his cheeks as he swallowed bravely.
He didn't have a choice.
Millions would fall at Zhan Tiri's hands if he didn't take his stand,
"Flower gleam and glow,
"Wither and decay..,", he started to chant shakily as he felt his ribs start to crack from the warlock's tightening grip.
Varian started to glow, his eyes going a bright bluish white.
"You don't have the guts!", Zhan Tiri roared, "Besides, by the time you finish I'll have your power!"
"Let your power shine,
"End this destiny..,", Varian chanted louder as his hair also started to glow the same hue as his eyes,
"Make the clock Reverse,
"Break these earthly chains..,"
Black magic swirled around him faster as it enveloped him, starting to choke him.
Varian had heard of people's lives flashing before their lives, but he never thought it would really happen.
Every strong memory that had built him into the person he was currently flashed through his mind.
Joyful and bitter.
His first alchemy experiment, being alone with no friends, his early graduation from school, his father and him eating warm pot roast together, nearly blowing up his house while his father would look at him concerned and disappointed.
Several more memories far more recent with a lot more regrets passed through his mind's eye as he continued to chant.
"Change the fate's design,
"And set the Spirit's free..,", he gasped his breath escaping him.
He thought of his dad, the last thing he did was fight with him...
And he would never see him again!,Varian realized his heart cracking.
"And give back what was once was mine...", he choked out.
Varian went limp as the magic flowed through him and he returned to his normal form, the opal and any sign of power gone.
Zhan Tiri screamed as golden and turquoise magic encircled him, covering him and punching its way into his body.
"You fool!!! You'll die along with me!!!", Zhan Tiri yelled dropping Varian as holes appeared on him, "Don't you know what you've done?"
"It's worth it.", Varian coughed holding his sides looking at the brightening warlock, "Everyone h-hates me anyway."
"But I'm a god!!!", he screamed clawing at the air as a silhouette of him was the only thing visible now, "I hold the power!!"
"Heh-,", Varian smirked, "What is a god to a nonbeliever Zhan Tiri?", he asked, he then waited a moment, "I'll tell you..., nothing."
Zhan Tiri gasped as the beautiful and lethal light evaporated him, washing the battlefield in its glow, destroying the vines and black rocks.
Varian closed his eyes as the light cascaded around him as he felt himself fade away.
So this was it.
He didn't feel any fear anymore, just longing sadness.
"I'm sorry Ruddiger, I'm not coming back, I hope Eugene will find you a good home...", he whispered tears streaming down his cheeks, "Dad.., I'm-I'm sorry I wasn't the son you wanted or dreamt me to be. I h-hope you will find someone who can be everything you wanted...", he said his voice cracking.
He then let go if his ribs and embraced the nothingness that enveloped him, "Goodbye...", he whispered sadly as he he heard his name echo as the light faded, "...goodbye..."

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