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I was bored when I wrote this so it most probably sucks, sorry :( vote and comment I'll love you forever :3 x so I update Lonely and this story at the same time because they're both so fun to write! XD

"Michael?" Luke asked with a sigh, holding onto Ariana's waist tightly (not that tightly since it would hurt).

"What?" Michael turned his head to look at Luke directly.

They were currently watching TV, Michael and Luke next to each other, both their leg on the table. Ariana was on Luke's lap, snoring quietly.

"What do you see in Ashton?" He wondered and started playing with Ariana's hair.

"I just feel safe around him, y'know? This will sound clichè, but you asked, I just can't help feeling butterflies around him in the pitch of mystomach. And when he smiles- oh that gorgeous smiles, his dimples are so fucking deep! Like have you seen them? He's just so asdfghjkl..." He closed his eyes, sighed with a smiled.

"Well.." Luke laughed awkwardly.

"But the thing is-"

"He's straight." Luke continued for him.

"Yeah, and it sucks."

"You'll get over him." Luke assured Michael.

"How did you and Calum fell in love anyway?"

"Oh that would be a hell of a long story." Luke laughed silently. "Maybe next time."

"Okay, call Calum and ask him if anything new happened." Michael suggested.

Luke nodded and stretched his hands to the table next to the couch and dialled Calum's number.

After 5 short rings, Calum answered. "Hello?"

"Hey Cal, anything new?"

"Actually, yeah." Calum started. "I told the head of the officers that all of this was a big misunderstood-ness. He said that Ashton will be staying at the cell for a couple of hours until the drug on him has-"


"Sleeping drugs, yeah, well Ashton wouldn't stop shouting out how he didn't do anything until they drugged him with sleeping pills. He'll be out as soon as he wakes up which won't be long. So, I'll stay here till he wakes up then I'll be driving him to our place."

"Oh, that's interesting." Luke's eyebrows raised up. "Well, call me when he wakes up."

"Yeah, of course." Calum said and hung up. Luke put the phone back down and told michael everything Calum told him.

"I really like him."

"I know, Mike, I know." Luke sighed. "You don't always get what you want in life." He deeply said.

"Yeah." Michael said with a growl. "I'm hungry."

"Go eat." Luke stated the obvious and changed the channel to a more entertainment show.

Michael rolled his eyes and got up to the kitchen. "Want anything?"

"Nah and try to not make a lot of noise, Ariana's sleeping." Michael nodded.

Never trust Michael when it comes to cooking because half an hour later, he was making a mess in the kitchen; knife noises, the cover of the pot jingling, the toast sound when it's finished etc. what the hell is this boy doing? Ariana woke up with a groan and Luke gritted his teeth, it took him more than an hour to make her sleep.

"Daddy?" Ariana's lazily opened her eyes, slowly adjusting to the light. "What is noise?" She said, and due to her not knowing English very well, her grammar sucks. She's only six anyway.

"Stay here alright baby?" Ariana nodded. He slowly held ariana and laid her down on the couch. Once she laid, she connected her thumb straight away to her mouth; I don't know why kids do that so much.

Luke walked in the kitchen and his mouth fell to the floor, anger pumping through his veins.

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