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I know this is short, but I had no time to continue. My finals came up and I won't be updating for a couple of weeks, sorry

Once Luke walked in in the kitchen, he saw Calum and Michael making-

Nah, I'm just kidding.

"MICHAEL WHAT THE FUCKING HELL?!" Luke yelled once he saw the kitchen a huge mess.

"Oh, hi." Michael smiled innocently, acting as nothing happened.

The counter was filled with sauce. The sink covered in pans and, there was a burning smell.

Luke sniffled like a dog,"What's that smell..?" He sniffs one more time and looks over the over seeing smoke coming out of the oven. "MICHAEL! THE FUCKING OVEN!"

"Oh!" Michael dumbly said and ran from the sink to the oven. He opened the oven, waving his hand around his face to block the smoke coming all over his face. He put on the gloves and took the 'plate' out of the oven, seeing the pizza burned. He felt heat coming on his thumb, and, shit, his fingering is burning. He quickly threw the 'plate' on the table, took his gloves out in a quick manner, and suck on his thumb. He looked up at Luke and, oh what a bad decision.

Luke's face was beaming from anger and he slowly took deep breathes to calm himself down. He just ruined his kitchen! And doesn't even apologize!

"Michael." Luke said, gritting his teeth and closing his eyes. "You have twenty minutes to clean this mess, and if it takes longer, get ready for that pretty face of yours to get ruined." He turned his heels and closed the kitchen door, walking back into the living room.

Michael sighed and yelled,"Where are the cleaning equipments!?"

"Find 'em." Luke yelled back.

"Dad?" Ariana looked up with wide puppy eyes.

"Yes, sweetie?" Luke replied, sitting on the couch next to his daughter.

"What ha'ened in 'da kit'hen?" She asked biting her lip. (What happened in the kitchen?)

"Oh, nothing you need to worry about." Ariana nodded. She shifted closer to Luke. He held her up and say her down on his folded legs making her giggle. She laid her head back on Luke's chest, and, oh, how comfortable her position is.

Thirty minutes later, much to Michael's relief, Luke fell asleep with Ariana in his arms.

He still had the walls to clean up, and, shit, how did the sauce reach the corner of the wall to the left of the oven?

Michael huffed, hating how he can't cook. He thought about how he could reach there. Maybe I should stand on the counter on my tippy-toes and stand really high till i reach the corner?

It seemed like a good idea. In the blink of an eye, Michael was standing on the counter on his tippy-toes, trying his best to reach the corner with the towel but it just wasn't working out. He held himself on the knob of the drawer to his side, and tried a bit harder.

"Come on..," He encouraged himself. After seconds of trying, he -finally- reached the spot, cleaning it with his index finger since his others can't reach. After couple of scrubbing and encouragements, he finished the spot and cheered in happiness.

He jumped off of the counter, landing perfectly on his foot; it stung a bit but he kept the brave face on.

He looked around the kitchen, and, wow, it's all cleaned up like no mess was made in here.

He heard beeping coming from the living room, which meant Calum might be calling. He sprinted out of the kitchen to the living room, and saw Luke standing up with the phone on his hand.

"Yeah?... Oh... Yeah, I'll let him know. Okay, thanks. Bye," That's all he heard until Luke spoke up.

"They let Ashton out after some more questions, and he'll be heading home. Calum will be staying with him for an hour or so," he explained.

"Why will Calum stay with him?"

"He said he wanted to," Michael nodded. "Did you finish with the kitchen?" Again, he nodded.

Luke squinted his eyes suspiciously and walked past Mike to the kitchen. When he saw the kitchen, surprised was an understatement. He actually thought Michael wouldn't do anything.

"Good job," Luke said without glancing at Michael.

He took a glass that was on the dinner table, and it was full?, he drank it without asking Michael if it was his, because, well, he doesn't mind drinking from someone else if they weren't a stranger, of course.

He swallowed it with a gulp and asked,"What time is it?"

"Five minutes to five," Michael replied.

"So, 4:55?" He said unsurely.

He hates it when someone answers with 'five minutes to five' or 'ten quarter nine'.

Michael nodded. "Mind if I sleep in your bedroom?" He had been cleaning the kitchen for more than half an hour so.

"Yeah, sure," Luke smiled.

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