Forty Two

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It was stressful. The pain, the negative thoughts, and Arianna's questions.

Doctors were coming in and out of Luke's room, and Calum felt like he would burst any second now.

They've been waiting for at least four hours now. No doctor or nurse would reply to him when he'd ask what's happening with his husband, they'd just walk past him saying, "We'll let you know once we're done. Please have some patience."

"Daddy?" Arianna turned her head to face her dad. "Is Daddy going to be alright?"

Calum nodded,"Of course."

Arianna yawned, and Calum said,"You can sleep on me if you want."

Without saying a word, Arianna put her head on Calum right shoulder and fell asleep once she closed her eyes.

Calum's eyes were starting to burn; from crying too much and not having enough sleep. They've been here since ten a.m. and it's almost one p.m..

Just as Calum's eyes were about to drop close, he heard his name being called.

His eyes shot open, and he straight away sat up straight, making Arianna jolt awake. "Stay here, okay?" Arianna nodded. She got up from her dad's lap, letting him go and sat back down obediently, watching her dad talk to a doctor.

"You're Luke's husband, correct?"


The doctor, Nyka, his tag name read, said,"We are pleased to that your husband and the baby are both fine. Although Luke will have some pain in his stomach, back and legs for a couple of days– maybe even months–, he will get better. Your husband can either stay here for a couple of days, or you both could drop by every three days for a month. I would recommend him to stay here till the baby delivers. It would be better and less painful."

Calum sighed in relief,"Can we please talk about this later? I just want to go in and make sure he's fine myself."

Nyka nodded,"Of course."

Calum went back to Arianna without any other word. "Ari, baby? Do you want to see daddy?"

Arianna's eyes widened. "Yes!"

Calum took her hand and in they went to see Luke. Calum was nervous, he was too nervous to open the door. He had stopped his crying, but he knows once he see Luke in that bed with monitors all around him, he knows he'll break down and cry. He doesn't want Arianna to see him in such a mess. She's too young to go through this.

"Daddy?" Arianna tugged at his hand. "Why won't you open the door?"

Calum kneeled in front of her, holding both of her tiny hands in his huge hands,"What you're going to see in there is going to be nasty and hard. You don't have to go in if you don't want to, okay? I can always ask Ashton to come pick you up."

Arianna, being the little kid she is, asked,"Why is it going to be nasty Dad? What happened?"

"It just will be, okay? I'm going to have to ask you to stay strong for me and Daddy Luke, yeah?"

Arianna, still not understanding what her daddy meant, nodded like she understood.

Calum kissed her forehead, and got up. He opened the door without second thoughts and they went in with Arianna behind Calum.

Calum's heart broke at the view in front of him. His husband's face was pale, pale enough where you'd mistaken him for a doll.

He let go of Arianna's hand, and went by to his husband. He kneeled in front of him, and grabbed his hand, kissing it.

"Gosh Luke, I hate myself for this," Calum closed his eyes. His eyes burned. "This is all my fault. If I just had used protection..." He kissed his hand again. "I'm sorry. I'm so, so sorry." He cried into his hand. "You don't deserve this. You're going through so much pain, and it hurts me knowing there's nothing I could do. All I do is watch you hurt." He couldn't continue. His heart hurt too much. But he can't cry. Not in front of Arianna.

His shoulders shook violently. He couldn't stop the tears from running out of his eyes. "I'm so, so sorry, Luke." He needed to shout. To yell. He needed to let all his pain out.

Once he couldn't control the need to yell, he covered his mouth with his hand, and yelled out a muffled shout. He banged his head against Luke's bed. He tightened his grip on Luke's hand, and yelled out again, letting all he had in him out.

"Calum? Calum!" He felt two strong arms wrap around his stomach, and standing him up.

"Calum, it's okay. Luke's going to be fine."

Calum still cried, yelled and fiercely tried to get out of his grip. Ashton turned him around and embraced him in a tight, warm hug. Calum still thrashed in his hold.

"It's all my fault! If-if it weren't for m-me, Luke wouldn't be lying here. It's all m-my fault! Let me go!" He shouted.

"Calum!" He felt Ashton letting him go, but suddenly felt a sharp sting in his left cheek. And another one in his other cheek. "Listen to me!" Ashton grabbed both of his cheeks. "This is not your fault! You did not plan for this to happen! You get me? Don't you dare blame yourself from something you couldn't prevent!"

Calum had stopped crying right when Ashton slapped him. All he could do was nod.

Ashton embraced him again. Calum closed his eyes, feeling them burn once again. He couldn't be bothered to hug Ashton back.

Ashton pulled back. "You're tired, let's put you to sleep."

There was a small couch beside Luke's bed, and Ashton laid Calum on it. Calum couldn't bother telling him he could lay down by himself.

"Where's Arianna?"

"With Michael," he answered. "Now, shush, go to sleep."

Calum didn't care how Ashton and Michael knew about Luke and him being in the hospital (he was certain Arianna called them, as he couldn't feel his phone in his pocket), he's never been thankful for their existence as he is right now.

Calum decided to stop thinking, and closed his eyes, as he needed sleep to function properly. Last thing he felt was a kiss on his forehead.

If there was a contest for the most horrible writer ever, I'd definitely win first place.

I'm so fucking sorry omg. Writing this chapter has me thinking about how much I miss writing oh my god.

But hey guess who's kind of back!!:-)

I swear to god this time (pinky promise!) I'll try all I have to update every single week— it won't be easy since my finals have started (don't even ask about how I always end up writing when I have exams ok)

Thank you if you still actually like this story and will go on with reading it even though the writer is a fucking douchebag!!!! I love you all (even though you hate me but that's ok)

Until next time xx

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