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It's funny how I'm like I won't be updating for a couple of weeks and here I am updating like everyday. I hope I pass my finals omg. It's raining here so yay and I have a lot of mistaks in this story so I'm gonna (when I'm bothered) go back and fix them. I didn't read this chapter (I never do) so there are mistakes (definitely)

Luke's eyes widened. "Ha, ha, James, it's not funny."

"No I'm serious, Calum!" He shouted out.

Calum opened the curtains. "Yeah?" Worry filled his voice.

"Great news!" James grinned.

"He's not sick or anything?" Calum's face lit up.

"Nope, he isn't," he popped the 'p'. "But...,"

"But?" He gestured him to continue.

"Luke's pregnant!"

- - -

"Hey, wanna come over my house? To y'know... hangout and all." Ashton shrugged putting cheese into the basket.

Michael held back a grin, and shrugged cooly. "Yeah that'd be cool. We should watch a movie!"

"Hm," he hummed. "Where do you think the egg section is?"

"Over there," Michael pointed to his left, chuckling because how could Ashton miss it?

"Right," he muttered and walked to the place Michael pointed, Michael following behind.

Things to buy:
Cheese ✓
Butter ✓
2 boxes of egg
Tomato, lettuce and cucumber ✓
Banana, apple and kiwi ✓
Lasagna packet, 4 packs ✓
Tomato sauce
Spaghetti, 2 packs ✓

Ashton huffed, he hopes he brought enough money. "Hold this," he told Michael and handed him the basket.

He leaned down to the eggs (that were on the floor?? What if insects crawled in??) which gave Michael a perfect view of his bum. Michael bit his lip, urging his eyes to look away but he just can't; it's so round and just- perfect for his hands and he just wants to touch it.

Ashton took held of a pack, opening it and looked inside. They all good. He thought and stretched his arms which made Michael duck down to Ashton's arms level. He picked up another one, did the same routine as the last one and after knowing it's all good, he got up, turned around (which made Michael look at his crotch for a second before blushing hard and looking up at Ashton) and put it in the basket.

2 boxes of egg✓, he checked off by his pencil.

"You're blushing," Ashton pointed out the obvious.

Michael chose to ignore it and asked,"What's next?"

Ashton looked at the piece of paper and said,"Tomato sauce and we'll be done. Oh! And well buy some movies to watch."

Michael nodded, trying to push his excitement away by putting on that-would-be-cool-thanks face.

"Alright, let's get this over with," Ashton huffed. "I don't know why I agreed to this." Michael chuckled.

"Your fault," he really didn't know why else to say.

Ashton looked back at him, squinting his eyes and smiling.

"Let's go to the other section," Ashton almost whined.

Ten minutes later, everything on the list was checked off. They even bought the movies they would most likely watch; Mean Girls (Michael insisted on that), Parker and Warm Bodies. Michael was gonna pay but Ashton insisted that he would which made Michael's heart flutter cause wow he would make a perfect boyfriend for me.

They were silently driving back to Cake's and Michael was about to burst. I'm going to Ashton's house, I repeat, I'm going to Ashton's. Ashton fucking Irwin. My crush since high school. Were gonna watch movies. Oh god. I need to chill. Okay Michael breathe. He thought, he's going to burst when he enters Ashton's house, he's 100% sure.

When they reached, Ashton parked the car in their garage (it was empty), that's odd, Ashton thought. The rain made sounds of 'tick's since it's hitting the window furiously which annoyed Ashton, he loves rain but doesn't like the sound it does, it gives him a headache.

"Their car isn't here."

"I realised," Ashton answered. "They are free to go out so.."

He stopped the engines once parked perfectly and got out of the car, Michael following shortly behind.

He opened the backseat door hurriedly since he didn't wanna get soaked (where they kept the bags) and Ashton and Michael took out all the bags in one go. It's only 5 bags anyway, Ashton carrying three and Michael carrying two even though he argues about how he can hold three but Ashton protested cause he didn't want him to get tired or hurt in general.

Ashton closed the door and when they reached the doors, they realised they don't have the key. Thank god there was a roof on top of them or else they'd be soaking wet.

"Fuck," Michael cursed.

"Don't fucking swear," Ashton have him a stern look.

"Hypocrite," Michael stuck his tongue out like a kid which made Ashton roll his eyes fondly.

"How are we gonna open the door exactly?"

"Ariana might be home," Michael guessed.

"Most probably not since they wouldn't leave without their only baby girl," Ashton sighed.

"Unless if Luke's pregnant," Michael barked out a laugh.

"No time for jokes, Michael, we either leave with bags in front of the door and let it get soaked and go home or we keep it with us and give it to them another day. Choose."

"I choose plan B," Michael said with a shrug.

"C'mon then." Ashton shook his head to the side, signalling Michael to follow him.

They (again) opened the backseat's door and put the bags in there, getting even more wet in the process. Once they were in the car, they were soaked. Hair down due to the rain and Michael was freezing, he was wearing a short sleeved shirt for gods sake!

Ashton soon took notice and asked,"Want my jacket?" Michael looked up at him with puppy eyes (he didn't mean to, the face just came out). He nodded and ashton turned his body to face the backseat to see if he had an extra jacket in his car (he always has extra stuff in his car, even an underwear but no one needs to know that). He looked around and spotted a jacket right beneath the bags Michael put in.

He moved the bag a bit and slipped out his jacket. It was a Gucci jacket, brown and feathery inside. It costed a lot. He die t even know why that jacket is in his care but he doesn't care, he has bought something much more expensive than that.

He handed it to Michael and Michael gladly took it from his hands, smiling widely at him. He gave me his jacket, Michael thought, oh my god. He put it on and once he inhaled it, he instantly regretted it cause fucking damn he smells so good.

"I think you should text them and tell them were gonna give them the grocery bags later," Michael suggested.

"Oh, almost forgot to," Ashton chuckled at his own stupidness.

He took out his phone from his pocket and went on Calum's number.

Hey buddy, me & Michael are going to my house & we'll drop the grocery bags by later when you get home :) text me when you do x

He locked his phone and started the engines, Michael's heart beating super fast that he's pretty sure Ashton can hear it.

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