Chapter Fifty-Six

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"It's gone...", Rapunzel whispered looking at where the Corona palace used to be.
Cold ash and little embers swirled through the air as the group stared with wide eyes in shocked silence.
Rapunzel jumped off Maximus and quickly ran through the ash looking for any signs of life.
After a few moments she glanced at Cass in heavy regret and shock.
Cassandra looked back at her,"Well the castle is gone and unless Zhan Tiri is hiding somewhere, he's not over here. We need to get moving and find him.", she said glancing at the sky where Rapunzel's room would have been, "I know you've lost your home but we can't let it get to us."
Pascal squeaked sadly and rubbed his head on Rapunzel's cheek for comfort as he felt her shake.
"What if, what if, there were people still in there Cassandra?", Rapunzel asked slowly.
The former villain just sighed and shook her head, "We can't change what's already been done. I'm sorry but we need to move before anyone else dies Raps."
Rapunzel nodded numbly, "You're right, we need to find him before he destroys anything else."
She then petted Pascal gently as she looked at the barren ground.
"The only question is where the hell is he?", Cassandra asked looking around at the horizon, "He's a towering fifty foot warlock with horns, shouldn't be that hard to spot."
"Maybe he shrunk.", Varian suggested.
"What would make you say that and why would he do that??"
Varian pointed toward the hills of Old Corona which were flashing with bright oranges, reds and unnatural greens, "Being bigger means he's an easier target to hit.", he answered.
Rapunzel gasped, "That must be where the guards are! They're probably trying to fight off the demons and Zhan Tiri!"
She immediately ran back to Max and jumped onto his back, holding the reins tightly, "We have to hurry!!"
"They won't last long.", Cassandra stated darkly, "Especially since Zhan Tiri now has the Ultimate Power."
Rapunzel rapped the reins as Cassandra did the same in unison, "I'm not letting anyone else get hurt!!", Rapunzel yelled determined.
The horses galloped once again at full speed, passing through the once-known city and streets.
This time no sadness rushed through her as she saw the crumbling and burning streets.
Only anger and passion to defeat the evil warlock flowed through her. Giving her strength to move forward.
Though her mind was filled with worry for Eugene.
She had faith in him, but she also knew with sickening dread no one stood a chance against Zhan Tiri except her.
"Tromus and Sugracha must have been just keeping us distracted!", Varian suddenly yelled over the roar of fire and the rush of wind with realization, "They know we can stop Zhan Tiri! So I'm sure it won't be easy to get to him once we actually find him!"
"They'll be waiting for us!", Cassandra cried out annoyed, "Classic battle strategy, they're going to protect him and we're going to have to probably defeat two army's worth of goons!"
Rapunzel glanced at him, "It doesn't matter, all I need to do is say that incantation with you guys beside me! Once I do it, the magic should start!"
"I hate the word should!", Varian yelled as Cassandra grimaced.
"If the Azure Hills is really where the battlefield is we should grab a fresh horse and let Fidella and Max rest!", Cassandra yelled to Rapunzel, "They've been running for miles at full speed!"
Rapunzel nodded, "Alright then guys!", she told the horses, "Give it all you got! Just a few more miles!"
The horses whinnied and thrust their heads forward trying to go faster, the world becoming a fast discolored blur.
Watching the world go by like that gave Rapunzel an uneasy feeling.
It felt like a dark omen for the final approaching battle up ahead as the hills came into clear view.
"Look!!", Varian cried out pointing to the intense battle scene.
Rapunzel, Cassandra and Varian watched in shock at the chaos and turmoil.
Demons poured from the hills everywhere, attacking the Corona guards as Saporian rebels cast dark magic spells through the ranks of people.
Swords clanged and claws slashed in bright sparks and light as fire raged around the field.
As soon as one person cut down an enemy two more seemed to take his fallen comrades place.
Rapunzel's mouth was open aghast as Cassandra mounted off Fidella.
"How are we supposed to find Zhan Tiri through all of that?", Cassandra asked pulling her dagger out of her leather boot.
"We need to find my father or the Captain, whoever's directing this battle strategy.", Rapunzel said shaking her head watching the struggle, "We can tell them our plan."
She flinched as someone in the crowd fell down, not being able to tell if it was foe or friend.
Varian followed Cassandra suit and stood beside her relieving Fidella of extra weight.
His face was grey, "How are we supposed to get to the camp through the battle?"
"We fight out way through!", Cassandra suddenly yelled twirling her dagger rapidly while running straight into the battlefield.
"Wait up Cass! We need to stick together!", Rapunzel yelled jumping off Max wielding her frying pan.
"We're just rushing into this?!", Varian yelled as he felt his pockets for his alchemy as he rushed after them.
Demons immediately filled the area as they descended down the hills and wasted no time attacking them.
"Uhhh guys!?! I don't got anything! I'm all out!", Varian yelled as Rapunzel glanced back at him.
She ducked a blast of magic and smacked a Saporian, "How can you be out? What about those acid vials?"
"That was just emergency backups! I'm empty now! Uhm, except apparently this useless medicine from that peddler?", he yelled trying to stick close to Rapunzel for protection.
"Just stick close Varian!!", Rapunzel ordered panning demons left and right as she gritted her teeth.
"Peddler?", Cassandra asked half-interested, "Why do you have medicine from a peddler??"
Varian sighed as Rapunzel pushed down his head, saving him from decapitation, "He gave it to me for free 'cause he said my voice was messed up."
"That was rude!", Rapunzel commented as Cassandra and her went back to back fighting off their enemies, "Definitely uncalled for."
Cassandra slashed a demon's chest in the heart, "So are you telling me that you've gone and run into a battlefield and you've got NO WEAPONS?!", she yelled.
"Yes I am!", Varian yelled back punching the stabbed demon unconscious for a good measure, "But we're supposed to stick together and you're the one who decided to charge into this battle!!"
"Guys don't move!!!", Rapunzel screamed out to them making them go silent immediately.
Sharp throwing stars then flew through the air, hitting all the demons that encircled the trio.
Each star sunk its cold points into the targets heads, vaporizing them immediately upon impact.
"And that's how you do it ladies.", Lady Caine said smirking.
"Lady Caine?", Rapunzel asked in disbelief as Pascal squeaked menacingly.
She watched as Lady Caine checked her fingers, "That's me princess and I'll take you to the camp if you like."
"What are you doing?", Cassandra asked glaring at her.
"Why??", She yelled, "Why would you want to fight for Corona or better yet the world?"
Lady Caine threw another star behind her, nailing another demon in his head, "Because I'm one of those people who live in it."
"Can't argue with that.", Varian said gesturing to her.
Rapunzel walked up to her, holding her frying pan threateningly up to Lady Caine's face, "So you're telling me you can take us to the camp?"
"Of course I can.", she scoffed, "Now let's go because I can't keep killing these goons if I run out of stars."
Rapunzel stared into her eyes, "Alright, lead us. Just don't try anything."
"I just saved your pathetic excuse for a life princess and your betraying friends, so why so little trust?", Lady Caine retorted.
"I learned I have to be careful.", Rapunzel answered, "Just take us to the camp please."
To her relief Lady Caine nodded and pointed to the left, "The camps only half a mile from our current position right now, let's move."

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