Thirty four

304 34 1

They both lay naked under the devout, staring up at the ceiling.

"What do you think he's gonna look like?"

Calum shrugged. "Hopefully he'll have you eyes and your beautiful smile."

Luke grinned and faced Calum's face. "I want him to have your nose," he poked his nose. "And your ears. And hopefully, he won't look Asian when he's not."

Calum's mouth hung open. "You did not just say that."

Luke laughed. "Oh, yes, I did."

Calum groaned. "And hopefully he won't have chicken legs."

"Calum!" Luke barked a laugh. "You love my legs."




"Yes." Luke grinned.

"Maybe." Calum grinned back at him.

"I'm going to sleep." Luke yawned.

"Goodnight baby."

An hour later, they were up by a scream coming from Arianna's room. Calum jolted awake and ran to her room.

He flicked on the lights. "Baby, what's wrong?"

There were tears streaming down her face and her eyes were bloodshot red.

Arianna pointed at her arm. The arm that the dog bit on a couple days ago.

The bandage was ripped off. Her arm was swollen. And the dogs teeth traces were still there. There is a big, ugly bruise that's color is mixed– green, purple and blue– surrounding her arm. It was ugly.

"Oh, baby. It's okay. Stay here, okay? I'll go get some new ones." Arianna nodded.

Calum dashed downstairs, looking everywhere in the kitchen for the kit. After two minutes, he found it and dashed up the stairs, almost tripping over but he balanced himself and went to Arianna's room.

He controlled his breathing and went in finding Luke kissing her arm. "He's here."

Calum kneeled down in front of her bed, her arm draped over the bed. Calum opened the kit and found some vaseline. He opened the cap and carefully put the lotion on her arm. She winced but didn't say anything. After he made sure the lotion filled her arm, he took a bandage from the kit and cut it into a perfect size. He slowly started wrapping the bandage around her arm.

Once he was done, he said,"You'll be okay." And kissed the bandage.

Arianna sniffed and laid her head on her pregnant dad's chest.

Calum picked up the old bandage, folded it and then threw it in her small, empty trash. He sat on her bed.

"When's is my brother coming out?" Arianna asked, forgetting all about the pain she was feeling in her arm.

"Two months," Luke grinned. He place a hand on his stomach. "Say hi, baby. He can hear you."

Arianna's eyes widened. She put a hand on his stomach. "I'm your big sister! We'll have so much fun together!" She laid her head on Luke's stomach. "I love you." She whispered, thinking the dads can't hear her. But they did. They both looked at each other and grinned.

When the baby kicked, Arianna freaked out and removed her head so fast from Luke's stomach that you'd think it was fast motion.

Luke laughed and Calum looked confused. Luke grabbed Calum's arm and put his hand on his stomach. "Feel it." Luke grinned.

When the baby kicked again, it sent a pang at Calum's hand. He grinned. "This is our creation."

Luke nodded, grinning so much that he could feel his fave breaking into half. "Only ours."

Three hands were on Luke's stomach and Luke couldn't wait for the baby to come out so they could officially be four. He'd treat him so well. And, of course, he'd still pay attention to Arianna.

"I love all of you, okay?" Luke said and they nodded, saying that they love him, too. And Luke couldn't be happier.

[614 words]

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