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He slammed Luke's door open, making Luke shriek with fear.


Luke fidgeted. "Calum, hey."

"When were you planning on telling me?"

Luke smiled warily at his husband. "Tell you what?"

"Don't play dumb," Calum warned.

Luke sighed. "I'm sorry."

"You're dropping that baby."

Luke shot him a glare,"No, I'm not."

"Yes you are! This is a decision you and I are supposed to be making together yet here you are making all the decisions yourself!"

"I have way more say in this than you ever will! I am the one that's carrying our baby! It's been nine months, Calum. Nine! There is no way I'm just dropping it like that!"

Calum flared his nose with anger. "I don't care if it was in your for nine months and what a hell you've been going through! There is no way in hell you are keeping that monster, Luke, you hear me? No fucking way!"

Luke lowered his voice,"You either talk to me like a rational human being or you get out this second."

Calum griped into his hair, pulling it hard; trying all he's got to stay calm. He let go of his hair slowly and looked into Luke's eyes.

"Alright." He hopes he could keep his calm. He grabbed the chair harshly and seated it closer to Luke's bed.

"This baby is everything to me, Calum," Luke started. "You have to understand that there is no absolute way I'm dropping him out of my tummy when all I've been doing these past nine months was imagining it come to life and us enjoying our time with him. Waking up so early because of his cries," Luke smiled at the imagination,"feeding him baby food. Loving him with all we've got. Sending him to his first day of school. Him graduating. I can't just let go of him like that, Calum."

Calum wanted to smile, he really did. But this baby was going to kill him. "Luke, listen to me. This baby will kill you, you hear me? Kill you. You won't even get to see hi—"

"There's a one out of ten of my survival!" Luke interrupted,"I'm very sure I'm strong enough for a baby to come out of my stomach. You have to believe in me."

"One out of ten, Luke! One out of ten! That's basically impossible!" Calum raises his voice. Luke shot him a warning look. Calum breathed harshly then continued,"Your survival is near impossible. You can't die, Luke, you can't. You can't do this to me." Tears started spilling from Calum's eyes.

"You're even saying it yourself. Near impossible! It's not totally impossible! I believe in myself. I believe that I can bring a baby out of me, alive. I need you to believe in me," Luke grabbed Calum's face softly. He caressed his cheek softly with his thumb. Calum leaned into his touch. "I need you to believe in me," Luke repeated softly.

"You can't die, Luke. Promise me you won't die."

"I promise."

Calum crashed Luke into a hug, sobbing into his neck. "You can't die, please don't die. I love you."

Tears started flowing from Calum's eyes into Luke's shoulder, down to the collar of his shirt. "I won't. You have my word." Luke tried his best not to cry, but before he knew it, tears started spilling from his eyes, too.

"I love you so much," Calum sobbed into his husband's neck. "I love you."

"I love you too, Calum," Luke kissed Calum's neck. "Always."

I tried my best to make this emotional and I hope at least one person shed a tear lol (bc tbh i might've shed a tear)

What do you guys think will happen next?

Votes and comments are always appreciated!:)

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