Chapter Three

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Cassandra gasped for air as she appeared in a forest. Apparently she could teleport from one place to another and teleporting was not as fun as it sounded.
She had just left the Dark Kingdom in a middle of a battle with Lance, Adira, and King Edmund.
Well some might call it a battle, it was more like warding off some pesky mosquitoes for her. Annoying, but not really doing much of anything except getting in her way.
She sat down for a moment to catch her breath from her teleportation and looked around her. Where was she exactly?
Trees surrounded her and shrubbery littered the area. There wasn't a place you couldn't step without landing in a patch of wild flowers. Sunshine sparkled as it filtered through the trees and Cassandra could hear the merry gurgle of a river close by. To complete the scene, rabbits hopped around as a big buck stood under a big oak tree.
Barf, Cass thought wrinkling up her nose, Rapunzel would love this dump.
She then stood up and tried to place which forest she could be in, besides the Happy Woodlands.
Using her skills of cartography, Cassandra evaluated she was either in Corona's neighboring kingdom Saporia or she was in Corona itself.
Considering she didn't remember the forests in Corona looking this cheesy, she was probably in Saporia.
And she knew Corona like the back of her hand, so unless things were more  cutesy than normal...
"Alright let's see, there's bound to be a town nearby. Which direction exactly?", Cassandra thought out loud.
After a moment she decided to go northeast, in the direction of the Saporian castle.
Cassandra then walked through the forest wondering why exactly she had ended up all the way over wherever she was.
How had she done that? And how many other secrets were there to unlock to her powers?
As she asked herself these questions she heard a twig crack and then complete silence.
Cassandra tensed and stopped. She was being followed.
After a few moments Cass continued to walk as if she knew no one was following her.
Suddenly Cassandra pulled a backflip that slammed right into her stalker.
The stalker wasn't prepared as she beat him by aiming a few well placed punches and kicks to the stomach and face.
After a flurry of martial arts, Cassandra pinned the stalker against a tree while forming a rock blade into her hand.
"Who are you and why are you following me?", Cassandra demanded pressing the blade on the offender's throat.
The stalker wore a creepy mask that hid his face entirely and a hood that helped conceal his identity even more. The stalker's voice sounded almost smug when he spoke.
"Really, Cassie. I'd thought you'd recognize me."
Cassandra's face boiled with anger, "Don't call me that! Now answer my question, who are you?"
A sneaking suspicion snuck up on Cass as the stalker spoke again. She recognized that voice and how did he know her name? It couldn't be...
The stalker must have seen the look on her face and he laughed, "Figured it out yet Cassie?", he said pulling off the hood and mask.
"Hubert.", Cassandra said gritting her teeth. She knew it was him the second she had heard his voice.
He frowned, "Andrew. It's Andrew, Cassie."
Cassandra pressed the blade closer to his neck, "What have I told you?!? Don't call me Cassie if you want to live and see the next ten minutes of your life!", Cass threatened.
"And as for your name, you and I both know Hubert is your real name. So drop the act!", she continued.
"It's Andrew.", he insisted.
Cassandra rolled her eyes, "Whatever. Now what were you doing following me?"
Andrew smiled, "I was just walking around minding my own business and suddenly you appear out of nowhere. Of course I'm going to be curious of why you are here and also I was intrigued by your new look. So I decided to observe and try to figure it out myself. Simple."
"Yah, right.", Cass snorted, but lowered her blade and let him down from her pin.
"You know me, Cassie.", Andrew winked, "Always minding my own business."
Cassandra balled her hands into fists and slammed Andrew into the same tree again.
"I dare you,", Cassandra breathed getting close and personal, "Call me Cassie again and see what happens. I. Dare. You."
Andrew to his credit and Cassandra's annoyance stayed pretty calm.
"Come on, you know you love it when I call you that. And as for what might happen if I do call you that again, you'd probably blush or slap me or...", Andrew said but was cut off as Cass dropped him.
"Shut it Hubert.", she fired, her cheeks becoming bright red.
Why was she blushing? She didn't like Andrew and she had pretended the whole thing back then. So why was she blushing?
Andrew got back up to his feet and smiled looking at Cassandra as her face turned color.
"Are you blushing?", he asked.
"I said shut it and no, I'm not."
"Really? Then why is your face so red?"
"I'm hot, okay, and the sun is giving me sunburn too."
"I see."
"Good.", Cassandra said trying to will
the burning sensation away.
"Cause, see, I thought you were blushing because you like me.", Andrew smiled continuing.
Cassandra finally got a hold of herself and grew several rocks around Andrew, fire in her eyes.
"We are done talking about this, understand?", she demanded her arm outstretched as she pointed the rocks at  Andrew's throat.
"Chrystal.", Andrew choked out.
Cassandra dropped the rocks suddenly and Andrew crashed to the ground rubbing his neck and scowling.
"Are we in Saporia?", Cassandra asked moving on.
Andrew looked at her a little surprised but then nodded, "Yup, you're in Saporia and right now we're in Kira woods."
Cassandra did some quick calculations in her head, "That means we're only a couple of miles away from the Corona border."
He smiled, "Sharp as an arrow and quick as one too. Yes we're only about half an hour away."
Cassandra felt her cheeks start to burn in spite of herself. Andrew's complement had made her blush.
Argh! Again with the blushing! Cassandra willed it away by thinking about how once she got to Corona she could start her revenge and how she would crush Rapunzel under her foot.
That helped as she smiled and boiled just thinking about Rapunzal and her happy-go-lucky attitude. It would be easy to crush her as soon as she got hold of the ones she loved.
"If I may ask,", Andrew started, looking at her curiously.
"You may not.", she cut in.
He continued anyway undeterred, "How can you grow those rocks? And why is your hair and eyes blue? Weren't your eyes green and your hair black?
Does your new look have something to do with why you can grow rocks?"
"You said something, you asked me several somethings.", Cassandra said annoyed, "And furthermore I said no."
Andrew held his hands in surrender, "Okay if you don't want to talk about your new look, fine, but why are you in Saporia?"
"I didn't come here on purpose, I just appeared here.", Cass explained, "Now if you'll excuse me, I'm going now."
"You possess the moon drop, don't you?", Andrew called as she walked away.
Cassandra stopped. How did Andrew know about that?
"How do you,?", she asked turning around.
"The Separatists of Saporia know many secrets of power and magic, also you kinda have the stone in your chest.", Andrew said smugly.
"Glad you figured it out, what do you want? A gold star?", Cassandra sniped.
"No thanks, but I would like to know how you were able to get the moonstone in the first place.", he told her.
Cassandra laughed, "Wouldn't you love to know, you and your gang."
Then a idea formed as she said that. Andrew's gang, the Separatists of Saporia, were a group entirely dedicated to the downfall of Corona. And if they did know a little magic, they would be a powerful ally.
"You know what?", Cassandra smiled turning towards Andrew, "You will know, you and your cute little club, because you're taking me to see them."
Andrew frowned, "Yah, right. Like I'd tell you or show you our hideout. I can't have you ratting us out to the proper authorities."
An evil smile crept onto Cassandra's face as she got closer to Andrew.
"That's just the thing Hubert, I'm on the other side now. I want revenge against the princess of Corona. I'm not ratting anyone out to the guards or royalty anytime soon. But if you refuse,", Cassandra stopped and grew a rock behind Andrew, "Things could get very ugly for you."
Andrew smiled, "You had me at wicked grin and revenge."
Then he added, frowning slightly, "Also it's Andrew, not Hubert."
Cassandra just smiled.

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