Chapter Fifty-One

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Chibi Varian with some of my fave characters!

Varian felt everyone's shocked eyes on him as he held Cassandra gently in his arms after he had somehow gotten rid of Gothel.
Varian stared down at her worriedly as he looked at the cut on her neck and pale face after being drained.
Having the moon opal ripped out of her must have been painful.
"I gotcha Cassie, don't worry.", Varian whispered taking care of her cut.
He immediately tore off his sleeve and wrapped it around her throat like a gauze, doing the best he could with the materials provided.
Wind blew around with the rustling leaves of trees and the sound of water crashing into the cliffs filled the stunned silence.
"Varian, how did you do that?", Rapunzel asked finally breaking the quiet.
Varian continued to tend Cassandra as he thought about it.
How did he do that exactly?
Touching the moonstone on his chest gently, Varian turned to look at the group.
"I'm, I'm not sure.", he admitted as Ruddiger walked over to him.
Rapunzel's face was now unreadable as she got closer to Varian and knelt down touching Cassandra's forehead.
"Well, all that matters is you're okay and hopefully Cass will be to. You saved us from Gothel and I'm thankful for that Varian.", Rapunzel said standing up again.
Varian felt him heart sink a little, "You're afraid of me, aren't you princess?"
Rapunzel's eyes widened, "Of course not Varian! I'm not afraid of you!"
She then grabbed his hands and knelt down to eye level with him, "I'm not afraid of your power Varian because I know you'll use it for good. And just because you have some new rock powers doesn't mean no one will like you either!
"Sure, the unknown can be scary cause we know nothing about it, but it shouldn't stop us from still trying. And it certainly won't stop me.", Rapunzel smiled.
"That's right kid, so don't worry alright?", Eugene reassured putting a hand on Rapunzel's shoulder, "You saved the day with those powers."
Varian still didn't know if they quite meant it as he brushed some of Cassandra's soft raven hair off her eyes.
He wasn't calling them liars, it was just sometimes people think they are prepared, but it turns out they never really are.
Would they still feel the same if they knew half of my crazy new powers?, Varian thought sadly.
"Your silence is evidence enough you don't think we mean what we say Varian,", Eugene said breaking into his thoughts, "I promise you we mean what we said."
"Uhm Yeah, right. Thanks.", Varian said looking up at him.
King Edmund came forward and cleared his throat, "Not to rain on your parade, but it seems you have all forgotten a very powerful and evil warlock is running around Corona now."
Rapunzel groaned, "I kinda forgot for a minute, with Varian vaporizing Gothel and everything. I just want this to be over.", she mumbled into her hand as she ran it over her face in frustration.
"Zhan Tiri.", Varian said looking up remembering with sudden dread, "How are we going to defeat him?! It's literally impossible! Lord Demanitus is the only one who was able to stand up to him and even he had a hard time!"
Varian noticed as Eugene looked down at the ground, several emotions warring on his face as he glanced at Rapunzel guiltily.
Turns out, he wasn't the only one.
"Eugene, what is it? Do you know something?", Rapunzel asked gently.
"Adira told me.", Eugene broke out grabbing her hands, "I know what you need to do in order to defeat Zhan Tiri, since he has the moon opal in his possession. Adira also said the incantation should also unlock your full power."
Rapunzel beamed, "That's great! So what is it?", she then blinked looking around.
"Wait, where is Lance and Adira? And where did Hector go?", she asked glancing around wildly.
Varian coughed at the mention of Hector and was about to admit his fate but Eugene saved him.
"Lance is tending Adira right now and I don't know where Hector is, but Rapunzel, in order to stop Zhan Tiri, you'll have to sacrifice others.", Eugene broke out, "You'll also have to sacrifice yourself!"
Eugene was crying as he looked up at Rapunzel, his heart hurting more then he could say, "You'll have to sacrifice Cassandra and Varian as well in order for the incantation to work. I'm so, so sorry Rapunzel. I'm so sorry!"
Varian felt his heart stop for a moment as he instinctively drew Cassandra closer to him.
He glanced at Rapunzel fear welling up in his mind.
To his relief he saw that Rapunzel looked horrified by Eugene's words, her face pale and her eyes wide with shock.
Varian watched as Eugene hung his head in sadness and shame, tears rolling off his bowed face and dropping onto the ground.
"Are, are you sure?", she asked slowly, "I mean, maybe you misunderstood."
Eugene was utterly speechless and couldn't even look up at her as Varian and Rapunzel stared at him.
Aunt Willow walked over and shook her head, "I'm sorry, but what he says is true. There is no denying it.", she said sorrowfully.
She then repeated the incantation to Rapunzel that Adira had told Eugene and the others.
"And that's the combination Rapunzel and it's up to you if you'll use it.", Aunt Willow said staring up at the roiling clouds, "Either it's that or Zhan Tiri will overtake the kingdom."
Varian realized all the blood had drained from his face as he started to shake.
This was the solution?
Either sacrificing three lives or letting hundreds to be killed and tortured?
Why did any lives have to be at risk?
Weren't there enough lives already taken?
Varian thought back to Cursun and Andrew, Chella and the Separatists, his mom and the countless other people that had lost their lives.
It was to much blood.
"I can't do that! Oh god, please no.", Rapunzel said pulling at her hair, "Is it really the only way?? It can't be! It just can't!"
Varian could only sit and hold Cassandra as he waited.
More lives to be sacrificed either way.
More blood to be spilled.
He just wanted it all to end.

Happy Thanksgiving Everyone! I'm very thankful for all your reads, votes, support and comments! You're all great!

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