Thirty two

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let's just ignore the fact that i haven't updated for 273993 years :-) enjoy !!! xxxx

Calum rang Ashton and after two other tries, Ashton finally picked up.

"Calum? What the fuck would you want in this early morning?" Ashton groaned.

"Um, hi– uh, good morning?" Calum nervously chuckled.

"Just get to the point,"

"Um, well, I kind of– uh, need a job," Calum sighed.

I shouldn't have called him

"Why? Don't you already have a job?"

"Um, not really– no," Calum stated.

"And you want me to find you a job?"


"And you couldn't have called me any other time?" Ashton groaned once again.


"Alright, well I think we need a new worker. Come over to mine at ten o'clock, okay? Goodnight," he hung up.

Calum's eyes widened.

At where he works?! He gets at least 200 dollars every half an hour!

He grinned.

Luke will for sure no longer be pissed at him.

Calum was laying down on the couch, just staring up at the ceiling.

If he was being completely honest, he was pretty excited to work with or in the same place as Ashton.

And he prays to god that they actually need a worker.

He looked over the clock: 9.32am

Luke usually wakes up at around ten pm and he hopes Luke wakes up before he's off to go.

He was already dressed.

He was that excited.

Once the clock hot 9:40, he quickly wrote a not on a sticky note and stuck it to the refrigerator and got in his car.

Ten minutes later, he finally found Ashton's mansion. A fucking mansion.

He would kill to live in a fucking mansion.

He stopped by the gate since it was closed.

"Are you a friend of Ashton's, sir?" A man behind the gate asked.

Calum nodded.


Are you kidding me


The man nodded and spoke to the machine,"Sir? A man named Calum is here to see you?"

"Let him in,"

"Alright sir,"

The man opened the gate for him. It slowly opened and Calum's mouth hung open.

Holy fuck

"Sir? Are you planning on staying here or are you gonna go in?"

Calum glared at him and drove the car to a fucking parking lot (a small one though. only fitting at least four cars).

He got out of his cheap car and went to the door. He rung the bell and knocked twice on the door and patiently waited.

Two minutes later, a woman– in her at least 40's– opened the door and faked a smile.

"Come on in," she opened the door wider.

He stepped in and his eyes widened.

"Your coat, 'ir?" The lady said.

"My coat?" He asked confusedly.

She pointed at his jacket.

"Oh, oh! It's fine," Calum said, not wanting to take off his coat.

She shrugged,"Your choice." And walked away.

Did she just leave? I could get lost jere jesus lady

"Calum! My buddy," Ashton appeared on top of the stairs in his pajamas.

"Hey," he greeted back.

"Follow me," Ashton nodded his head to the left side which, Calum guessed, has to be the guest room.

Ashton sat down and tapped the seat beside him and Calum shakily walked there.

"Why are you shaking?" Ashton laughed.

Calum blushed,"I-I don't know. I'm just nervous, I guess."

Ashton hummed,"Well, lucky for you, my assistant quit because she found a 'better'," he air quoted,"job."

Calum's eyes widened,"Your giving a job as your secretary?"

Confusion filled Ashton's face,"You don't want it? Well, I can see if–"

"No! That job is amazing!" Calum grinned.

"Well," Ashton smiled. "Looks like you found yourself a job. You start tomorrow."

"I don't need to do an interview?"

"You're my secretary, Calum," Ashton laughed. "I already know you can type and also you could remind me my meetings and all that."

Calum sheepishly laughed,"Thank you. Like, a lot."

Ashton waves his hand,"No problem at all. What're friends for anyway, right?" Calum nodded and grinned.

A man came in view and handed Calum and Ashton their coffee.

"Oh, no, no thanks," Calum shook his head. "It's too early for coffee."

Ashton shrugged and the man walked off without taking his coffee. Probably because Ashton didn't tell him to. "Your choice."

Calum stood up,"I have to go. But thank you so goddamn much for the job, really."

Ashton stood up and hugged Calum tightly.

"Michael and I are coming over tomorrow," Ashton informed him. Calum nodded.

"You guys are always welcomed," he patted Ashton's back. "Mind walking with me to the door? I could get lost." Ashton nodded and him and Calum started walking to the door.

"Be at the company at eight o'clock sharp. I do not accept any of my employee's being late, got it?"

Calum gulped,"Of course."

"I'll be waiting for you at the gates, okay? And if I'm not there, don't go in alone. You'll probably get lost since the building is pretty big. Took me a month to actually not get lost."

"So you could be late but I can't?" Calum teasingly asked.

Ashton rolled his eyes but smiled nonetheless,"Goodbye, Calum. See you tomorrow."

Calum nodded and Ashton closed the huge door after the first made gave him his jacket.

Calum happily walked over his car and well, he might've gotten a few tickets for speeding and for skipping the red lights, but he just couldn't wait to tell Luke the amazing news.

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