Fifty Two

184 15 3

I HATE ME MORE IM SORRY (I'm sorry if I wrote anything wrong down I'm not an expert)

It was only one a.m. when Luke stirred awake from the baby kicking. He sighed and sat up straight with a long yawn.

He put his hand on his tummy when the kicks got harder and more violent. He flinched. "Hey, hey, what's wrong?" He drew circles with his hand on his tummy, hoping it would calm Noah down. His eyes widened when he felt his underwear wet. "Oh fuck me. It's one in the morning, couldn't you wait until later on?"

He almost screamed when the baby kicked. He clicked on the emergency button at least thirty times before a woman stormed into his room.

"Are you feeling okay?"

"No," he flinched. "I-I think my water broke."

Her eyes widened. "Oh fuck, no doctors are available right now! Hold on, I'll be right back."

Luke held in his next scream, only for it to come out as a squeak. His eyes were shut so tight he could almost see stars. He could also feel sweat dripping from his forehead to his neck. He hopes it'll be over soon.

"Oh my god, okay, I just called your doctor and he said he'd be here in ten minutes," the nurse spoke quickly. "And he said for you to just breathe in and out until he comes and hopefully the baby isn't out by then," she spoke fast and nervously. She then jogged to his side and held his hand. Luke squeezed so tight she started flinching and telling him to let go but he couldn't hear anything. The only thing he could hear is his screams.

"Fuck," she flinched. "Aright listen, breathe with me okay? Come on, in and out." Luke looked up at her with his eyes red and his face pale. "With me, come on, in and out. In and out," she gestured for him to follow her chest movements. He breathed in and out, barely even. And when the baby kicked again, he arched his back and screamed, shutting his eyes as tight as he can.

"Holy fuck," the nurse squeaked. She held his forehead and his back. "It's alright, you'll be okay. Doctor is on his way." Luke nodded. "You have to sit up straight, okay? You can't lay down. Come on." She helped him get his back up against the back of the bed that she arranged for him.

He was inhaling heavily and exhaling even more heavily. That's a shitload of pain.

"This is gonna be weird to ask, but is the baby going to come out of your ass?"

If he weren't in this situation, Luke would've probably laughed his ass off. He shook his head. In and out, he breathed.

"When is he going to be here?" Luke asked through gritted teeth and shaky breath.

"Just a—"

"I'm here!" Dr. Nyke stormed in. "Take him to the delivery room. Others are on their way."

The nurse prepared the bed for it to move. She rolled the bed while Nyke stayed at Luke's side, held his hand and told him to keep on breathing and everything would be alright.

When they reached the room the nurse put Luke where he's meant to be and turned on the heart monitor, putting the pieces on Luke.

"Oh my god," Luke screamed and arched his back. Sweat has covered his body entirely.

"Lay down," she instructed and Luke painfully complied. She wrapped the anaesthesia around Luke's mouth.

Dr. Nyke had put on his white coat and green cloth covering his mouth and told the nurse to ready everything. "You'll be alright, I promise." Dr. Nyke had told Luke before he could pass out.

"Count with me. One, two, three..." Luke counted after Dr. Nyke, and after saying six, Luke had felt himself slowly starting to doze off and by the seventh second, he was asleep.

"Did you wash the equipments?"


"We have to wait for the others," Dr. Nyke. "Get him started." She nodded. She removed Luke's shirt and also his pants, leaving him only in his underwear. Wires were attached to his body, making sure his heart was still beating. After she had put a long green cloth between Luke's stomach and his chest, she told Dr. Nyke that he was ready.

Two other pregnancy specialists walked into the room hastily. "Sorry we're late, turns out I forgot my office keys and had to borrow an extra coat from Frand. Let's get started, shall we?" They both put on gloves and covered their mouths by a green cloth which they took from a drawer.

The operation was quite messy since it's their first time ever delivering a baby from a male. It took around 2 hours to bring the baby into the life and 1 more hour for them to stitch his stomach closed.

On Saturday 5th of November at exactly 3:47am, a baby was brought to life. His screams had filled the whole room and Dr. Nyke had cut the cord and gave the baby to the nurse for her to wash him and cover him up.

Calum, Ashton, Michael and Arianna had arrived an hour after the baby was brought, being late due to Arianna's protest of leaving the house. The roads were clear so Calum had sped up and reached the hospital in under five minutes. Arianna had started crying and almost peed herself from how scared she was because of how fast he was going.

The baby's health was perfect, Dr. Nyke had said. And that Luke was also fine, which, he said, was a shock to them all. They had expected for at least one of their health's to be bad, but thankfully they were both doing fine so far. When Calum asked when they could discharge Luke, Dr. Nyke had told him in the morning they would be good to go.

When they all walked into Luke's room, they saw Luke holding his baby. Calum almost squealed from the sight. He sprinted to his side and kissed his forehead. "How are you feeling?" He asked after the nurse excused herself from the room.

"Pretty fine, actually. The only thing that aches is my cock," Luke joked and Calum laughed. Luke handed the baby to Calum,"Hold him."

Calum's eyes sparkled, his stomach filled with butterflies. He took a hold of the back of his neck and his back with both of his arms. He laughed when he saw his baby opening his eyes and looking up at him. He managed to hold him by only one of his arm, and picked at his nose,"Hello booboo, I'm your daddy."

"Oh god, I'm an uncle," Ashton said loudly and everyone laughed.

"Can I see him! Can I see him!" Arianna jumped up and down in her seat. "Please!"

Calum walked over to her and sat next to her. "That's your brother, Ari. Are you excited?" Calum grinned.

He could see the sparkle and the happiness in her eyes,"Yes! Can I hold him? Please?" She dragged out the 'e'.

"Some other time, okay? Kiss his forehead," Arianna grinned and did exactly that.

"What's his name?" Ashton asked when Calum handed the baby to him.

Calum and Luke looked at each other for awhile.

"You know, you don't have to decide now. Or you could always change it later," Michael said and cood at the baby when he opened his mouth.

"No, we decided," Luke spoke up with a smile. "Noah."

Calum grinned,"What a beautiful name." He went to Luke's side. "Are you sure you're okay? No where hurts?"

Luke rolled his eyes,"I'm fine, I promise. Come here." Luke grabbed Calum's neck side and brought his face down to his face, connecting their lips in a slow, passionate kiss. Their mouths moved together like they were made for each other, and Calum was a hundred percent sure that, yes, they were made for each other.

And with that love they have, they brought a child to life, promising themselves to love and care for their children no matter what. After all, they're all they've got.

Votes and comments are always appreciated!x

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