Forty Three

208 19 1

When Calum opened his eyes, he was confused at first. But then remembered where he was and why he was here.

He rubbed his eyes. His heart jumped when he saw Luke. His eyes were opened and he was looking at him with such fond it made Calum emotional.

He quickly rose up to his feet, and kneeled beside Luke's bed, taking his hand into his hand.

He kissed his hand,"How are you feeling?"

Luke shrugged.

Calum clearly looked at his husband's face. He was pale, and the bags under his eyes were on full display.

Calum kissed his forehead, and put their foreheads together. "I love you so much." Luke gave him a tight smile.

Luke pulled Calum off, and patted the bed, a signal for Calum to come and lay down next to him.

"Are you sure?"

Luke nodded. With pain shooting throughout his whole body, he scooted and gave Calum some space for him to lay down.

Calum laid down next to him, putting his one of his leg on top Luke's leg and the other laying beside Luke's other leg. He draped his arm over Luke's big belly.

He leaned down and gave a kiss to Luke's belly — their first baby boy.

Luke intertwined their hand together. Calum kissed his hand again.

"You're exhausted. Go to sleep. I'll be right here when you wake up."

Calum knew Luke was grateful when he tried to smile. Without another word, Luke put his hand against Calum's shoulder and fell asleep.


Not even twenty minutes later, Calum woke up to a sound of throat clearing.

His eyes slowly opened, and when they adjusted to the light, Calum saw the same doctor from earlier — Nyke — standing in front of their bed.

"Oh, shit. Sorry." Calum slowly got off of Luke, whom was still asleep soundlessly. Calum slid up the covers whom slid off as he was getting off. "Sorry– uh, yeah?"

"I would advice you to not sleep on there again. Our patient is already in pain. Scooting around a lot would cause much more pain than he already has."

Calum looked down at his feet shamelessly. He knew that.

"If I recall correctly, I spoke to you before?"


"Have you two decided yet?"

"Um, no. Luke woke up only about half an hour ago, and when he woke up, he asked me to sleep next to him. Then he fell asleep." Nyke nodded in understanding.

"If you two decide that he shall stay home instead of here, his walking will be hard. Due to the baby, he has back and leg pains. —"

"Why? Usually pregnancies only have back and stomach pains. Why does he have leg pain?"

"Since he's a male, and male's chance at getting pregnant is close to none, the pain will be out of ordinary and the usual. He might also have a lot of headaches and would feel like throwing up ninety-nine percent of the time."

"But when the baby is out, he'll feel better, right?"

"Since it's the baby who's causing all this mess, yes, we believe so."

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