Fifty One

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Today, Luke and Calum decided to spend the day in hospital together. Luke thought of going for a walk, but when Calum asked Dr. Nyke, he refused.

"So I brought one mix pizza, one margarita, pasta and a Coke for me while a water for you," Calum said while taking out the food he brought for him and Luke.

"Gah, you don't even know how long I've wanted actual food instead of those healthy food," Luke beamed.

Calum brought the small desk for eating in the corner of the room and pulled it in front of Luke. He readied the two pizzas and water in front of him while he put his pasta on his lap while the Coke on the floor because he knew if he put it in front of Luke, he'd drink it.

"So, how are you feeling?" Calum asked mid eating.

"Good. Haven't got any aches since you came which makes me think the baby just wants you near."

Calum smiled,"That's cute. You know, we still haven't decided a name."

"I was thinking of Andrew."

"No," Calum laughed. "Sounds like your typical white boy name."

Luke rolled his eyes with a smile,"Then please do bless us with the name you've thought of."


"That's not so bad." And when Calum grinned, Luke rolled his eye. "Noah would work."

"Noah Hood," Calum grinned. "That's so cute."

Luke held his hand out and Calum put his hand upon Luke's. Luke put Calum's hand on his stomach. "Noah Hood."

Tears started swelling up in Calum's eyes. "Our first baby boy." Calum grabbed Luke's neck and connected their foreheads. "I love you. God, so much. I'm so glad we met."

Luke bit his lip, not wanting to smile too hard. "I love you, too."

Calum pecked his lips.

Their moment was interrupted when Luke's door opened. "Visiting hours has ended," the nurse said with a smile.

"I'll be out in a second," the nurse nodded and left the room. "I'll come back tomorrow, okay? I'll also bring Arianna." Calum kissed Luke's forehead one more time and with a last smile, he left.

That night, Luke went to sleep peacefully without a knowledge of what's soon to happen.

Sorry for the late update!

My :) school :) started :) so :) exciting :)

And I'm truly sorry for the short chapter and how I left it, but I wanted to leave the rest for the next chapter. Stay tuned ;)

Votes and comments are always appreciated!x

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